Sunday, May 16, 2010

Leaches About

I don't know how to spell the word. Letch. It sounds like letch. There are a lot of letches about town now. I don't know why, but more of them and it's not good. I do not know why this town and state doesn't make it more of a priority to get people in over here for protecting the common whole and good.

Also, I think someone tried to get a lot of men to try going after me and I am not up for grabs. I've had the same thing happen now that happened right after I separated from my Ex--as if someone gave a go-ahead or someone thought I was available and I am NOT available.

So someone, or everyone, got the WRONG idea. There is nothing in this world which would make me so desperate as to be with someone when there is NO ONE I would be interested in here, and drive-by leering does not enamor me or interest me in any way, shape, or form.

So whoever told you it was okay to harass me, or to follow me, or that I was up for grabs, they gave you some very bad advice. I'm sure part of it was to make you simply look like assholes.

There are some who are driving up to me because someone else told them to, and then a lot of richer, more experienced men who are weak men, in spirit as well as body, and have nothing better to do with their time than bully around women they feel are an insult to their ego.

For those who mock me and walk up only to sport a shirt with some saying you hope will annoy or infuriate me, are wasting your time and making asses of yourselves. For those who hope to rub something in, I am immune to this as well, and I am not even taking Valium nor am I on any drug at all and I am holding up fine aside from some avoidance matters because of stress, which is extraordinary considering what I've been put through.

If someone thinks looking into tarot makes me less pure or more of a target or less of a christian with lessor values, you got that wrong.

I may have joked about being with Charles and Camilla, but it was pure joking. I am not interested in swinging and never have been, for those who brought this up. I am much more practiced at self control than many might imagine and I have no need or desire to throw myself at anyone around town, for any reason.

So if you think you are all of that, you should talk to the last string of men I told from the very start: I am not interested and I never will be. I have never gone back on my word, and it's not their fault. Some very nice, professional, and even very goodlooking men have approached me. But I know if it's going to go somewhere or not for me, after very little introduction, and the answer is:


Yes, I'm tolerant. Yes, I'm accepting and can joke about a lot of things. But no, I do not follow any kind of traditional mold so once you think you've figured me out, think again.

Had to get that off my chest. So thanks for listening.

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