Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Pentagon Response--& More Shell Station Signs

I tried calling the Pentagon about what has been going on and those fuckers know and made it clear they know.

Maybe what really needs to be bombed is The Pentagon. And no, I'm not threatening to bomb or encouraging this but obviously, those assholes know exactly what is going on and not only made light of it, rubbed it in my face.

First I called and got some operator who gave me his name and it was Denny I think, like Dennis but with a "y" instead, and then they put me on hold and this clip of a gregorian monk-type chant came on and I have no idea what song it was but it said, "I'm so proud that you're leaving".

It was like a mens choral chanting and it didn't even make any sense. I'm so proud that you're leaving?

Then after this, they put on the Mozart song that I first played to my son when I brought Mozart to our visit, which I sang to with him and talked to him about, and which I played while I was pregnant with him.

So I was transfered to some other department and I asked what it was and they told me it was the AKO desk. Now I think it was just a sick joke for KO like knock out because they don't care who they hurt and what they do. I said what is AKO? and they said, "It's Army." They transferred me to an Army website and said something about cyper. Not cyber and not cipher but the man said "cyper". As in, rhymes with viper. I questioned why I had been transferred to that department and said "What is this? today is the day someone decided I would be calling The Pentagon and you had the music all set up?" and he hung up on me. I had reached the Department of Defense section of the Pentagon when I initially called.

So after he hung up, I redialed and this time the guy wouldn't tell me his name. He just said, "This is Operator 2." When I asked for his name he said he wasn't giving it to me. I said, "The first guy gave me his name, how come you're not giving me your name?" and he just kept repeating, over and over, that he was "Number 2".

So I asked to talk to his supervisor and he told me his supervisor's name was "Clem". What the hell. He can't give me his name, but the other operator could, and yet they could give me the supervisors name.

The whole thing was a disaster which only confirms that The Department of Defense knows what is going on and instead of thinking I'm mentally ill, they rubbed it in intentionally.

My last words to this Operator 2 were, "Tell me something, what is AKO?" and he said he didn't know. I said, "Well, someone transferred me to AKO, so you must know what it is" and he said, "Oh, it's an Army website." I then said, "Do you guys always transfer your callers to there?" and I burst into tears and said, "YOU FUCKERS! YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT THIS. YOU FUCKERS!" and I slammed down the receiver.

There goes the credibility and trust of the public for the U.S. military, right down the fucking drain.

They are part of the reason my son and I are not together now.

And dear God, there are some shocked and horrified people, very select and extremely discreet, who have heard about the documentation that has been done on me and my son, in fucking military RECORDS, detailing our movements and habits and experiments, and I say this because a few people seemed to be able to put certain identifiers together, like maybe our real names were not used in classified materials, but certain descriptions made it clear about who it was regarding.

If that information were ever leaked, the public would be sick, literally and physically. I believe people would be so shocked and discusted, they would literally be retching.

What it says to me, too, is that they are obviously interested enough in me, over in Virginia, which is where I called, Arlington, Virginia, to have made all those comments and done what they did. It's not like they don't know who I am and they went out of their way.

I think that Mozart song is one they play at weddings. I can't remember the name of it but it's the first one on the CD I took to my son. Maybe the point was to have me think about a wedding of song kind, because yesterday that's what the church was doing too.

The creepiest part by far, was that they played this weird monastic chant about we're so proud of you that you're leaving. On a professional line. Seriously. Who DOES that? and leaving what? It's more like they knew I would be calling and wanted to get that in because they KNOW I would blog about it and it's really for someone else who they know reads my blog.

After putting on Def Leopard I chose this version of my lagan love. It's all and everything I need. Turquoise. Turquoise moons. And then Twilight series is going to have a new book out with something about turquoise in it. I like the other version best, the one I played yesterday and the one by Sinead, for interpretation. Pretty background in this one.
now it's quit for awhile. listening to the sinead version of the song.

Last night, again, I was the Manchurian Candidate. I left my house to get something to eat at night but I didn't know how freezing cold it was. So I stopped at this one door, thinking I would ask to use a phone to call for a cab.

It felt like another trap. Because it's a guy named "Dave" and he has this watch and a motorcycle helmet out and then a frisbee with the converse sign or star on it and some other random things and what do you know, but he said he'd take me to the store and he seemed fine, absolutely, and then when I got my bags out of the trunk, lo and behold, books about the Shell Station. I am not kidding. He had a brown fish wallet in the front of his car and that was the only thing I could see on the inside. But out of all the houses, that day, to go to that one, with a big "Shell Station" symbol in the trunk of the car.

Then I was at the Safeway and got some things and the small group of people there, I liked. I don't know who they were but I had a good feeling about them.

I like this song, "Galway Bay" by Dolores Keane. I somehow ended up on "The Lark In The Morning" by the johnstons which was really pretty and then it was playlist and this one caught my attention in that I wanted to sing along with it and it seemed easy to chime along to.

These lyrics I love...just looked them up, to Lark in the Morning:

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