Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This Morning

What a nightmare. I think this guy that I allowed to stay here just came in to cause trouble and that was it. He came in with a concealed weapons permit, and I question why he has one of those. I mean, weapon sure, but concealed? and then he just did a lot of weird stuff while he was here, never flushed the toilet and this morning left the microwave light on in the microwave and had to specifically turn it on to do this. Had all the lights off except for the microwave light and he didn't microwave anything this morning.

You know what's strange too is that last year, about this time, I met these "Costco" vendors, food vendors, at a time when I was getting screwed over with my son and I had just separated with my ex. This was when I was in San Francisco after I took the flight where everyone toasted with beer and it seemed very depressing. SO I go to S.F. where I was followed all over the place and the guy tried to stiff me with his own bill and a car bill too when it was all his. These Costco food vendors came out of the woodwork--the Marilyn Monroe one, the circus performer, etc.

So bad things happening again, at the exact same time of year when I'm getting screwed over with my son again and who shows up but a Costco food vendor again.

I wish I could talk to my uncle Tom and Dad. I also think there is some group that really wants to screw me over.

I don't care about royalty or non-royals or anything except people who are real, here, and who I can trust. I am meeting too many people without having any idea what they're about and who they're connected to and they're screwing with my life.

The first night he was here my stomach was acting up the whole time, that night and just doing really weird things until I heard him get up and leave. When he got up and got things together, it totally quit. It was something that I noticed when I was on the East Coast, but I don't know for sure what it might have been from. All I know is that the first night, I thought it was really strange that it just quit when he happened to get up and rummage around.

I am trying to figure out why certain people are still trying to screw me over.

What am I supposed to tell the psychiatrist? There is no way for me to explain how things got out of control for me without going into why some groups may have felt threatened by me. What other explanation do I have?

I had some who always didn't like me and then others who were all over my ass, trying to keep me from getting close to, I guess what they felt to be their assets. I was tailed constantly by two groups, and mainly Jewish or sometimes Catholic. Some of the Jewish liked me but I felt they liked me in the sense that as long as I stayed away from their territory. I think some of them felt guilty because they knew I was a nice person in general but they didn't want me to get inbetween their plans. I saw some even crying, but it was like, I don't know. I had a lot of false leading. One legal group saying they'd help me and the minute I wasn't marrying Alvaro, sarcastically giving me their logo about how they would give me the world. One followed me into the courthouse on the day I was going to get married to Alvaro.

Later, the same guy who is smearing me around town is telling me not to pray for any miracles again. He took my jacket and then ...

It's like at some point, a few wanted to help me just enough to keep me from saying anything, but the main objective has been to keep me without any resources or ability to get on my feet and to keep others from supporting me or aligning with me in any way.

I think some were on my side but the larger agenda was more important. I don't think all were against me, at all, but there was an international incident because internationals were involved, and then I had to be dumped back in a town like Wenatchee where people could be manipulated and no one would really understand. I had people setting me up, on the U.S. side and probably with the support of some other internationals as well but I'm not sure who.

The main people interested in me were English, Israeli, U.S., Russia, and other Middle East. A few Australians, Canadians, and German in the mix and later, I wondered why India too in the West, but not on the East Coast. There were hardly any Mexicans on the East Coast too, that's more West. I guess Italian too but it seemed more like U.S. Italian if any, not Italy Italian. Oh, and Colombia but it was almost like others had even more interest. I met all kinds of people I guess, from all over the world, but certain groups were more interested in me for political reasons I think.

I think I'm going to listen to "Bizarre Love Triangle" now.

He wrote me notes with blue on white paper and then threw out blue ads. It's like he came in to just screw around with me. By that, I mean, mess with me.

I think the housemates knew he was coming over by something they said but I don't know whether they liked him or not.

Something that happened when I brought up the potato and red wine week, was that after this I was kicked out of a lot of places and this was when I considered making a report about something as well. I was given a calendar when I moved in, right after telling my lawyer, Justin, that I hated Norman Rockwell (or didn't like that kind of art). The next place I moved to, I was given a calender someone had had made and it was Norman Rockwell. On the back there is a planting chart for "farming and gardening" and it has samples, featuring the number 4. The calculations are figured for Eastern Standard Time. There are astrological signs on the back and predictions "in accordance with the phases of the moon". I have no idea who produced it though.

The landlord also had a ton of party hats and supplies up on the top room and I have no idea why but it was visible from the stairs.

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