Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Overheating From Computer & Heart Problems? Ex-boyfriend

I just had someone write in about edema, sudden and unexplained, being a sign of acute heart problems.

I thought they were joking but they're right I think. This heating thing affects my heart and I feel it there. My son was also talking about how he had an owie in his heart and I believe someone wanted him to say this in particular.

This overheating definitely affects the heart and other muscles of the body because there are fasciculations that come with it.

I have palpitations sometimes from it.

It could be either kidney or heart problems.

I'm wondering why no one in the U.S. is doing anything about this. I don't mean "no one" but here I am watching Pentagon footage and they're talking about nuclear war but can't keep this from happening to me and my son? or they WANT this to happen? some. Not all.

It's one of 3 things. Laptop, something in the house, or satellite. Because it feels directed at my heart so often and not other parts, I would think laptop because that is at chest level. But when it quits, I feel immediate cooling. It is noticeable.

I would like to know why the U.S. thinks they can use me and my son as guinea pigs and stand by while nothing is done.

Now WHY is it, I never once had this problem when I was with my Ex, Alvaro?

Could someone tell me that?

I am just "crazy" when I'm not with him? I don't imagine any of this and yet THIS and all the technology shit STOPPED entirely, when I was with the Colombian ex, so can anyone come with an idea of WHY that might be?

And why is it that most people never experience what I and my son are going through, but WE suffer?

WHY? because we won't sign with a purple pen when someone says we need to sign with a purple pen? or because when I want to use my blue pen someone is yanking it away and telling me to use black?

What kind of country forces people to do this sort of thing or else withholds even employment? and THAT'S not "communism"? I mean, oppression of any form, is not liberty.

It's not "democracy" or even "capitalist" or even socialist even, to allow torture of persons who are independent.

I would think, really now, with ALL of the attention that my son and I get from the government, even on the East Coast, that wow, hmmm, someone would be right over to investigate the situation and sitting in my place to find out for themselves what's happening.

I mean, lets just put this into a little perspective. SOME in the U.S. think it's no problem to send low flying jets and army helicopters over and spend money on that kind of thing, and have an energy guy in the distance and people to give me medication in my food to treat whatever the hell is going on that they know isn't "mental" and then for some reason, no one can get someone over here, at my door, to sit through what I go through? But they can send over tons of psychologists and medical and military and even intelligence people to keep me under surveillance?

Walk a mile in MY fucking shoes.

But I guess enough people think most can write this off as "mental illness" when already, far too many people have met me and talk to me and know this isn't true. Far too many people know, and many believe me.

I'd like to know what the deal is with black today too. I walked out and it was all about black and grey by this afternoon. I had Michelle Erickson coming in, all black, wearing what smelled like a ton of Old Spice colonge, and then 2 mormon missionaries walking away in black and white and a few people on the street, and then some guy in a white truck today (couldn't see who) wearing white t-shirt with black over, and then red gum and candy in the garbage along with orange kleenex tissue. Last week it was red and orange gears stuck together. And then, everything green this afternoon too. Tons of green, and is that supposed to mean New York or soemthing? because I had people implying this and I don't know if I'm right. At least, I had one guy telling me it did. Whether that's true or not I have no idea. Probably people are just messing with me, but it's not my imagination.

I should upload my threat photos with the sign and the blood stuff.

After I wrote this, the heating stopped. I can feel it from my heart and then my back, but that's where mainly. Sort of like an invisible laser from heart and going through out the back. But that isn't possible I don't think, coming from an up above angle. It would seem to be more in line with a laptop or something happening from that.

I think it's been done to harm, to keep me from getting normal things done, and to keep me and my son and anyone who cares about us intimidated.

When I lived with Alvaro, we lived just a few blocks away from the Department of Energy headquarters, which is located in Maryland. Which is weird to think about now. We were 2 miles away or less. I went to the cafes which were right across the street.

I don't believe it is government sanctioned actually, but it is being allowed to continue at least. Because I remember when I went to the psych eval in Vancouver Washington, it was very strange. There were men outside...who...

I don't know. I think gov. people are well aware but it's others that are being allowed to do dirty work. And I wouldn't doubt for a minute that some are trying to make use of this.

Now it's been stopping and starting. It's pretty much off and on now but getting some breaks.

I thought I would add, not that I'm doing a good job of separating ideas, that the white shapes I saw moving in a line, were not dead. I didn't have a feeling of representing dead persons as much as faceless and unidentifiable persons trading places or moving around.

Thank goodness. The heating quit.

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