Thursday, April 1, 2010

Visit With My Son (Turquoise Cupcake Day & Legal Stalking)

It was bizarre. The whole town came together to harass me and make fun. That, on top of death threats.

Michelle Erickson with CPS harassed me and then looked down at my boots when she was done and just smirked, and raised her eyebrows. She was wearing green over white. She was so insistent on my not taking photos I wondered what I was supposed to find. So I go in, and let my son look at a book while I made notes of how they had set the room up yesterday:

1. They put a figure of a white construction worker on the table, face up, with tools all around him.
2. Animal puzzle on top of bookcase next to a magazine about top chefs.
3. Polite elephant book out
4. "How come you're so shy" book
5. The Day Snuffy Had the Sniffles book
6. Blue boat tipped over upside down (but my son called it a skateboard)
7. "A Treed Trunk" on display
8. A book opened up to a specific page, the book was "Schoolhouse" (a Chubby shape book, ISBN # 0671 49717-0). The page they had selected said, "The children play show and tell. Jeffrey brought a turtle." Jeffrey is the name I gave my son while we were in Canada. I had played racing games with my son in front of this monitor, about the rabbit and the turtle.
9. "Pooh and the Dragon" book out.
10. A book opened up to a specific page and displayed: from Margaret Wise's "Goodnight Moon" they opened it up and had it displayed at: "Goodnight little house. And goodnight little mouse."
11. "Jungle Colors" a book, out.
12. Jungle coloring book (out on display)

I had just checked out two books for my son the night before and one of them was "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling, at the Public Library. I thought it might be too advanced but wanted to try because of all the animals.

They had all of the stuffed animals there except the monkey, and had added a jungle book figurine and a figure of a rainbow pony.

13. They also had an ad for "Kohls" eye make-up displayed and I had lined my eyes with black liner.
14. They had the penguin animal squished under the rocking chair and then a plastic ring of a flower out.
15. Black pen on the rocking chair (which mirrored the black pen they wanted me to use in the ER when the woman was snatching the pen out of my hand)
At every single visit, the state workers make up the visitation room to intimidate me or to make it known they are obtaining information about my every room. Basically, they've been stalkers and they continue to breach confidentiality and illegally disseminate information about my visits with my son to the public.

They harass me in these visits, then harass me outside of the visits, and break laws and then want to be sure I cannot document what is going on. What they are doing amounts to crime.

My aunt had packed a strawberry-kiwi juice, two cupcakes (one purple and one turquoise with sprinkles--both on lemon cake), and two yogurts--a strawberry/banana one for me said my son and a grape one for him. Grapes were a little feature all day as well. Purple grapes.

Then, my son had been coached to say things again.

He looked good, and he was in good spirits. His speech may have been better the day or two before but he seemed happy to see me and was in a good mood.

I brought a Raffi CD and a Bebo Valdes CD (Cuban Dance Party). He said he wanted bossa nova and they didn't have it so I thought Cuban might be close.

He looked really cute and was very amiable. I showed him the books and then after I took notes, he put in the Cuban CD. He didn't feel like listening to it so he put Raffi in instead. So then he wanted the animals to dance to the music. SO I had them dancing and then at the bird song, he and I enacted a bird dance and he said he was the baby bird and I was the mama bird and then we were flying around and then pretending to be in a nest, and then at some point while in the nest, he asked for the Jungle Book. So I brought it out but I had thought this one had Baloo in it and it didn't so I started reading about the wolves and he lost interest after the first page because it was pretty wordy. He was sucking his thumb a little bit. IN another visit I asked him which thumb I should use, if I were to suck my thumb (pretending to be young) and he showed me which one. He took the right one to his face and tried to hook over his nose and said, "This way doesn't work!" Then he used his left thumb and said, "It works!"

He's been insistent on opening doors for everyone. He'll say, "You first" or "After you" or something about going ahead. He practically commands grown men to pass by as he holds the door. Then he'll go.

He wants to do almost everything on his own and by himself.

I brought him 2 small purple flowers I found along the public way (sidewalk, growing wild), and some dandilion seeded, too, forgot.

So then the CASA man came in and Oliver went behind his chair at one point and said, "I'm trapped". He took a book and some animals and the cupcakes, and went behind the chair and kept saying he was trapped. He kept saying he was trapped and wouldn't budge. He said he needed help out. He said he needed the animals to help him out. I went over and tried to get him but he wouldn't move, saying he was trapped. I said "Open sesame" and he said he couldn't get out. I said why not? and he said he was hurt. "I got hurt" he said. So I said, back by the animals, "Okay, which animal do you want to help you out?" so I showed him all the animals lined up and then I decided to look in the toybox again and I found a new animal, this little rainbow pony. So I brought it out and asked if he wanted that one? He said he needed a doctor. So I went to him, and told him I would say magic words and he said he needed the key or a key. I tried to unlock the door which was this book he held up in front of him, and it didn't work and then I said, I'd say magic words and this door would come down like a trap door over a moat. So I said, "Open Sesame!" and then I brought the book down from the top like it was falling down. Then he said he was hurt again and I said we'd take him to the doctor. I pulled him out, on a stretcher, I said and dragged him over to the animals and then took the rainbow pony and said, "This one will be your doctor."

