Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Not Losing My Son Over Being A Threat

I have decided I'm not going to lose my son over covering for things that transpired on the East Coast which put me in further danger and only added to the attempts by some to keep me down and separated from my own son.

I have prayed for the royals and others and feel very sympathetic about things and I feel some wanted to help. But many others got involved and I've literally lost my voice over it and been assaulted and I'm not sure that going on claiming this is just some random thing is going to be convincing in getting my son back.

People do not know why all these things have happened to me. I can't claim all these things have happened if I'm not pointing to motive for some of these things to transpire.

And a lot of what has happened is criminal and has hurt not only me but my son. My son and I have both been harmed in this and what happened was a total hump and dump in my opinion, that I was just left out there in the open with no one even looking out for us, sticking up for us, or speaking up for us. Now I'm supposed to lose my son and try to say I was never medicated against my will and that this hasn't affected me? or that some groups have considered me a threat and wanted to be sure I was made to look as hopeless as possible?

I feel, at this point, what I've seen from the royals is a lot of mockery when what has happened is very serious. I can understand not wanting to "claim" me, but this has been unfortunate for everyone and yet I don't feel my entire life should be trashed because I cover for groups that felt I was a threat to their plans in keeping certain royals together.

My loyalty is not to my country, or to the royals, or to anyone other than my son and I am not going to cheat my son of having his mother when I've been through all this horrid things and I'm stressed out to the extreme and just have people wanting to cover it all up and make a joke of it or call me nuts.

What has happened has been very serious. Most of it has happened at the hands of Americans but there are people who have influenced what has been going on.

I'm not going to say I was never a threat anymore. Because that is not the truth. And as those who would have been helpers have decided to recede into the background to spare themselves, at cost to me and my son, I am not going to sacrifice my son over pretending I have not been in very serious danger.

The thing is, there are people right now who are lying and have been lying about this entire case with my son, but I am sitting here wondering where my defenders are? when look at what we have lost?

What am I expected to do? keep my mouth shut as things get worse for us? if someone or some group is going to help, I would think it would be possible, after all of this, to do more than leaving us to the state, with crappy and lying lawyers, and affected my state of mind and ability to conduct my affairs. Whether it was sincere help or not, it has affected me and who is helping us?

I don't consider letting us suffer like this to be help. My own country is primarily responsible. They have allowed these things to happen.

I can't even go online without, basically, the same thing happening to me that was happening to Diana. At least, what I just recently read was that supposedly people were just trying to "scare" her and they didn't intend for her to be killed.

Yeah, that's what I heard when I got back from Bainbridge and Seattle--but the reverse...no one was trying to "kill" me, I was told maybe I was being given some good "warnings".

I can't go online without getting coordinated advertising and all kinds of crap that is not just harassing, but directly threatening. In the span of a half hour I got a bunch of ads about how to "kill a mockingbird". Netflicks recommended the movie "To Kill A Mockingbird" and then I got an ad that was selected for youtube that was "Live Your Life Under An Umbrella Mockingbird" and more.

I feel what is going on with my life is absolutely inexcusable. There is no defense for it, from any side.

I don't think it's funny. If anyone was trying to "help", I wouldn't be kicked out of every place I try to go to in this horrid town, followed with tons of cars and trucks and other people, inundated with ads that are pointed and harassing and undeniably coordinated, and my son and I would not be fucking tortured either.

I do not think it's funny that the content of my visits with my son gets leaked all over the place, that I've been denied unemployment through unbelievable stalling, that I've been jailed before training for a real job, that I've been deliberately set up and it was hoped I'd go to federal prison, and that I am still lied about and my son brainwashed and harmed and nothing is done about it. Since when am I so noteworthy that all of my private information from state offices goes out to the entire world? And since when did I become so important to have my phone conversations monitored?

I have fucking military that is interested enough in flying large helicopters around me while I'm lying in the sun in a baseball park, for no reason, and other fucking jets going by at low clearances which would normally not pass, and then everytime I turn around, someone is planting an object here or there for me to "find" or comment about as I WERE part of a fucking mind control project.

I'm tired of it and when people know I click on royal news now and then, I don't think it's funny that my comments seem coordinate with royal activities either. Why the HELL is Prince William going to be playing a "dead man" for rescue practice, after I blog about "it's like someone died" and then how do I know someone wasn't monitoring my online activities when I looked up Wales and other things, and then then, even going further back, at some point it was like someone thought Harry was interested in me.

I want my son and I cannot function when I'm deprived of any NORMAL means of getting things done, as I and my son are fucking basically experimented with in the meantime.

I say something about earthquakes and all of a sudden there are major earthquakes all over the place besides, and huge weather problems, but it's just SO hard, isn't it, to return a child to his mother?

No one asked for MY opinion about whether I wanted to be "important" or not. I just want my son and I shouldn't have people FUCKING STEALING EVERY FUCKING THING I OWN FROM ME.

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