Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lebanese Man's Sorcery Appeal

I watched the video footage of that poor man and his family and had tears in my eyes. He is so skinny and looks so humble, you can see it on his face, in his "confession". I think the confession was provoked and forced and he was promised things or intimidated if he didn't do it. He says it with such resignation and if it was a true confession they said he could "repent" and be free. So where is his freedom?

It doesn't make their court system look very good.

Also, I think the only way they could even charge him with such things, must be because he was actually GOOD or was getting some things right. If he was a fraud, no one would care. But if he was ever predicting correctly or getting things right, then this is what caught their attention.

There are always people who want to demonize psychic gifts, and others who know it is really a gift from God. One persons "witch" or "sorcerer" is a "prophet" to someone else or just a regular person with a gift that anyone could probably ask for, from God

First I was called nuts and it was said I was psychotic or delusional and then when I got too many things right for it to be coincidence, then came the tons of questions about what I do, do I cast spells, do I chant, do I practice witchcraft.

Some people simply have a natural ability and even if they are praying to God, others might call that person a "heretic" or say it's bad, because they don't understand. Probably, his little girl has the same gift.

He was doing a pilgrimage and to most people, even some other Saudi's and their appeals court, he was okay. So it sounds like politics, like that one first court just doesn't want to be wrong and they have put their pride before justice, and that is more offensive in the sight of God, I would think.

Is pride punishable by death?

What about self-righteousness?

I wonder who will call those religious men and the first Judge under charges for being offensive to God for being merciless and judging what they do not know or understand and have not examined in kind and open conversation?

I hope they will get their appeal and he will be pardoned by a king.

I also hope someone tells them to start feeding their prisoners. That is really mean to make anyone starve like that.

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