Friday, April 9, 2010

U.S. Government Responsibility & Failure To Protect Citizens

Additonally, I WAS unlawfully medicated, but I believe it was with U.S. knowledge. During this time of trying to get my son back, I had two distinct timeframes where I was not getting my periods hardly at all. The most noticeable period was when my Ex left and all of a sudden I had totally normal periods. I had to have been on at least some form of oral birth control. No one ever told me about it but if it was something else, it could have been something else that affected my periods but I wouldn't have known what it was. It had nothing to do with Colombia or the people of Colombia. It had to do with the U.S. For all I know though, the U.S. would have just left me and my son to die and some others tried to help but couldn't say in what way. For all I know, a couple of people gave things to me and my son knowing we would not make it, and would be in worse shape if they didn't, knowing what horrible things have been done to us already.

Then, when I had to stay with some others, the same thing happened, where on a couple of occasions I ate something that was prepared for me and didn't feel normal afterwards. I hardly think it was coincidental that I had such major shriveling of my finger and thumb from something and then all of a sudden, after one meal, my skin goes back to normal. That is NOT fucking normal. That's a Washington person who gave me something that corrected whatever the hell was going on with my skin because it was totally bizarre.

They have been using my son and I as fucking human experiments and top people know about it and those who hate me try to displace this as something else now.

I have also asked, on repeated occasions, for some outside influence or law enforcement or someone to be present at these visits with my son and no one has done a god-damn thing. God damn those who have looked the other way and who have contributed to this.

I've had things stolen from every place I've stayed at in this town. Every single place. Clothing, important documents and records, and what else? paystubs and things like that.

When Obama cries over Jesus and the two theives I wonder if he ever considers my son and me and what we have been through. It seems like I've reached some kind of infamous cult status at this point, where I can't get any of the basic things taken care of, and an entire town and state is allowed to run someone into the ground with zero oversight.

I wonder, does Obama know who is being sacrified, right here in my own country? And if he doesn't have a few people in mind, I wonder about the U.S. intelligence teams. Some of them might have an idea, about who is being sacrified and possibly, even literally, crucified on a cross--Jesus style, to make a sick point. And who is calling those plays? You can send hundreds of thousands of troops around the world to help with earthquakes and peace but allow entire communities and states to go NUTS with power. They are out of control because the U.S. has allowed this to get out of control, by letting towns like Wenathchee know they are immune to sanctions, to charges, and even to any kind of evidence gathering and documentation at all.

I, for one, am totally stunned, stunned, that the MacKenzie girl was even murdered because I don't know how in the world anyone would pull something obvious off and get out of town. I don't want to get into it but I think it's pros, making a point. As for the detectives and police, they'll never investigate because they don't want to drag out all the other bad shit that happens in this town. This is not a town where the obvious occurs, it is where the unseen evils are allowed to proliferate and multiply. It is where non lethal weapons and sophisticated technology are in the hands of a great number of people who are willing to do whatever they're ordered to do, whether it's criminal or not. And there are a shitload of full blown criminals walking around this town, who are not even Robin Hood types or good guy criminals trying to fight public corruption, but there are people who have no empathy for others who get off on harming people.

So I want to know where the troops are in Wenatchee. Not the Army guys at ROTC who are tied to this town, but the real people. I asked for troops one day and I see one British (I think) woman walking by, and either she was UK or just told to dress that way. Maybe someone sent her over to show what a mockery the U.S. makes of this, that ONE UK soldier could be spared for the area, and not even ONE U.S. soldier.

And this was all the fault of the U.S. because WHO was responsible, before my SON was ever taken? It was the responsibility of the U.S. government to take my complaints seriously and protect me and my son. Well they didn't. Instead, dirty people in the government tried to block every complaint and smear me so horrible things could be done to us and others could get away with it.

There was no other country that was responsible for protecting my son and I. We are citizens of the U.S. and this duty falls upon the shoulders of the U.S. governmnet, to treat us fairly, respect reports and complaints, and we had a right to be free from harassment and illegal and false arrest.

