Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not Pregnant--Never Was

I said I was pregnant because I thought it might keep someone from doing something with my computer, but no, it doesn't matter. Either someone doesn't believe I am, or they simply do not care at all.

It stopped--someone DID quit for a short time after I said I was. But then just went back to it eventually.

So these people are sickos. Because if they have thought I am pregnant, they have been willing to do this even so, and affect an unborn baby.

I've been celibate for a year.

My feet and legs were swelling and I just passed it off as pregnancy edema but actually, it probably DOES have something to do with my heart or kidneys because there was-is ZERO reason for this to be happening.

It would have been masked by an actual pregnancy, because I would have written edema and swelling off. But since I never WAS pregnant, it makes this very strange and there is no mistakening that something abnormal was-is going on.

Also, I have had perfectly normal periods except for one month where I was just blasted all the time here, with some kind of technology and I had to sleep most of the time because I was so ill. My period almost didn't come at all. But last time I had one, it was totally normal.

I have also been safeguarding what I eat so I know there is no way my eating habits have affected my periods.

What has been happening is something I cannot take care of if I don't have law enforcement or someone with more authority sitting next to me and observing the same thing that I do. This only happens when I'm isolated because I don't have another witness.

I do think it's strange a couple of doctors talked about "menopause" around the same month I didn't have a period but then the month I did, they seemed skeptical about my being pregnant at all. This is why I didn't want to do a urine test. Because I was testing out other things.

I did not have this problem until I spent time with Chris Rozollo. I may have had a few problems with things at this one house I was at, but it was a little different. I didn't have the other problem, until I stayed with him and after that, either he did something to my laptop, or someone decided I was all game after that and they could do whatever they wanted, because that's when I started having problems off and on and people asking "how do you like your laptop?" all the time and looking as though they thought something should be wrong.

I don't want to blame Chris, because it's very possible someone just decided I was a target after I stayed with him. But I have wondered, because that's when the problems began and I never once had this kind of problem on the East Coast. Not ONCE. I had other issues over there, but not this.

So I broke up with Ex in April of last year. One year ago. I was with someone very short term and not with anyone after that, not even in the most remote way. That was it.

So basically, celibate for a year.

And I suddenly had edema? It's because pregnancy would have masked it, so the last couple days someone has been blasting the hell out of me again and I am not lying, not delusional, and not making this up.

I am also pissed that I just talked to a computer person and he said I could take my computer in to some tech guy. I said, "That's not the issue."

I am being treated like some kind of high profile mafia don or spook. And yet, because I'm neither, I have people here who don't believe me and plenty of others who know well what's going on. They do know on the East Coast.

I would have put on the pregnancy act as long as I thought it might save me from being blasted, but these mother fuckers are so SICK they are doing this while believing or under the impression that I AM pregnant. That's not just affecting one life, but 2 lives. And I don't know what else is going on with my son but I am not making this up and I am not going to FUCKING lose my SON

because a bunch of mother fucker criminals have gotten away with doing this to both me and my son. And then, NOW I know, they will stop at nothing and are willing to harm me even if I am pregnant. Or maybe, they thought everything was taken care of the couple of nights I had such horrible stomach pain when I shouldn't have, because I wasn't even pregnant.


And what I have to do, is prove this to some others so I show it's not in my head but something else. I would have gone in, with my hugely swollen legs and feet, if I hadn't been worried they were giving me a pg test before I was ready to be found out.

I would have put on a whole 9 months show if I thought it worked. I was alrready padding the hell out of my bra to make it look like I'd gotten bustier. Next, I would have stuck my stomach out in public.

Which cracks me up right NOW, but I am serious. I also thought someone might take pity and that being pregnant would help me get into a place but what I found out already, was that no one cares. They wouldn't even care if I was pregnant and wouldn't even care about the baby.

Which also means, no one cares about my son.

People killed my twins on the East Coast and they would have happily killed any new baby. And they are willing to harm my son.

I want justice.

I want real, honest to goodness, pure unadulterated justice. I am through with mercy. I want the hand of God to strike so hard heads fucking roll.
Ohhhh, HOW kind! The heating stopped! all for my barren womb! shucks. Thanks. My deformed baby wouldn't have anything kind to say to you, but wow, thanks guys. Fuckers. I am praying, for the first time, a curse on you. Whoever you may be, you have it coming.
Okay, I just erased a part about drinking bc last night I wanted to see if it continued if I claimed to be tipsy and it didn't.

Basically, I discovered someone or a group is and has been using this treatment primarily to keep me from getting things done and to harm.

I also tried to make a report about some things last night but the officer didn't return my call so I have to call him again.

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