Thursday, April 29, 2010

Safety Dance

I went to make appointment for an eye exam and to look at some frames. I found some on the wall that I liked. One was a pair of safety goggles and the others were normal frames. I liked the safety glasses because they had panache in their own, old-style Jackie-O way. I think I could wear them with my hair curled. They kept telling me, "These are safety glasses. The lens would be heavy and thick." I don't know, I liked them.

I also liked some glasses that were more legal style and they were dark brown but I also liked some gold framed glasses. I set aside a pair but I haven't made up my mind. I'll do that tomorrow.

I saw this cute photo of a girl and boy on the shelf and this rabbit with antler ears.

These women hated those safety glasses I could tell. I liked them. With non-reflective coating and a little thinner lens, they'd be great. Very stylish. Very nerdy/stylish.

I think I need 2 pairs of glasses and contacts too.

I think I had a chip planted in my neck when I had surgery on my broken neck. I am doing all these "2" things and not trying to either.

After I looked at the glasses, I went through the crop to the Chinese place and got an eggroll and it was $2. Then I sat down at a table with 2 people and realized I was sitting across from a huge sign that said "elephant ears" on the left and "big dogs" on the right. I don't know why, but it made me think of twos again and on the way to the glasses place I passed Dutch Brothers which made me think of 2 (I have 2 on the brain).

Then, the weirdest thing really, bc the rest isn't weird, was I went to the library to check email (and blog a minute) and I always go to the same table for computer except this day I went right to a different one. I have no idea why but I wanted that one. But there was a chair arm stuck under it. I said to a couple to the left, "I hope this isn't holding the table up" and they laughed. So I yanked on it and then I realized, as I was pushing the chair out of the way, it was the only table with 2 chairs stuck to it. I chose that one of all things.

Oh and at the glasses place I sat down and I was directly across, when I did, from a black car and an orange car.

I should have prayed more this morning...!!!!

I am still hungry. Oh, and my eye appointment tomorrow is at 2. I want to know what the deal is with 2. I think I'm stuck.

I need to find some 1s and 3s and 4s and 6s and I don't know, maybe some 108s and random stuff and hit all the colors. Make it one big Rainbow Day.

Just kidding.

1 comment:

  1. I have a question for you and I'm serious about this question. How do you afford to get an eye exam, glasses and/or contacts when you aren't working? I'm working and I can't afford to even pay for one pair of glasses on our income. How do you do it?
