Monday, May 24, 2010

Leeza: 995 VYK Washington State plates

This woman, Leeza, who is one who signed off on one of Erickson's reports which was blatantly dishonest and could be proven by even taking a cursory look at my blog, walked past me, smug.

I was handed a stack of papers by Erickson in the middle of my visit, from the AG she said, which I've not yet looked at, tagged with orange and black tags. "Look Oliver!" I said, "It's like Halloween colors!"

He smiled.

At any rate, after seeing this look on her face today, and after seeing how she certified to the court, that she had reviewed Erickson's report and "found no errors", and knowing she is a liar and either didn't review a thing or is smug and reviewed but doesn't care, I made sure I knew what her plates are, bc there are some who will know, and learn more, about her connections than I'm able to do.

Leeza is someone who has always been nice to my face, and then I read what she's signing off on--blatant lies. That's when you know what the truth is, and then, when it comes down to the line, when people really think you're losing on every front and have zero support, that's when they become brave enough to show what they really think if they didn't before.

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