Friday, April 2, 2010

Destressing Before Doing Legal Work--someone crying

If it seems like I'm goofing off I am. I am very stressed and have to destress first and then I'm attacking all these papers. I was going to get some things printed today but too distracted by stress. So I'm doing it Monday.

I guess I wrote this because I sense someone is crying. For the last 10 minutes or so. Don't cry for me Argentina because it's not over, if you don't listen to what they say.

I hope it's not my son. But I sensed someone very sad or feeling trapped or defeated and shouldn't. Great job whoever you are.

I found the official cure video for the song. Just Like Heaven. This is one I can use and write to, and not be distracted. I think I listened to it a million times in D.C. It's got the driving beat and then it ends up almost like a white noise canvass after awhile. Perfect for writing when fatigued.

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