Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't Get Burned, Burn 'Em Back

I tried tonight for the first time ever, to send some things back. Focused my mental powers and I don't know how to do it, but it worked. Someone or something got burned.

Some of this stuff is definitely technology. But, on the chance some part is psychic of some nature, I decided to fight fire with a little bit of So help Me God, fire.

And the burning sensation left me. So whether it bounced to where it was coming from, I don't know. But it wasn't burning me anymore.

I definitely KNOW it's technology, no question, and that's why other people know it's happening too, at least most of it, but when I prayed protection, it seemed to work against odds and then I was sending it back too.

It took all my focus and a little bit of time but then it just worked. I noticed with some people in mind it worked better than with others. Some were just an open gate and others were not and it bounced back to me more strongly.

I got a couple of images, but small and brief.

Have to listen to a song though:

"I Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot and then probably will go to Jodi Messina, "Burn".

Umm, and I might remind some of you psychos out there. I am a very inexperienced newbie. You do not know who the FUCK you are dealing with. My source: God. I prayed to God and directed my requests to him.

I also prayed for something I want. And I am going to get it.
When I prayed about one Ex, I saw a cloudy white haze with tiny little blue stars all over, above and around his head. The size of glitter maybe.

Then, I saw the side face of a girl or young woman, looking underneath a table, under the tablecloth and I believe, looking for a dog or the dogs. It's going to sound really weird again, but it looked like a young Diana. It may have been this other woman who sort of looked like her though, or any number of young women who do. I wondered if I got the image because I was trying to send stuff back so I wondered at first if it was the profile of someone who maybe was trying an attack, but then the more it came into focus, the more it looked like Diana when she was about the age of 9-11. I saw it with the girl sort of straight ahead but to the side as well. Like in my left corner somehow. I didn't see dogs but when I saw someone bent down peeking under the table, with the tablecloth, I then wondered why and thought to myself, for a dog or dogs.

Maybe it was first a little bit older though, bc that's why I thought another psychic and looking up but the clearer it got the more it looked like Di but not any photo I've seen. Sort of like her face in the photo where she's pouring herself tea in bed but I can't remember how old she was...9 or 11 or something? Maybe older though bc the face is still full when she's older. Sort of a babyface so looks younger than years. At first though, I did think it was another pyschic. Maybe I saw two things? or confused one? I don't know.

Slight smile at first, when I thought it was a psychic looking under something or looking up and almost right at me, fair hair and a fuller face and pretty but I swear, the more I looked, she made me think of Di or someone who at least looks a lot like her.

I also, briefly, when I first started praying against stuff and sending it back to the source, I saw one thing that sort of looked like either a stuffed animal or a drawing or something but sort of looked like a demon. At first I wondered if it was a dog though but maybe I saw part of a picture. It had longer thin ears like a doberman, and was black and had large eyes and a dog sort of face but much narrower. I thought, "what IS that? bat? doberman?" but it looked more like a drawing, in black, of a demon or if not that, a creature. I could draw it almost. It was pretty simple. I only saw the head. It was like a cross between the drawing or something of a demon or an alien or creature of some kind. I will have to draw it.

The woman better not have anything to do with my son and that better not have been my son under the table, and the demon figure not a toy or mask to scare my son. Not that it was, and I know my aunt and uncle would not do that, but just thinking.

This drawing I did is terrible. It's not even scary. But it was that shape or outline of face except skinnier with huge eyes and then all black. Maybe I saw something in someone's room or on a gameboy or a wall or who knows.

The angle of the young woman's face I'll draw too. Oh, I tried but it's terrible. Maybe tomorrow but the head was tilted and she was looking from under a table and there was a tablecloth to the side or there somewhere and then this sort of whimsical smile or smirk at first.

When I prayed for the burning to return to sender, I also got a couple of people in mind and just to experiment, I sent a really quick burn to some of them. Just a flash, just to test it but not to harm. Mainly I prayed return to sender and I felt the burning leaving my body or stopping and I didn't know if it went to someone else or just didn't get me for some reason.

I felt it was going back though. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out what to do or how to ask. First I prayed if it was technology that it would return to sender and begin to heat up and work on getting ruined. Then I prayed as if it was a psychic attack and just closed my eyes and centered and focused and then tried to push it out. A couple of times my body would shake a little, not really shake, but go slightly quakey but very brief and only twice. Sort of trembly. I also didn't know how to breathe exactly when I was trying to focus it out and so I sort of felt out of breath sometimes. But mainly just prayed and repeated that it was sent back, return to sender, and protection on me and I prayed for my son. But it worked pretty fast. I also did hit walls with some people, more burning or increase but then I went back to it and it went through. I felt like, if anything, I learned how to push it off of me, but I am not sure if it went back to someone else. I just know I was able to, after a little practice, push it off. But it did take focus and concentration. I think I could learn to do some damage or improve my skills maybe. I am not getting feedback on any of it, but I think I could work at this and that it's not impossible. I only tried for the first time tonight and it worked, and it took about 20 minutes total. I prayed for really intense heat. Just maybe not long lasting, but really hot, and powerful blasts to get their attention. But I'm new so maybe it was mild or not at all. I just know I got to where I was warding it off.

I had read that there are some psychics who do this...this can literally create conditions in another persons body. They can create intense heat or other physical problems just through focusing mental energies. I subscribe to the technology theories but decided tonight to try to combat fire with fire. I figured too, that if it's technology there are also miracles or supernatural protection, though I imagine that is not commonplace, as miracles are not usually.

I did it a couple more times while sitting here. It works. I can do it. I concentrated without closing my eyes, thought "hold 'em" and then "now blast 'em". I know it's not random because no one could know at what moment I am getting through and it's leaving or I have commanded it to quit and then my next step has been to send it right back, and hard. But that's the part that I don't know about--if that part is working.

I am looking up information I read about psychic physical stuff. I will have to do more reading. Yes, this will sound absolutely nuts.

The thing is, it is technology and there have been physical changes when it's been worst, and can be seen and evidenced. However, I also do believe in the psychic stuff and also praying about technology too, so it's not a figment of the imagination to be able to believe and then self defend.

There is a LOT of information about remote viewers who do this all the time and they're successful at it. It's strange enough to hear about people "seeing" things, but stranger still to hear about psychic battles or abilities where one can actually cause harm from a distance, but it's commonplace among the remote viewers.

I also believe there are powers with black magic and if someone was doing this, I believe unless you are protected, and even then, no fault of ones own, things can happen.

I wish I'd read this a long time ago:

I have had some very experienced and powerful psychics yanking me around like a rag doll and I haven't prayed enough protection or been aware enough of things. Or experienced myself. I guess now is as good a time as any to learn.

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