Monday, April 5, 2010

Latest Trick & Sad Vibe (photo of welsh dragon)

I bought this for my son this morning before our visit (which was cancelled) at around 8:30 A.M. or so.

I could NOT get these photos to load. And, they didn't appear in order. They showed up framing my shot of me with the dragon or cat claw. It would be nice to know I'm not one enormous joke. Psychic to the royals? just kidding. ;) Oh, scroll down to the end so this makes sense. But you see? I'm innocent. I'm not a witch. I had a normal train of thought. Now birds are singing outside my window and I'm not delusional. They really are. Anyway. I am trying to load the dragon car I got my son. Oh! but note: I looked up the history on this hea-uah draAgun and look at the leash! I was just looking up the crests and about the symbolism of the unicorn chained which was pretty cool, and then this came up. I will be honest again. I WAS going to put up the Easter Sunday one and decided no, I don't think so. It is of a woman riding a man. Thuh Rainbouw Pounie I feared would be a fearsome image and not only that, I then read the history and thought someone was going to think poor Charles had some idea about me. Oh well, I get I'm a good decoy. Meanwhile, wedding plans probably afoot and I sound like a nut. I just noticed, there is a little red bird in the left corner of the tapestry. Very cute.

I felt good energy until about a half hour ago. Then sad again.

Then I clicked on the next song which was "The Latest Trick" which I've not heard before. It fits the mood I guess. I was smiling and then I think I have to delete something again.

Some of these people out there, really can read my mind somehow. At least a little bit. And I'm not intentionally doing any of the things which have happened. I even, this will sound strange, but this morning after leaving the cafe, I thought, I'll bet someone wants to make the "key" to unlock the trap door..."keybank" came to mind for some reason. I'm not lying. I then walk to the baseball field to get some sun and right in front of me is a huge sign that says "keybank".

I'm not saying that has ANYTHING to do with the thing my son was talking about but the connection between keybank was in mind and then I was in front of the sign.

After this, a huge military helicopter sounds and I look and it's enormous and not far from me.

Then I saw the bus with the burro on it and yeah, that was sad. I don't want anything to change. It wasn't a bad week before aside from the monitor not showing up and that's inexusable. In the meantime, my son is being tampered with and brainwashed. Just wait. Just wait 'til I see him next

Also, it's a little weird, this W. Virginia mine explosion. The media keeps putting up the town name of "Charleston" and my Dad was born in that state and it's just sad. But then what's sort of weird, is the Senator is a Rockefeller which...I don't know if he's from the same Rockefellers who funded mind control research.

The thing is, people can be very connected or have "psychic" energy or ability to read eachother and yet that does NOT mean they are friends. Just because a couple can "connect" that way doesn't's really fascinating, but you could get a group of Chinese, Russian, Israelis, English, and Americans who are all psychic and have them connecting with eachother but not necessarily meant to be together or from the same "team" or maybe not even with the best interests in mind. Which is why these groups in gov. positions also do things like train how to block psychics from projecting thoughts and controlling things.

This is a gorgeous song--"Latest Trick" really beautiful. The sax in this one is very moody.

But back to what I was saying, it would be really amazing to connect with someone in this way or just a common interest and sense of humor level, but you have to be careful not to mistake one thing for another thing, and I don't know. I can't sort it out yet. I think I might have a soulmate or connection that is not just that, but could be very true and sincere and real, in a lot of ways but it makes me wonder about a lot of things.

I guess the actual town is Whitesville, W. Virginia, not "Charleston" (which is just larger). A lot of white cars around here yesterday and day before, nd white zinfandel stuff. What's werid though, now looking, is that the symbol for the mine company is "PC" Like a monogram. And then there's a big "M" too. I'd like to know what the cause of explosion was.

I really don't know. I just want my son.

I'm very honest when it comes to these things. I don't ever try to control others ever, and I wouldn't even know how to. I believe some of the things I get and that happen, are truly from God and I pray about it too, but sometimes, I feel like I'm having ideas projected to me, which isn't good or bad, but it's trying to figure it out and filter things and from my own natural imagination too.

The weather has been so off and on. One minute very cloudy and almost rain and then it's all sun.
I just checked headlines and it's about 5 pm? will check. At any rate, charles, harry, and william could be found but the queen elizabeth news was not there.

I am seeing Jane Fonda right now. she looks so good!

Oh, so headlines...mmm, for harry chelsey news just came up but he's had a lot of publicity in the last week on his training. I really think it's so great! that he has done so well. I don't know what happened. Application? and then I looked up William and usually he doesn't come up at all, his news has been hidden from me forever. So I clicked on some "plucky" news and it sounds like plans changed to wales for his training! no connection, but last night I clicked on Wales, wiki, (or maybe it was day before?) to read about the country. I think it was last night. I figured I should know what the country colors were and some other things, for myself and my son.

I guess ...

Ohmigosh, watching Larry King with Fonda and she nicely, kindly admitted to having plastic surgery and wow, who was her guy? or woman? she looks so natural. I don't think I'd ever have anything done unless it was someone fantastic bc otherwise, maybe there could be serious problems.

anyway, I was sidetracked.

