Friday, May 28, 2010

images this morning--crossed wires I think! but maybe right!

I prayed and tried very light hearted, for images, but I think I got something but my wires were crossed! What I tried to allow to come to mind for individuals seemed to have more to do with this town, but maybe it applied to these individuals too. I don't know.

So, my "hobby", of course, is royal family sometimes, to try to guess. I prayed for them last night and philip esp. bc they had german and austrian and viennese music so came to mind.

but this morning, at about 11:03 a.m., PST, I just asked rapid fire questions but didn't know or feel I was really connecting to them. I kept connecting to chicken though, and then I went to this place where I was guessing subs the other day, and what did they have? Chicken.

So this is what I got:
Henry: riding an electric bull.
William: doing a lot of weird things today and wrapping wrists or something again. Something more about wrists than knuckles today but who knows.
QE: this is old, but I wondered if she's ever played pacman. Thought maybe today she rolled dice for something.
Philip: knocking back a few drinks
Camilla: getting around without wheelchair
Charles: eating ribs or drumsticks (chicken) or something with fingers
Kate: norah jones, paper mache stuff or flowers or a big flower hat or something. Practicing new angles on something (won't say what). Doesn't have an Athenian toe but they slide down in graduation (have no idea why this would come to mind and could be wrong and I've no idea).
Chelsey: leaning against fence, back to fence, arms drapped back. fence or something.
Anne McIntosh: Eating salad, chicken or chicken salad or chicken pasta?

So then I left and went to the homeless shelter and decided to have lunch there and they were serving chicken, something that looked like pasta but was sort of hash-tatertots that kind of looked like rice or something, and salad. Green salad. I was given a thigh and a drumstick.

So WHO knows. Maybe the Charles eating chicken and Anne McIntosh with salad and/or pasta and chicken...maybe I was picking up on what they were getting ready to serve and what people were eating over there.

I showed this one woman who worked there how I'd already written this down, so I have a witness. I guess. I suppose it's coincidence or maybe just crossed wires! i definetly kept getting something about chicken and salad.


  1. Prince Charles is a vegetarian, FYI.

  2. Thanks.

    As far as I know, he tried vegetarianism and it didn't always agree with him. Whether he is now or not I wouldn't know.

    But not only are there vegan and vegetarian meats, hotdogs, and probably chicken things too, it was something by hand, and I also said, when I thought it was a drumstick, possibly, or something by hand, if it wasn't something he was eating, I specifically said my wires may have been crossed with all of the chicken, salad, and pasta images I got, which were, in fact, exactly what I ended up finding a whole group of people was being served in Wenatchee, and which I had as well.

    I had the images about 11:03 and then went there and was served chicken, salad, and "pasta" or potatoes that looked like this, before 12 noon.

    I also wrote all my notes down before I ever went there, and then showed them to a worker there named "taylor" and she saw that I had written this before, so I didn't make it up.


    Fuck you.

    But thanks for the info which may or may not even be true.

    How can he be a vegetarian anyway, if he likes to talk to his plants? He certaintly doesn't talk to the pheasants that get shot down.

    Ding, ding.

  3. I decided to "check" my psychic work. I found a photo of her feet and they look EXACTLY the way I saw them, very graduated toes. She sort of looks like if the second toe were straightened out it could slightly resemble athenian, but the graduation of her toes is interresting bc this is how I saw them. However, they're not really straightened out. But I swear to God, this is the foot I got. I just saw the foot and had to confirm it went with the body and found this article and it's her foot.

  4. oh, oops. forgot the link.

  5. dare i say what positions i was getting? probably not. deeear GOD.

    and now, after reading this article, i am wondering if her nickname is rabbit or something.

    and what with the big colorful flowers and paper mache shit and towers and stuff? i am gaining confidence in my abilities.

    i read harry was on a bull once, but with william too, but i don't know why i got that of harry recently, like today.

    and, i didn't have a very good idea of what weird things william was doing, but a lot of variety. don't know WHAT, but just got this impression of all this activity and some sort of different stuff and then something about his wrists and tying something around them or maybe, who knows, maybe it was just a big deal with cuff links or some kind of band or who knows what.

    camilla, i just saw moving around a counter out of a wheelchair, in a house, going from one end to the other.

    philip, sitting back and having a drink or two and pretty good spirits i think.

    on the day i was playing pacman i wondered if the queen ever tried her hand at it.

    i hope i don't have to be plagued with kate crap my whole life. but hey, if mossad is happy about it and i'm out of the way enough, i'll take my son over either princes of sea and stardust.
