Monday, May 10, 2010

lucky guesses

I guessed this one guy, alberto, who was leaving the mcdonalds, had something to do with a divorce or waas bothered by some divorce in his family or close friends. pretty general. then i got something about this other worker and something about mechanics but he said no. i also saw him driving a smaller truck, i thought for cherries but maybe other agriculture and he said yes. don't know for sure, can't prove it. but that's what he said, and i got a smaller rather than larger truck.

also, going through a magazine on the table at this bookstore and something stood out with a photo of this guy named "doug" who was with paris. she shouldn't go back to him...i sense something about being an asshole but insecure and that's why and he doesn't like publicity that much either. saw this photo of britney and what the hell. she needs to fire her hairdresser, that's for sure. the london teased and frayed shag cut dosn't look right. and maybe she should just get the hell out of the u.s. like she wanted to and make it in uk and find a way to get her custody back. she could do it, but i do not believe she'll ever do it here. she may have had a few issues, but she's not going anywhere in the u.s with the custody. her career is solid, but the men? just skip to a different country, i think. all this stuff and press about her dad picking out her men is just degrading. i'm sure she loves her family but i think the only way she'll buck this nutty image is to get out. mariah broke down and got back up and so did whitney, but i think britney needs a new country for awhile. i'm looking at her in this photo with the uk belt and think that's where she wants to be anyway. just go, and fly in for kids, and figure out some great strategy there. believe me, that's what monica lewinsky had to do, because she was so trashed and blacklisted in the u.s. she couldn't get anywehre. eminem had to do the very same thing.

sometimes you just have to get out and break free. how long does britney have to have a legal conservator too? i mean, for the rest of her life or WHAT? i think if she fought it somewhere else, she'd get ahead.

really mean stuff about kim k., i don't know if it's true but very trashy.

the press really trashes women ,i think, more than men.

in the Time article about Di that I read from 1997, Di was labled or described as "difficult" but not one negative thing about charles. It takes two.

britney's sporting UK belts and Di wore U.S. flag sweaters. Sometimes it means nothing, but other times, change, even if temporary, is good.
I just talked to some guy and if he was honest, I got a lot of information right. He might have been joking about some of it but I don't know.

I passed him and he hadn't said a word and looked like he was from Wenatchee. I said, "You're not from here are you?" and he said how did I know. Turns out, he was born and raised around Yakima but recently from Florida. I asked to see his license but I don't know for sure if it was real. I wrote down everything I got right, which was a lot, and wrote down a few things I got wrong though too. So I know.

I asked if he fished and he said yes and I said was it a yellow kind of fish and he said yes, yellow finned tuna, whahoo, and mai mai. I asked if he had his own boat and he said yes. I said was it a fishing boat and he said yes. But first I wondered if it was a sailboat. He said it was "for sale". I asked if he'd been to S. America and he said yes, Costa Rica. I said, China? and he said no, no connection to China. I asked if he'd slept in a hammock and he said no but there was one outside his window in the British Virgin Islands for a month. I asked if he was in mmilitary and he said no but his father was in the Navy. I said, "Do they know about you?". I asked if someone was an engineer and he said his son and I said, "mechanical engineer?" and he said yes. I saw him with a chainsaw and asked why and he said he used to make ice sculptures because he was a chef and would do it for display. He said I got it right that he had a middle-long haired cat but I couldn't tell what color it was. No idea. I said I wanted to think of something about his childhood and said, "swimming? were you next to a pond or a lake?" and he said yes and I said, "tire swing too?" and he said not by the water but at his house there was. I asked where the pond was and he said in sunnyside in the lower yakima valley. I asked about mississippi and he said no connection. I asked about names josephine, kendra, sue or sandra and he said no. He said he knew a maureen and colleen but these didn't come to mind. I asked if his girlfriend or wife was a blond and he said no.

I really do not think most of the information I got from him was legit though. I had this feeling. Even though he was joking around, I sensed some of it he wasn't honest about. Even though he had a license from Florida, I had a feeling it was a fake license for some reason. I sort of felt he was trying to discredit me but I went with what I thought, even if I was picking up something from another person out there in the universe, not him necessarily. I asked if he'd been to Penn and he said no, and i said, "For a shipment of some sort" and he said for fishing poles but I don't know about that, that this added up.

I saw him with a cloth twisted up a little, like a gag or to strangle or something and he said no. I said it wasn't a napkin. Something else. And I asked if his mother wore high heels and he said no but I saw him walking around in a woman's high heels.

I saw a blond woman in his life with long straight and stringy or kind of frizzy long hair. I don't know more than that. I said the name Amy and he said he had a boss named Amy with such but I don't know. I did get such a blond though.

I had the idea of a boat that was white with some kind of blue lettering or trim or design on the side but he said no, white with black. He said he drove a truck now.

I don't know. I could have been right about some things, but I don't know what his motive was and for some reason when I looked at his license it looked real but I felt it might be a fake.

I also got the word "pelopenesian" with him but I don't know in what way. I asked him but he didn't know and said he knew polynesian but I said, no, something about pelopenessian but then I'm looking it up and it might be about a war or some historical thing.

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