Monday, April 19, 2010

Dream About My Mother On T.V. & My Son

I don't know if things did go very well for me today. I am not feeling it really, not right now. Maybe God has a Plan B for me I hope, I don't know what is going on. I do hope something good will happen and maybe it did and I don't know yet.

I fell asleep bc I was so tired and newly sunburned with a farmer's tan and don't have a way to get my things and no fucking car, etc.

I fell asleep and had this very descriptive dream of my mother on T.V.

In my dream I was watching T.V. and all of a sudden, there was my MOTHER on T.V.

I have never had a dream like this before. I was sitting there, watching frickin' T.V. and here comes my mother, riding a fucking horse dressage and going around posts and jumping.

I sat there shocked, wondering what in the world my mother was doing on television and horse events too. So I kept watching, noting how she was doing fairly well, and I checked to see how her seat was, how she was posting, and how tight and aligned her thighs were.

She was all by herself, not in a competition or anything, just going around a course. So I kept watching and I watched the whole program, and she took her jumps conservatively and then at the end she let the horse go and was off and the horse just took off on a jump of its own, for kicks and went fantastically sky-high.

So then the program title comes up and it's "Animal Planet" and I almost dropped whatever I was holding and I said out loud to myself, "ANIMAL PLANET!?!"

I wanted to know what in the world my mother was doing, being televised for Animal Planet.

When I woke up the part which didn't make sense was that during her riding at one point I was noticing her thighs pressed together and she was wearing like pink 3/4 gym stretch pants and when I woke up I thought it didn't make sense because there is a space between your legs when you're posting bc of the horse and yet in this one scene she somehow had no space in between.

There were more trees than on a traditional course too, it wasn't plain space with a few shrubs and fences and hurdles and things, it was more wooded.

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