Monday, April 5, 2010

CPS Cancelled My Son's Visit Last Minute (AGAIN)

It's happened again. Another last-minute Monday cancellation. They told me they were changing the visits to Wednesday and Thursday and they haven't.

This is probably the 20th time or more, in the last 4 months, that this has happened.

They gave zero notice and I have serious doubts about the sudden "illness" of the monitor Anne. It was at the very last minute. I could tell other people in town were shocked and I believe something has happened to my son again. This was another attempt to punish me for blogging about things.

How many times have these visits been cancelled at the very last minute? There is no way in all of hell and heaven, that this is normal. They are cutting the visits down to nothing.

I am not going to the psychiatrist. I am suing the fucking SHIT out these workers.

The other thing I was doing was looking up rules for filing a complaint against the law firm that last held onto this case for months. Some people in this town have been monitoring every single fucking thing that I do and they saw that I was trying to file a complaint

I didn't cry or get angry. I'm not getting mad this time. I'm getting even.

I filled out a release form for records that I asked for MONTHS before these state workers went after my son and started lying about me. I was getting ready to file a complaint and another Fair Hearings against the state workers and this was before they went after my son. I filed out a request and release to have all records sent to me and they didn't give me records. Instead, they leveraged a campaign to go after my son. The same social worker, Tina Thornton, who I was going to file against, started working for CPS. All of a sudden, doctors I was going to sue for malpractice and the state workers had muliple incentive to go after my son.

I NEVER got those records. They took my son and I never got them.

So I filed out another request today. I asked for any and all records from 2004-2008 and asked that they be immediately collected. I got a stamped proof of my request.

I am filing against that law firm and lawyer.

I also made an appointment to get my fingerprints taken so I can request all of my FBI and state and other FOIA records so I can find out if there's any shit in those records.

I got to the cafe and the first song that came to mind was "Halo" by Beyonce. I want to sing this one.

Those state workers? They're getting their fucking Fair Hearing that I planned long before they took my son. They owe me $1,000 in expenses for driving to medical appointments they told me I had to go to, which they said I would be reimbursed for. That's not all. I am filing about the fucking conflicts of interest prevalent in this town. My counselor was best friends with that social worker.

At the first hearing I went to, distraught about my son, a bunch of fucking SHREWS were there. Almost all of them women, and women who were PISSED I was going to take them to Fair Hearing again and that I won the first one.

I said to someone in the offices, "Maybe it's time for a change of the color guard." But I have no guard in mind at all. Whoever has bent over backwards to help my son is who deserves to be recognized. Unfortunately, I might never know. I feel loyal to my family and also to those whoever they are, have secretly tried to work for my son. I am indebted, even though the odds have been terrible.
In spite of this, I had fun shopping for my son this morning.

I got him a cocoa and I had a coffee. I got him his organic milk and a salad. I also bought some toys. In the last visit he went over the book about trucks and said he wanted a "fun truck" when I read the descriptionn of a truck that was on these ridiculously huge tires. I do not like those trucks but what my son wants, he gets. I mean, if I can give him what he wants, according to his own tastes and not mine and respect that, I think that's good parenting. Hopefully when he's older he'll drive something else, but I respect his right to choose for himself what is cool or fun. So I got him a "fun truck" on those enormous wheels. I also got him a dragon car that changes color in the water bc I thought it was cool now that I know I'm an 1/8 (?!) welsh, and so is my son (?!). I also got him diego cars, because he likes that latino cartoon and I got him paddles with the balls that you bounce around which were Toy Story and a Toy Story cell phone. I also got a play-dough factory for him since he enjoys making things.

I left the playdough factory and "fun truck" there for him so I don't have to carry it for Wednesday. I was going to get this skateboard too, but I forgot to grab it after I picked out the fun truck. The tires are as big as the truck itself and it says, hahaha, it was the only one that size..."bounty hunter" on the side.

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