Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hearing Missed

I am confused because someone posted they saw I missed a hearing date and I know I did, but the CASA guy came in to tell me it wasn't about me and was about the father and not concerning me.

So if it was about the father, it would be about parental right notice and termination through publication of notice.

He said he wanted to talk to me for "2 minutes" but my son was right there and it was cutting into the visit and if it wasn't concerning me it has nothing to do with me.

If it DOES, and I wasn't informed about it, or I was supposed to be there when I have NO transportation (my bus passes are not with me because of trespass and eviction and vandalism of my property by former landlord), and when I have no calendar or legal papers with me, and no housing, I don't believe it is justified that I be expected to even be there when I have these things going on.

I am dealing directly with crime, and being terminated from housing without cause, and anxiety, and there is no way whatsoever that I could be there.

The last time I talked to a lawyer, there was a termination trial to be set for off in the future to give time to prepare and no termination can be done without providing services first.

So I really don't know what I would have missed, if I WAS supposed to be there, that would affect me.

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