Thursday, April 15, 2010

Huge Problems (worse than I thought)

I just had another person tell me my phone service has been down. Apparently, I've been able to call OUT, but no one has been able to call ME.

A couple of individuals might have been able to get through but I've talked to at least 4-5 people now who say they called and went directly to my voicemail which isn't even set up.

I was trying to get ahold of one guy, and supposedly he's called and it doesn't ring on my end and he says it goes to VM and then I just got email from an old good friend who says she tried calling several times, in the last week or so, and more problems. Same thing.

So not only have I had my receipt of email being blocked, I've had incoming calls blocked.

That's in addition to full blown harassment and run around from government workers.

I am not kidding and I would not make this up. I'm not exaggerating either.

And people wonder why I'm having a hard time, as if it is MY fault.

I have people here, too, making jokes about boiled eggs and being hardy and fire and that kind of thing, the guard telling me to name my next child "hardy". He said this to my face today. These people think that I was pregnant and with my talk about egg donation and then what's been going on, they think what is happening to me and my son is funny.

And then they act so shocked when people literally end up dead. As if this kind of sick thinking is not a precurser to every other insensitivity and cruelty. They don't care if people, including children, are tortured--they will even joke about it and be happy about it. But they act like it's shocking for someone to actually turn up dead. The only shocking part is that these people don't seem to make the connection that there is no difference between the two, and that torture is actually probably worse.
now I've tried calling 2 different numbers for pizza places that are take out and it's just ringing and won't even go to answering machine.

Now I've called Walgreen's which is 24 hours, and get someone who says they can't make outgoing calls (when I want to see if my phone is working correctly) but that maybe "Charlie can help you". So before clicking me over to Charlie, they say, loud enough for me to hear: "transfer out."

No one says this for transfering a call. Not at Walgreens or anywhere else. So then I'm waiting for Charlie to call and no call is coming in which I find difficult to believe, that the phone is not working.

I asked for a different number and it said they were closed and when I clicked on the option for the nearest 24 hour place I got transferred to a different message that said they are only open 8-5 and give flu shots.

Then I went to Charter Communications and the man answering the phone told me his name was Antonio and when I asked for his customer service ID# he refused to give it to me. I said before we proceeded, it was customary to provide that number and the call was being recorded (their end) so it shouldn't be a problem. I asked to speak to a supervisor and instead of giving me to a supervisor, he put me through to a voicemail that said to call during "Eastern Standard Times". I am calling from PST.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't make any difference if you're calling from PST. Most every place I've called lately, the hours have been EST and to call during those hours. I live in PST so I figure out the time difference and call during EST.
