Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dreams Last Night

I don't remember. I had a few, but I can't remember. I do remember, that before I fell asleep I was watching a special about Pakistan (globetrotter) and had just come back from an evening walk to the store. I took a turn and I end up in front of a jeep with maybe 5 guys in it and one looks like Harry and has a combat helmet on. Seriously. They had the lights on in the car. All staring at me and goofing off.

I thought about it later and was upset that I hadn't thought to pull my hood down and play my own practical joke. I had gone out with curlers in my hair, sponge rollers, and my hood covered them up completely. I should have walked by and taken the hood off and waved.

I was thinking too, as I'd been joking about the rainbow pony. I was ready to meet Thuh Rainbouw Pouny because my curlers were all rainbow colors. blue, yellow, pink, and orange. I thought too, "Maybe I'M the rainbow pony".

This morning I woke up and two people were up on the hill. Then I saw what looked like 3 marshmallows ascending the hill. It was people but from a distance, in their white puffy whatever they were all wearing, they looked like jumbo marshmallows.

I guess I have one thing to say about Di. I have noticed, a few times, this one photo and I don't know if I've commented or not, but it is very weird. I don't know who took it and where it went, but I made the exact same pose, having never seen this, when I was in high school. It is one where she is upside down on the couch at a ski cabin with her legs up in the air and crossed. I had a photo of the exact same, to the...I don't know. It's exact. Maybe a lot of girls do this pose that way and get a photo but when I saw this, and everytime I do, that's when I think somehow there must be some weird relation.

I am doing the exact same pose, from a couch, with a smile like that, and my legs in the air that way, and crossed at the feet in the exact same way. Someone stole the photo though, a long time ago, and I think the only person who could confirm it was taken would be my friend Monica, because she and I were goofing off, taking photos of one another. Everytime I see that photo...It's really uncanny but for all I know, tons of girls and young women do this too. Maybe it's a thing lots of people do? maybe it comes from having a similiar jungian meyers-briggs profile? i have no idea. It's the photo where the cianti is hanging on the wall. In my photo, if I remember correctly, I was wearing a solid green shirt and a black form fitting just above-the-knee skirt and had black nylon stockings on. They were taken probably senior? year or so between 1990-1992. I had never seen any photos of Di like that and somehow the idea just came to mind along with various other poses. I have a grin on my face, in the same way even. At that time in my life, the first time I really noticed Di ever was when I saw a great photo book on a coffee table at a woman's house in Oregon who I was a nanny for. I thought maybe she was obsessed bc she had Di books all over and I wondered why she'd have one of Diana on display. I just wasn't interested or didn't understand the fuss then and I remember her talking about Diana to me and how she related to her because she was a divorced woman, and on and on. That was in 1995 maybe?

Anyway, it is very strange to see that photo. I really wish someone hadn't stolen it because it would be incredible to see them side by side.

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