So he sat there, and I said, "Now, where does it hurt?" and he pointed to his heart. So I had the pony listen to his heart. I said it sounded pretty good. So I was then looking in his ears, or the pony was, and said I found a house, and a pool, and something else and then in the other ear I said I found a trampoline. He was grinning. I looked in his mouth and each nostril and was just joking around.

So then I can't remember what we did next. I looked for the matching Pooh game and couldn't find it but found it later. Then he brought me the book "The Belly Button Book" about a hippopotamus who calls his button "Bee-bo".

We did a little physical activity, where he had, oh, before he was trapped, the animals riding on a skateboard and then he was doing a kick-off on the horses like it was football. The horses were the only ones which would stay put while it was moving. So then later too, I held a horse figure or something and let him kick off and he had very good aim. So lots of kicking and then jumping up and down with hoorays.

Next we listened to the Cuban music and he was more interested. He really liked the 3rd song, with all these drums or bongos, a rumba, and it is called "El Cumbanchero".

More flying around like birds and lots of kicking. When it came to this song "El Cumbanchero"...he wanted them to dance (the animals) to all the songs, but then when it came to this song, he just started laughing and I had the two animals really going. I even laughed, because I made it look like they were partner dancing and then doing little dancing solos. Then they'd join togehter and then go torward Oliver and back and then they would tickle him and he got up from the rocking chair, where he'd been sitting to listen to the music, and was laughing very hard.

Before this moment, he had a short period where he was upset and I asked him to take a time out and when he finally stood there I counted to 10 and said okay we were done because time lasted a lot longer for kids than adults, didn't it? and he looked at me and then we could play again.

We played the dancing to Cuban music a couple of times and then I wrote his calendar out.

He gave me hugs and kisses and wanted the horses to as well so they did, and then we said we'd see eachother soon and then I went to the bathroom where I gave him a choice of CDs to take. He took the Raffi one. I had already eaten one of the cupcakes, the purple one, and was giving him the one with sprinkles but he said he didn't want to take it with him so I ate that one too. He kept waving at me and yelled "I love you! See you soon!" across the lobby.
Then I was passing all these people sort of harassing and wearing turquoise and purple, and what a day. Yelled at, insulted, driven past with "Back Off!" signs on cars, and men in wheelchairs passing with signs about "heart pacepassport" and then a lot of other things.

At one point I still had residual migraine and got the idea to see if the anglican pastor who was new was at the church so I went there and he was there with a couple of others, who were practicing music I guess. And he said he could go with me to the hospital and was going anyway. I waited while he was talking to a realtor and as I sat, I looked to the right and there was a stuffed rainbow pony in the same color, turquoise, sitting there.

I just sat there. Staring. Noticed and looked all around the room, getting this idea that someone had done some feng sui there. Why would I think that? I don't know. Everything was balanced in an off-center way, making use of negative space well. There was this one corner in particular, with 3 candles on top and 1 cushion below and then 2 candles on the other side and 2 cushions below...with a flower pot not centered in the middle, but it still felt balanced. And, I don't know how to describe it. It reminded me of a housemate I used to have who did feng sui. So then I sat there and after awhile I got up and walked past the St. Francis statue slowly, looking, to a couple books down and stopped for some reason, peering over farther, to where there was a children's book, called "Poems and Prayers (for the young)" lying there, in turquoise. SO I was peering, leaning over, but not moving closer, just trying to get a look from where I was, which was in front of a book on top of a stack that said, "Halfway there" or something, or something about halfway mark. I was just about to turn over the children's book and look at it when they came in so I turned around. I think it was that I saw it but didn't want to touch, like the pony, because I thought, what in the world is going on.

I think it's because I felt if I was watched, or someone came in, I don't know. I saw that pony and wasn't going to pick it up. I just sat there. I didn't want to

Then they came out, the pastor and realtor. So he was going to go with me and I asked him if he knew who arranged the room and he said he didn't know. I said, pointing to the one corner, "It's like feng sui, or, I don't know how to pronounce it right, but this corner, with the ...there's a good balance." I felt he had no idea what I meant but it did. I think I pronounced it "fen-schway"

When I was sitting in the chair I felt a strong positive energy and then it left, just a few minutes before I got up to have a look. But I felt it very strong for awhile, like someone somewhere praying.

Then he said he'd see me later because I decided not to go at that time...longer story.

Kind of weird though, that I had pulled out this new rainbow pony figurine and then saw the same thing at that church. Someone needs to put me through an airport detector again and find out where all the metal is.
There's a new turquoise or blue rainbow pony in the toybox at my son's visit, and then an identical stuffed animal at the church I randomly stopped by, and I'm nuts?

I don't think so!

I think the horse and the book were more blueish though. Anyway. I looked it up and it was "Poems and Prayers for the Very Young" but I don't remember the name of the other book. There were various stacks lying around so I don't know.
Well, I have a reading to do tomorrow, so hopefully it will be something worthwhile for him.

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