Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"500 Alarm from Youtube"? Highly trained monkeys?

Okay, I am just rying to get a normal youtube and I get disconnected and then can't connect to youtube and get this message when I'm trying to play a song:

500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

Also, please include the following information in your error report:

Sorry, but I've never had this kind of error report like this.

It's at moments like this that I think some big time group is going to hell.

The other thing that happened, which was highly...which was very strange was that some guy, a construction type, after I put the tortoise on hold, he took the "stop" sign down and then had this other sign handing up. I don't know what it is. It's a rectangle so I'm guessing it's a yield or something. Who knows.

I liked the sky action.

That's one thing I know people weren't screwing around with. I liked the sun coming through and clearing up the clouds.

The rest of this set-up stuff, I don't know about. Oh, and there was this guy in grey standing behind the aisle with these really super thick glasses and HE was probably the stupid sender and his SON was the kid in grey, all excited because if they could get me to go over there at just that moment, they were going to win, I don't know, $7,000.

I don't know if it's a good idea for my son to have a Russian tortoise or not. Because there are some very nice Russians and I don't know if someone got them in that pet store, set up with pricing that way, to insult the Russians. Then I was thinking, what, does this mean if my son gets a Russian turtle I'm marrying a Russian? or what? did someone do some kind of voodoo on the poor toirtoise? Maybe there's a chip in his shell. How do I know? That could mean 75 years of surveillance, all on account of a toirtoise shell's nice keep. Or, what? kate with wij means "don't stop on marriage! full speeeeeeed ahead!" like there are all these fucking mind controllers around trying to get me to walk into fucking boobytraps.

I think that one part the Russians are laughing at, is the part about the surveillance chip.

I bet I saw some woman who was with Vladamir. It probably wasn't even some guy from the States. The sky is now clearing to a pretty aquamarine. I think I need a piece of pie. I have nothing else to do but be a grreat world amusement, and look at the lengths too, and yet ...

Why isn't someone from the U.S. pulling out their muscle for me?

If the U.S. doesn't want me, then let someone else have us, but I go with my son. And really, I think this has been pretty shitty.

How many fucking nice and new foreign automobiles are passing on the road today, to get kicks, and yet they are REAAL contributors to American Justice.

Go Cowboys. You GO. You look GRreeeaaayyt FABIO. Spectacular. More pomade please, but just slick as shit. Go poncho! Go fabio! Go armadillo. Can I wax your CAR? Plllleeeeasse? Oh please mami, give the magic weather witch a nice little job waxing your heart.

Not heart. Metal. Steel. Yes, confusing the two again. I just though, you know, a cool man like you who spends more money on multiple automobiles than charity, well, you just might be the type to wear your heart on your sleeve, and if it looks like steel, I guess I'll wax it for you, that poor, poor, cold, steel, metal, grade A shitty heart. Gimme a lime and I'll shine yer nice bright forehead. wit a brain like that, you need to keep the cupboards clean. me! me! I wanna clean the slickery cosmo shit. Cummeeerrr baybee, lemmee get that spot. Oh, oops, hey ..you ever heard, 'There's alittle black spot on the sun today?" you remind of that spot, but not spot, I wouldn't call you spot like a dog dude. yer jussah leetle black spot that I asked God to shut out and i said, "Tell dat dare black spot--shut the fuck UP and marry me puddin' pie." cuz i like men who look really clean on the sleeve with trashy little harts. hearts.

(no, not drunk. Just playing)

Kin ya throw a few pennies in mi BUCKette? cummeeehrrr cosmo boy. Cummmeeeeere! ya need mi tah clean yer eaaaars out? i wanna wash yer windshield so ya kin see me betteehr when yer drivin' by Cowboy.

Leemmmeee see yer lasso honey.

ya likeee whatcha monee kin buy ye? cute leetle tart wit no brainee! yoo kin eally fix 'er up. lotsa fixer uppers 'n' cute little teases, but yer so bored! ya wondeeeerre why? whayyH? cuz theeryre no fun when it counts ta beee fun 'n' sunshine. aaawwwww cummeeeerreee Clementiyyyne! cummeeeeree. cummeeerree 'n' letchore old lady buy yoo a drink. good luck wit the knicker knockers nookie naughty.
Anyway, seriosly, a ton of assholes in hot rods driving by tonight.

Real appetizing. Just what every woman thinks is hot.
Voyeurs who have the hots for homeless people.
Meet me at the shelter for a drink baby. 6 O'clock sharp because my curfew and blow into the alkie-phone thing is at 9 p.m. What'll it be? Cheese on saltines or...I don't know. Maybe yoo just wanna tawwlk? awwww, richard g. richy rich. cummmeeerrree honey, yoo juss sit ahn mah lap n tell me yore book. ah'll fix yah. donnyoo kiisss me now! ah told God 'ahs celibate toothbrusher 'til 'ah found "da one!" no brushing MAH teeth, cuz dat might be temptation leadin' tah kissin n yoo wood ne'er, E'ER be da SAME after kissin' MEah.

sleep tiahgt sugah. sleep tiaht n lonlee mah lee'le pony. yer ole ladee will praaaeeey fer yoo n yer kin.

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