It wasn't Russia's problem, or Colombia's problem, or Israel's problem, or England's problem, or Pakistan's, or Canada's, or ANYONE's problem except it WAS the PROBLEM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This is a U.S. problem and I think the demonstration the U.S. has made of this has discusted other countries and even people who are in this country and wonder how such things could even happen to a mother and a small child.

Then, if a couple of people in the U.S. see me succeed in even small ways, it seems they want the glory and yet they still refuse to get involved properly and take care of things they should be on top of.

There is NO excuse for the problems I have with this heating and overheating and the technology problems. Especially not when others in the town have access to the very things which cause this to begin with.

Do you know what I find absolutely ludicrous? How the FBI spent GOOD TIME and MONEY going after 8 "militia" persons who didn't even commit a crime but just carried guns and made some weapons and spoke on radical terms.

They go after people who have not even committed a crime at this point, whose main offense is speech.

Then, on the other hand, they allow a huge number of persons to criminally harass my son and I to such degree it's become a national sport, to find out what MY business is. Not just criminally harass, but to obstruct justice, to improperly surveil everything I do while they refuse to do the same with the real criminals. There are cops in this town who are dirtier than the pesticides that have been outlawed and they allow small children to be abused if there's money in it. It's called taking a pay-off and they'll do it for immoral purposes.

There are people coming in from out of the area who are making observations and notice what is going on in this town. A few of them are the wrong kind, and have serious issues of their own, and then others, are aghast and do not find it funny at all.

So really, I strongly question why in the world, the FBI and U.S. are spending all the time and energy on "militias" which are forming to take care of very serious problems that the U.S. is doing fucking NOTHING about. The FBI doesn't care about the other gang activity so it's interesting how they are targeting "militias". Not only that, the justice system wouldn't be in such horrible shape and with this kind of corruption, if the State Bar Associations were not the "enforcers" of good lawyerly conduct. These organizations cannot police themselves effectively and they don't. They protect eachother and that's it. This is ridiculous that this is even PERMITTED, for complaints to go the Bar Associations. It has encouraged a gross and pervasive corruption in the public legal system and covers for the wrongs. They pat eachother on the back and that is it.

Meanwhile, the good people and the real salt of the earth, sacrifice and suffer, themselves and on behalf of others, because the U.S. would rather send a couple of people out there defenseless and on their own to be martyrs while most of their coworkers are turncoats and corrupt, than actually do something about the violence and corruption that is occuring in THIS country.

We actually NEED the fucking militias. Why? because the U.S. is


When I cease to have these problems that the whole fucking town knows about and gets a heads up about--this "fire" and other forms of technology that's used which is nothing less than abuse and torture, and done to even small kids, when I see the U.S. government moving their own troops in to start monitoring and taking care of business, maybe THEN the "radicals" should be found out.

What is worse? One person dying from a handmade bomb that has been torturing people with non-lethal weapons and getting away with it for years, or allowing people to suffer from torture?

And Obama should have put in a clause or someone in intelligence should have, to make it ILLEGAL to experiment on ones own fucking countrymen or to standby and do nothing when it's done on an illegal basis. There is no humane excuse for mind control experiments or any other kind of physical experiment either and it is a contradiction of terms to expect citizens to pledge allegiance and be loyal and think they are getting U.S. protection by being a citizen, when actually people in the U.S. can secretly HARM its own citizens.

I don't believe what is happening right now, is sanctioned by the U.S. But I do believe they know about it and choose to do nothing.

I am right now having the burning sensation and it's not my imagination--it's real and if it were not real, people in this TOWN would not be advertising and displaying signs of how this is impending first.

There is nothing glorious in harming others for the sake of harming. The games being played here are criminal, period. It is ILLEGAL to do this kind of thing.

I'm really tired too, of seeing what appears to be a full on acceptance by the top people in the U.S. and other countries, of this color guard thing, whatever it is. Since WHEN, I mean, pardon me, but since when, did the visible governments get to be overshadowed by the invisible and secret governments? I'd like to know when it was that even people in church, who run ministries and should be about the work of God and nothing more, how they have become mixed up in things.

Why is it, that I couldn't go to the Nazarene church and just have a normal visit? No, it had to be about death and weddings and weird things. What it should be about, is the presence of God, which I sensed when I walked in. It is not that there is an absence of belief, but there is something missing.

