Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Prayers This Morning

I took a shower and then prayed for protection for myself against mind control or any influence that would not be something God would naturally have for me. Who knows if it will work, but that's what I prayed and then I tried to think of a song for this morning and nothing came to mind--no tune though the desert rose did in the shower, and shape of my heart. then, joseph of arimathea came to my mind and I couldn't find a song about him but this is the closest thing I got. It's not my favorite operatic style though. It's a little too serious, heavy and slow for me, but I guess the message is good. It's the first one I clicked on, bc first came up. Might look for another though.

Then I looked up Joseph of Arimathea on wiki and saw a phrase is attributed to him by William Blake, "and did those feet in ancient times" and found it's connected to that song "Jerusalem" so I guess I'll play that one next.

I played the Jerusalem hymn and felt a sadness but this time I thought, let God's will be done, whatever it may be. Sometimes there is a danger feeling or a bad feeling I get about things and I pray about it but if it's just sadness, maybe it's not something to fear or wish away but to just accept and embrace for whatever it is, as long as there is no dark or negative association. Sadness is nothing to fear. I pray against it and it always lifts or someone's spirits do so I guess I could pray that--that there isn't a sadness, but it's okay to have that too and it doesn't mean that whatever is being worked out is wrong. That's the thought that came to me today, that just because I may run into this pool of sadness now and then, it doesn't mean I have to be afraid of it and bolt in the other direction. Maybe just pray a simple prayer and leave it at that.

Next song I got was Coldplay's "Viva la vida" and it picked up a little bit, the sadness did.

Listened to a lot of Coldplay and then Mary Magdalene came to mind but didn't feel like looking it up right now and then the music of "Baby Can I Hold You Tonight" by Tracy Chapman came to mind so playing this.
at 11:00 a.m. PST I waited for a song and then got nothing so I said, "okay, give me a song that someone else is listening to right now that will shock them, or that they are thinking about." i got "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson.

Problem is, i don't know who was listening to it around 11:00 a.m.-11:01 a.m. i just got it and I am positive someone was listening to it that knows me somehow.
then i thought, how hilarious to think about the guy who pretended to be the father of J. Edwards baby, listening to this song. or how hilarious to have J. Edwards dancing around doing the moonwalk in a skit, denying the baby to his wife. with his hands up at 'hoo! hoo!" and he's in a light khaki suit with a pastel shirt.

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