Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Computer Overheating & Wenatchee Medical Trials

I hope my son is okay, because I am not. I know without a doubt, this is the laptop right now. There are some other things going on too. I am not kidding, I hope my son is okay and I think some hispanic people are concerned because I can see this.

Something else has been happening with my neck but it's not at all what was happening in Seattle or Bainbridge. Not at all. I also know a few other strange things have happened and it has nothing to do with literal or real physical problems.

Today too, it's just like the powers of hell have been unleashed because then this medical guy acted like I'd threatened HIM and then I called this clinic which said they were fine with taking my care and now they have totally reversed again. They were willing to see me again and then all of a sudden, for no reason that I can understand other than politics, they refuse to see me at all.

I don't see any reason for it other than politics and that someone they felt was possibly helping, isn't helping, or they just decided to do a few things the way they wanted and then try to cut me out when it was convenient, OR, they are getting directives from others who are in U.S. military

The Wenatchee Valley Clinic, as well as OTHER clinics in this town, conduct trials without the consent of their patients. They also conduct trials that are consensual. If you think it's a joke, it's not. At this time, I will not give specific details or examples.

However, one thing I might point to, which is not a proof of any kind, but something to make you think a little bit...Anyone going to the WVC, I'm sure, has noticed all of the signs advertising for patients for clinical trials for the nasty flu almost everyone got. Those clinical trial signs went up the same time that a massive amount of people got very sick. Then there was a second round of it.

Tell me something. How does a clinic prepare so quickly for that precise flu virus? I mean, every flu virus is different and will respond to different treatment, and what we got hit with was huge. People were sick for a very long time and it was pretty bad. Signs conveniently popped up right at that time, asking for participants in a cure for the virus. How timely. Unleash a terrible bacteria or virus on a population and then prepare for willing guinea pigs by advertising a possible cure and special treatment if you sign up for a clinical trial.

I mean, please tell me I'm not the only person in the entire valley who saw those signs and the timing of those trials, and just wondered.

They went up a second time, or stayed up, during a second round of the virus.

One does not conduct clinical trials that are scientific and hold up to scrutiny, if one does not first know exactly what virus one is dealing with and that a decent sample of persons will have this exact virus.

You do not just collect a bunch of random people with varying kinds of colds, and say, "hey! we want to try out this 'cure'". No, you need to have a good number of persons with this exact virus, and then you can do your sampling and see how results turn out.

They've done the same kind of thing at the Columbia Valley Community Health and the other hospital, Central, is now pretty much entirely coordinated with Wenatchee Valley Medical.

On one hand, you have your trials which are non-consensual, which they've done in this valley, and you and your kids don't really know what you're getting. Especially the little kiddies with their vaccinations, and all of a sudden, no one wonders why all the kids are pooping runny yellow poop that is splattering out of a diaper for 3 months and just chalk it up to a normal reaction. A weird reaction that, if neighbors checked and talked, would discover ALL the kids are having because their kids are getting one too many vaccines and then can't even get their hands on the batch numbers to identify what it is their kid got. Or the parents don't know their kids are getting a bunch of shitty vaccines no one else wants to give their kids because they're full of thimerserol (mercury) and haven't been outlawed for distribution to the poor, who get old and leftover batches, but just the middle class and rich, who are spared.

So you have your non-consensual trials, with a bunch of crap given to kids, especially poor populations who are taking free medical care, and usually immigrants, so guaranteed guinea pigs. Then! avoid the nasty non-consensual thing by just blasting a whole population with a virus and then waiting, like buzzards, for the poor little flies to timidly walk onto the buzzards sticky tongue. Blast. Wait for it, wait for it...as soon as you've got a large group sick enough, coming to the clinic for SOMETHING to help them, like who knows what, ANYTHING, they stand in the elevator and read the signs and voila! perfect! they'll sign up willingly, not even thinking it's strange that these signs for cures went up a few days after the virus hit, the same virus that they'll be experimenting with.

It was really interesting the day my son and I both went to the Central Washington Hospital after suddenly, without any alarm, throwing up and retching all over after some kind of blast of a sort. I thought it was 24 hour flu but what do you know??? No, my son and I were not the only ones there at that exact moment, retching into buckets on cue. And then being given fucking doses of potassium for it, and who knows what happened with my son, because they took HIM around a corner, separating him from my sight when I asked them not to but was too sick to protest, retching violently into the bucket.

We all got sick at precisely the same time. The same thing and it was over before 24 hours were up.

One thing I can say for certainty, I got a LOT of doses of potassium before my son was taken from me. For some reason, all my electrolytes and potassium and things were always really off, but I was supposedly "crazy". And no one wanted to test my son to see if it matched.

Sort of like how no one wants to do a real eye exam for my son now. My eyes have certaintly changed and I have new problems which don't occur without injury or disease. My son has OVER and OVER complained about his eyes, and hmmm...no one wants to do a real eye exam on him. Well he's almost 4 yrs old and they recommend comprehensive eye exams for the first time at age 4. By professional opthamologists.

I know that for my last visit at the Wenatchee Valley Clinic, someone set down paperclips all over the table for me to see, after I've written about the CIA project paperclip.

For some reason, WVC seemed to be very interested in my migraines and cycles and then all of a sudden, not at all. I wonder why. Most interesting, seeming to have a "psychic connection" and idea as to which months I might be having my period or not. On the month when I am not having one, telling me don't worry if I don't get one bc it's natural for menopause. What uncanny insight into my menstrual cycle patterns--The Nostradomus of Menopause. When it's not even pre-menopause and my horomone levels are fine and they know this.

I don't know for sure if I want a Russian turtle for my son when the only radical protests against human experimentation have been coming from self-proclaimed Communists. Not that all Russians are Communist because they're not of course.

They were not Russian and international doctors and psychologists so interested in me on the East Coast as if I were a child wonder. They were U.S. military. Others were interested, but the medical people were all American and so were the ones who followed me around and sat in from out of town to observe and watch me for hours after my Ex left.

There were other things going on, but I just question some of this. And I question why my laptop hasn't worked like normal ever since Chris Rozollo was next to it and had access to it. I had zero problems with it until I stayed a short time with him and ever since, problems, off and on. I also noticed it when he met up with me a couple of times, that he had the same thing you can use in your pocket or whatever and it would burn or cause problems and then he'd leave and it would quit. I thought maybe someone was doing something from a distance when he was near, and I suppose it's technically possible, but that many times? and why the laptop problems only after he was around my laptop? one of two things. Either someone never forgave me for spending time with him, and went after me off and on ever since, or something was done to my laptop which enables it to work the way it does now. I never once had a problem before this, with my laptop. The whole time I was on the East Coast I didn't have a problem with my laptops either. Not once. Never there, in fact, and this is right after I was so crazy supposedly. I DID start having problems at the end and after I was pregnant but that was it and that was after more people knew about my location.

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