Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Corruption & Obstruction with Police Records & Other Weird

Several things. I had to deal with corruption at the most basic levels today. It was horrible. I had to deal with obstruction in getting my police records. I am not kidding. It was terrible. It took forever just to get my basic public records release form accepted and stamped. There was one woman who didn't want to stamp it was received. Didn't want to sign next to the part where it says someone has to write their initials or mark who got it, and didn't check ID. The main thing that concerned me, is that this woman was trying to tell me "We don't have a stamp" and "We don't do that" when I asked for it to be stamped as received. There was another woman who spoke up and said, "We don't have a stamp for receiving things." I said, "What do you mean, you don't have a stamp?" Then this other receptionist said, very unobtrusively, "I was using this receive stamp." And she pulled a stamp out of the communal box which they all use. I looked at the other woman and said, "It seems this other woman knows more than you do so maybe you weren't aware of these things." The woman who claimed there was "no stamp" and didn't want to mark my request as received, said, "I've worked here for over 20 years." I said, "Oh! then you're just corrupt." The receptionist who was "aware" of a stamp goes by the name Stacy. She was the professional. The other woman, who lied and tried to obstruct my documentation of making an extensive public records request, goes by the name of Doris Dunbar. Then, this other regular, who is usually professional but sometimes mocked me, Candy, went ahead and filled out the rest of the forms when I brought over my Rivercom request form.

I made public records requests at Chelan County, for all records 2004-present. I had no problem with the woman there, at all. Then, I did the same with Wenatchee Police and had these issues. Then I went to Rivercom and made the same request and my next step is to do the fingerprint and get the FBI records from Washington D.C. which is where I'm instructed to ask for even local FBI information made about me. I am getting the NCIC or whatever records. I have to make a request to State police and then also with Canada and then I think that should cover things. I made some progress today at least. Still have to get the audio and other records of hearings. But that's coming and I'm getting some things in the works.

I also made my SECOND or THIRD extensive public records request to the DHSH offices, for all records from 2004-present, which I had requested prior to their removal of my son at all, because I had documentation of retaliation by some of the workers for complaining about discrimination and conflict of interest. So I have not seen this discovery yet. I will probably make a FOURTH request tomorrow, and get it stamped received. I did last time but I think the documents were stolen.

Also, I went to the unemployment offices and people there were just trying to keep me from getting any unemployment and even saying I wouldn't get paid for backpay claims bc I didn't keep up. I said I could prove through police reports and my journaling, that I was dealing with crime and also wrong information and this kept me from getting things done in time. I AM GETTING MY FUCKING UNEMPLOYMENT and when I got resistance agains, I said, "You know what? I've been MORE than patient. In fact, I've been an idiot for about NINE months and I am getting PAID for the unemployment I am entitled to and I REEEAAAALLLY hope you will be cooperating with this because I DON"T want to go to the IRS to get things taken care of."

Getting other reports made too. It's all coming. It helps when I'm not being fried by technology and experimented with like a guinea pig and treated like shit. I am not going offensive or waging a war at all, I'm just trying to defend myself and my son's rights.

Secondly, I am not, I don't think, being given a medication without my consent any longer but will have to wait and see just a little longer. However, something is wearing off and I know for a fact I've been given medications without my consent almost the entire time I've had to deal with this custody matter--since my son was taken. It's affected my periods in a notable way, during these times, and also my ability to focus and get done what I need to do.

Some of the normal body pains or aches and pains are coming back a little, but my mind is starting to clear up. I know it still has to wear off though, whatever it is. I could tell it was even affecting my body PH levels. I don't know if I was being given different stuff, or one thing repeatedly or what.

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