Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hillary Clinton Today--U.S. Nuclear Policy/U.S.-Russia

Watched a little bit about the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy with Robert Gates and Hillary and wanted to say I thought the scarf and pearls were very pretty. I really liked the colors in the scarf. I also thought she looked attractive but a little bit tired and I like her hair better a little shorter--chin length because it lifts up a little more and is still feminine. But I have no idea why I care to write about this.

I have no idea why I am watching this. But what's weird is that the negative energy went away and I don't know why. Or maybe it did after my last post. I don't know.

Something about ending the cold war. From The Pentagon.

First Hillary spoke and then Jim Miller and then Gen. James Cartright.

I feel very good energy right now but I don't know if it's from this post or the last one, or what I'm watching or that someone is watching with me or someone is just praying for me or what. But the negative energy lifted and it's like someone or people are praying.

Now it's Ellen Taushcher. I think they're mainly talking about Russia and China.

Oh, it's the U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Treaty.

For whatever reason, I feel connected to something or someone good. Vladie laddie? Hmm, I have no idea. But very good and very strong positive energy.

Then it was Thomas D'Agosostino. Oh, I'm watching C-SPAN.

Thom Shanker from NYT asked question . Another guy, I'm doing a great job of analysing this. But I just came in on it. It sounds good, in general. Sort of about stockpiling and things and where they want to put money and where they'd like to make unilateral cuts with other nations.
Then it went to something called 40 minutes. Matthew Bunn with Harvard and I hope I'm not fulfilling part of mind control to turn there. Just kidding. A woman there has a necklace on that is very similiar to one I was given by a Japanese woman, made out of Jade but mine was shorter. No connection, obviously. Just noticed and remembered the gift I was given.

Nice English accented man spoke up to ask a question. I liked his question. A Mr. John Barry.

This Harvard guy is holding up a disc which remeinded me of an image I had before I got up to watch C-SPAN. It was of men playing hockey. This disc that he's showing is the same size of a hockey puck but it was used to speak about nuclear material that are in discs like that. But he said the one he held was made of aluminum.

I had an image when I was lying down (why am I mixing this up with this post?)...anyway, the first image I had when I laid down to nap, having felt exhausted and distressed, was of small white and maybe yellow flowers next to the earth and a close up view of them. Maybe daisies and then I saw several shapes of men or women but I think men and the shapes were pure white. The shapes of the people were trading places. It was a strange series of images.

First, it was the flowers close to the earth and then it was hockey and at the end, the shapes of bodies but I don't know what the context was. I don't know that they were connected ideas either but possibly separate. The flowers were outside in a grassy spot.

It sounds like a few people have the same cold some have had over here. There was one cough-cough in the first C-SPAN meeting, which was torwards the end after I was watching and then this one quite a few but some of these reporters are international so I wonder if the cold is just going around a little bit on the East Coast.

When I wrote about having an image of hockey, I heard a spoon clatter to the ground. I actually don't know that it was a spoon but some kind of silverware, I think.

I don't know...the feeling is leaving. The good energy or prayer. Maybe it was just my other post or the feeling of prayer at that moment. That is probably it. However, I was having some computer overheating issues too. Mild and then it quit. It hadn't happened all day today until a little bit ago but it was for a short period.

This man, Matthew Bunn, looks so familiar but I don't know why. Maybe it's that he sort of looks like Dreyfuss?

I think a french woman (? not completely sure about accent, didn't hear which country) asked questions..maybe she was German. And then I appreciated hearing a question from Kazatstan (msp) because I guess they completely got rid of their stockpiles and have a unique perspective, and then someone from Canada. I really love the English accent. I felt like blowing a kiss to the international people. I miss being around people from different countries, it's just fun to find out about the different interests and how they do things in their own countries. Nice to hear from Canada too.

Now a Thomas Kean on intelligence prep. Never heard a conference about intelligence so I guess I'll watch this and then something else. It's a Dennis Blair on reform efforts.

This one guy that the camera went to, propped up a white cell phone and I had just been thinking about the images I had, how I'm seeing 3 programs and the image sort of fits each program but again, I'm sure it's coincidence.

I mean, the first one, I don't know how U.S.-Russia nuclear stuff relates to daisies near the earth or grass, but they were, oh I forgot mention, sort of moving in the wind or breeze. I saw a motion with them but that was it.

Then, the second program was where the guy held up a disc that looked like a puck and the second image I had was of hockey.

And then the last image was of white shapes of people and this was the last image I had and that's what this 3rd program is about--it's about people in intelligence.
The camera panned to a couple drinking from green bottles and when I turned on this station, all the green lights in town came on. Seriously.

In the last image I had, about the white shapes which were bodies, I'll describe it. It wasn't body bags and I didn't have an impression of alive or dead at all. But they were like full on shapes of bodies but instead of being shadow black with a white background, the background was black and the shapes were white and for example, one moved across the other one, ahead, and they were trading places. No faces or any detail at all. I've never seen anything like it before. Like cardboard cut-outs in a way with distinct edges but moving around, I think, in a line possibly.
saw some yellow and blue folders when everyone was leaving.

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