Sunday, April 4, 2010


I thought maybe I'd start feeling bad or negative energy after writing the last post but I don't!

Everything feels very calm. Calm and sure. Positive and just very level. Nothing dramatic today. Just calm, peace, and positive.

I don't know what was going on that was so bad yesterday but it was horrible.

I was thinking, it was Saturday night so maybe there was some kind of showdown. I don't know. I hope no one I care about was hurt at all.
I listened to this song, Hallelujah, and still, no ups or downs. Just calm.
I got an image of dancing, which I haven't had in a long time. I looked up the song and when it came out and it's pretty new so I don't know who it would be then. Maybe it was just the idea of choreography. Or I might look up Cohen's version too and see if I get the same idea.

I saw it, two people, man and woman in a quiet dancehall or small little ballroom. Sort of dark or dark with only moonlight and actually, somewhat fast moving for the slow moving mood of the song. Still in tempo, but with lots of turns and, for example, at hallelujah, spinning out from an embrace and then turning and back again. i don't know how to describe it. I think I've had this idea before, of dancing back and forth but, I wish I knew the style of dance so I could describe it better. But gradually turning or moving across the floor a lot in sweeping motions, and then turns and unfolding

I guess I'll write this but it will sound weird. I got the idea of angels, or someone saying, "She saw your angels" and the man and woman were both tall and slim but that's all I could make of it.

It is probably just imagination but for one minute, I had my eyes closed, and saw them dancing. I don't know that they are passed away at all, one or both, but maybe it was something for a book, or just something my creative spirit came up with, as a frustrated choreographer who will never be. :) I got the sense of angels as "guardians" or maybe passed away or not but guardians. They had formal attire on, like before or after a party, in my imagination I guess. I want to hear the Cohen version though.

When I hear the Cohen version, I get more cheek to cheek style dancing. Close in with one arm out and pressed close.

But the other one I see it as more spiraling out and back and yet I got it as an idea of people from a distant past. I don't know why. As some kind of memory but the song doesn't go that far back, not the version by Buckley at least.

I also got the idea, separate from any of my own associations or connections to anyone I know or study or anything like that--I got the idea that for someone out there, their parents danced to this and died or something. Like both of them died in a car accident. They had some money and/or position. I have no idea why I think this. It just came to my mind. But that's random. Maybe I'm just having inspired thoughts for writing poems or stories. I don't know. I guess the other idea I get is that possibly they are American and work in government. Whoever they are, worked in a government position. But that might be my James Bond imagination going again. ha!

Here's the Cohen version and it has an extra verse:

if they were the angels, they dance on light
cast like dice upon a shadow hall

(i feel a poem coming on but don't know what to do with it yet. i think i have to come back to it in just a bit)
I had to delete the last part bc it sounded weird.
Listening to Nanci Griffith's "Love At The 5 and Dime" other Griffith, and one I listened to and sang often:
"If These Walls Could Speak" and I feel very strong positive energy when hearing it and singing it now. Amy Grant:
I don't know what just happened but something very powerful just happened. And I feel the power like I haven't in a long time. People crying. I feel what they call, the Holy Spirit or annointing on this song right now for some reason. Not to sound weird. It almost sounds better to say "good energy" than the other, but it's very strong right now, right at my heart.

I first listened to Griffith's version, and sang to it, but the one I know best is the Grant version so I clicked on the first one that said Amy Grant.
Now I'm wondering if the computer is overheating. This isn't the "holy spirit" now, I don't think. Maybe someone doesn't like the fact I clicked on this song. ?! I had the image of one young man trying not to cry. Maybe more people too, because I felt it at one point, but now I think someone might just be pissed? at me.

When it was playing my computer went click,click,click and sounded like it was taking pictures or clicking to a new screen but nothing was happening. Now it seems fine. Weird for a minute there.
Then I listened to Grant's "I Will Remember You" and then "Lucky One" because I thought it was her rendition of the Krause song. Then I saw "Breath of Heaven" and clicked on this because I love this song although I think it's more of a Christmas song.

I was watching the video and thought "Oh no, not the nunnery." just kidding. It's a beautiful song though and the part which made me tear up is the painting of the woman on her knees with arms outstretched to the sky.
This Heart by Griffith was the next one. There's me, riding in the back of a truck. Following "You Are The Chosen One"...well I'm not reading into any of this, you know.
I used to have this CD, "The Flyer".
I haven't heard all of her songs, and
I have a "guest" here right now and this guy is something else. The first night here something happened which I haven't even gone into yet. Nothing of a sexual or other nature. Something else. Then he puts out this symbolic stuff all over too.

Stuff implying Harry, Prince Harry, has some interest in me. And "Joy" and that's all over the place in this town lately on online for me for whatever reason. So he drags me out, wearing a black and white get-up with a shirt that says "George Washington" on it and "21" beneath it. He has a concealed weapons permit and I told him he couldn't bring any guns in the house of any kind.

My sweater disappeared with HIM, to my knowledge. I don't believe anyone else was down here at that time.

His car got towed but it's not my responsibility and anyway, he said he would be working until 12 midnight all the time and I had to check to see if this was true and it wasn't. I called the place of work and they told me something different.

Anyway, I'm sure everything will work out for him.
I have the computer overworking thing going on right now. It basically affects my heart more than anything at this part and it's not a "warm fuzzy feeling". It's technology and it's obvious. I know the difference and there's a big difference.

This is another song I got by Grant...going through a lot of her older stuff. This one made me think of my son, bc of the boy in the video. Very 80s.

here's one from bipolarforjesus. no, it's not me. and no, i'm not bipolar either. i deliberated about posting this one, but it's a song i sang at someone's re-marriage. they divorced and got back together and i had the CD too.
Song Of Reconciliation:

"One" by Johnny Cash (with I Corinithians 13):

End of the night. "Love Stinks" I don't know why it came to mind. Someone sent me a message I guess. Anyway, this made me laugh. This video.
I guess I'll rewrite this. I was reminded by something I talked about in Portland, Oregon over the phone and to others I believe. I talked about how much I hate the white stuff that goes with the carnations, 80s's breath I guess it is and it came to mind when the girl wearing turquoise gave a bouquet to Queen at church today, full of baby's breath. It made me think about my conversations about it and thought it was quite the bouquet. Very cute girls.

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