I walked into the Anglican church and sensed the presence of God and I walked into the Nazarene church and sensed this. But there are games in so many churches now. And it is amazing that God even blesses any of us with his Presence at all.

The houses of prayer have been turned into dens for theives. And idols amount to whatever is put in place of worship of God. If it is more important to follow some kind of game that man created, not God, than it is to follow a God given conscience, than that game and everything around it is idoltry. You have exalted man above God and made even his houses of prayer, of even various religions, houses of shame.

Instead of being charitable, and following the commandments, you put conditions upon those commandments and tell people what to do and to do it your way and to follow your own ways, rather than being decent and respecting liberty. It is not the principle or commandmnet of God to shut people out of housing and work or try to scare them or intimidate them or use technology on them. But all of you "christians" here do this. Mormons, protestants, catholics, jews, atheists--you ALL, almost all, have demonstrated that your tribal instincts take precedence over your insticts to honor God and to respect the rights of others.

Those in the media and in visible positions contribute to this with the messages they send to encourage this kind of thinking and behavior. And it is wrong.

I'm wearing yellow tomorrow. And maybe I will try to find out what color my old friend from jr. high wears because at least I can trust a few of these people. My own family has been terrorized by what is happening with my son. It is not just about me, but I have seen in their eyes, something I found surprising--

They care. And some people do. But there are a few out there who are doing the acting jobs of their lives to fake it as if they don't care, and who just go along with things, because people in power control things and they are unseen persons.

If anyone should be in charge, it should be me. Because I would do away with this and pronounce everyone free and make it a CRIME to force others to conform to any group or set of dictates in order to get housing, work, and social acceptance. There are good gangs and militias probably, that are doing more. The U.S. governmnet has to pull itself together and what is sad is that while one can have a lot of money and use it for good, there are too many who are power obsessed and who are NOT good people and they have ruined a lot of lives with their greed for more control and more money. People who collude to push others out, should be charged with crime and there should be more whistleblower laws, not just for government workers, but for anyone who makes a report about something and then is retaliated against. People have a right to defend themselves and their families and if this means the right to file lawsuits, they shouldn't be terrorized by criminals and corporate cops, to dropping claims and tortured to keep people quiet.

Mark my fucking words.

And I'm sorry, but if you have the money to come into this town out of curiosity and parade around to be a part of the game, you have money you could be using to fight the corruption in the first place. There are people making bets and paying monies for things when their money should be spent to empower normal hardworking and defenseless people, to be able to defend themselves.

Here, people need resources to fight their own legal battles because right now, no one in town will do that for you if you're up against someone else in town. That means all the dependency cases are open-shut, all the public defense cases end up being attempts to extort a confession or plea from their own client's mouth when they should be defending the client.

This town and probably a lot of other towns could be helped not just by the Bill Gates, but by people who know how to permanently disable and destroy equipment that is used to harm others by "less than lethal" means. And people cannot fight any kind of battle without funds. You could arm others in different countries with weapons and that's okay with the U.S. But if you start arming U.S. citizens, they're "militias" and the whole game is wrong to begin with. It's not a threat of guns anymore, it's other technology and that is what the U.S. should be focused on getting rid of. And if, by God, it is coming FROM the U.S. or sanctioned at any point, I then hope other countries would be so kind as to take them out. Maybe the U.S. just needs to destroy some satellites...who knows. Maybe it's coming from something else.

There's no reason why so many people would think my case with my son was hopeless, even though I was in the right, over on the East Coast, unless they knew how corrupt the government was here. There is no reason my son should have been removed in the first place. And it should not have been hard to get this turned around. But when you have enough people being tortured, abused, and intimidated, and then others who are worthless pieces of shit who will grovel and do anything to make a buck, what do you expect. The state workers here take bribes. So highest bidder wins, which means if they're taking someone's kid, it's not going to be from a family that has a lot of money. But if others have a lot of money, those people will ensure the child is not returned for social climbing purposes or anything else.

I feel sorry for the workers of the state, who have been a part of the problem.

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