Guess I'll post my dragon. I saw April 5, 2010, on my calendar, there was a dragon and I stared at this after looking up Wales. Dragon, dragon, and then I'm looking at the photo I took of myself with a claw and I meant "cat" by it, wasn't thinking dragons at all and then I looked up Wales to see which claw is held up by the dragon. Same one. I guess I was channeling Wales. You know, what started it all, was this idea that came to my mind when I saw this Wal-mart ad about "dragon caught in Wal-mart on surveillance" and it made me think about me and my son, how we were tracked down at Wal-mart and for some reason, I thought about the photo I'd just taken of myself. I was trying to be a clawing cat. That was the idea. But then I thought, I wonder if I'm looking like a dragon?

(the dire straits of my mind is not to compared with the worth of rubies)

Why am I even explaining my train of thought about dragons anyway? I don't know. Maybe it's because I wonder if I picked up on anything going on in England? I guess, yeah, I could be so bold as to wonder. I don't know, half the time, what I'm picking up, but I do know I pray for them so maybe sometimes they come to mind for a good reason, or bits and pieces do, not that it changes my own life at all.
Don't watch clips usually but this one shows Harry as sort of quieter and seeming very sweet but I don't say it in a condescending way. It's sort of like they take turns. I've seen a clip (the skiing one) where he seemed, Harry, very much king and confident and taking questions from reporters and then other times like here, William is more outspoken. Oh but look at THIS...their seating. No wonder. Those two guys positioned themselves directly in front of Charles and Williams, leaving the pillows across from Harry. Hmmmph. I'm sure they didn't think about it, but the body language there implies they want answers from those two so of course.

Now I understand what sometimes bothered Diana, maybe. It's not that big of a deal and I think its less like this now, but now I get it.

I just happened upon it, wasn't searching at all. But that's the only one I'm going to watch. Nice to do so on rare occasions but feels too weird to do it very much.
I cannot stay connected to music now. It keeps cutting in and out.

Sang to Black Eyed Peas, never listen to them but I don't know why not...they're good. Sang to Meet Me Halfway but I really didn't have any kind of feeling or connection with anyone in mind at all. Just sang and felt solo, not in a bad way, just that it didn't mean anything kind of song. Trying to figure out how to write some things and have spent a lot of time constructing ideas in my mind for what to do and when. I feel a real absence tonight, of any vibe really. Nothing bad at all, just nothing pressing. Relaxed and same ole thing. Really, I just feel like dancing and haven't gone clubbing for awhile and miss it when I hear music like this. Flo Rida with T-Pain and Black Eyed Peas, all that. I don't know though, I liked that one song but I can't get into the rest. I have the news about the mine blast on and feel sort of sober about that but also, just a feeling like something died type of a thing.

I came back to the house and my toilet paper had been taken, and there was "brown" stuff at the bottom (not from me) and then just now someone left the toilet seat up with a long brown hair across it. No one here has long brown hair. Not that long.

There are other things I'm sort of concerned about such as my absolute loss of creativity and drive and ability to focus. I feel like someone really tampered with something and I don't know if I should have been guarding my food better or what. Also, for pregnancy, I've had strange issues with migraine and period and everything and yet I am. So I question this.

I don't know. I'm going back to The Cure for now. It helps me focus, that song, Just Like Heaven. Oh it's cutting in and out, but already, feels better. I don't know what it is with this song.


Anonymous said...

any vibes on the next episode of lost? it's on tomorrow and i hate surprises. i hope penny is okay and that desmond doesn't get hurt by her mean father. i'm worried because he's back on the island and they keep calling him the "package." also there's this chick on the show who looks like a stern tina fey, but in a non-hot kind of way. she seems like bad news.
lost vibes please.

Mama said...

hey anonymous, howdy.

well, i don't watch lost, but i was thinking sometimes i feel kind of lost so maybe i channel lost anyway?

i did some hard thinking and came up with this free psychic bit: there's this woman named hespera who saddles up a pony that kinda sounds like mr. ed, and then these other riders are trying to throw her off because they call her hespera. and then, see, this new guy comes onto the island in a big 10 gallon hat and everyone wants him off bc he doesn't fit in and do what they want so they try to tell him he's a chef not a cowboy and they try to ride him because they don't have anymore ponies left, now that they were driven into the ocean by the pack. so penny is the one with green hair right? and desmond is the jokey guy with the long beard who calls himself a male slut? well the slut guy desmond and tina fey might get together and try something out because they have no better options--what can you do when you're on an island right. i hope they bring a lot of protection for those reality people. so then after this, the non hot tina fey talks about pulling the entire royal family into one big reality show where they get filmed like ozzy osbourne and sharon osbourne and the non hot tina actually says in this next episode that the queen is the one with the "lovely t's" and sharon osbourne didn't know what she was talking about, thinking camillias are the whole enchilada and a plate of beans too.

mmm, beans. i'm hungry. feeling bean vibes.

Mama said...

oh, disCLAIMER!

i wanted to say i MIGHT have had my vibes and directional channels crossed in some way because i don't always know where my info is coming from. i'm kinda a cross between myself, mk-ultra ULTRA (phase 5), diana, queen, anne of green gables, a chihauhau, cat, dragon, mrs. butterworth, lady marmalade, and phyllis diller. femme nikita on a good day, and you don't want to be around me on a bad day.

So really, i have no idea who could have been sending what message to which persona.

but if you'd like to set up an appointment, i charge between $30-$60/hr (i'm a beginner) and we could try to figure things out.

ya wanna do it over the phone? might have to figure out credit card payments or you could send me the money western union.

if you have a scratch on your face by next tuesday, it wasn't me. you did it to yourself in your sleep.

careFUL YOU!