Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Image Of MRI Machine--someone going in

Last night. Very real image.

I don't know who was going in but it was like I was right there, as if it was me, in someone else's body but I knew it was someone else. Almost from their own perpective or something.

It wasn't CT scan. It was last night, I was lying down and thinking about the tarot and Elizabeth for a minute and all of a sudden, I saw, like from a dream but it was a waking image, someone going into a long tunnel and I knew it was MRI for an exam. It was a medical machine for diagnostics.

I don't know who it was. Because I had just thought about Q. E. I wondered if it had something to do with her but I had absolutely no idea. I don't even know for sure if it was a man or woman, but I must be connected to them in some way because I went in with them. Or it was like watching someone going in, but not seeing the face or something.

Later, I wondered, was it an internment for a cemetary place, like a tomb, such as one might see if someone was being put someplace? but then I thought, my first impression was that of MRI machine. It was like that, long and hollow and someone sliding in.

It happened at about midnight PST or so. It was somewhere between 11:30-1:00 at night, or early morning.

I dismissed the second thing because it seemed more remote and that wasn't the feeling I got when I first had the image--it was of someone having an MRI and even though it seemed the whole body was going in I wondered if it had anything to do with the head but I might be totally wrong about what part. I just know it was a medical diagnostic and I must somehow know the person or think of them, or them of me or someone sent the image.

It was very clear and I absolutely know it had nothign to do with tarot or my imagination. I felt it was something sent or that I received.

I hope everything will be fine and turn out well.

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