Friday, May 7, 2010

Note The Time 8:30 & Evidence of Assault Noted

Note the time. 8:30 a.m.-9:45 a.m. PST.

I only went 15 minutes. I don't have a lot of time right now. More later.

I sent a couple of little perk me ups to a few members of a certain family, just to let them know Mrs. Claus is jealous. Santa Baby, yer elves aren't doing their job.

But mainly, since I only had 15 minutes, I sent a little to my exes to remind them since they would know me or not. More than anything, I sent it to those who have gone offensive in the first place.

Today was a great day and still is but instead of being defensive, today I decided to try 15 minutes of offensive. It came through after maybe 5 minutes. Pretty mild I think but I could notch it up with time.

I don't know for sure how to control though. I have a lot to learn. But I said to God, "Show 'em who's Boss".

I sort of warmed up myself though, when I was focusing. Right in the heart, right where it happens. Not really bad, but mild. I think it's a natural side effect maybe. It wasn't harmful for me at all, just sort of a small and minor result.

But I didn't ask for it for everyone, in that short timeframe, I couldn't do much. I was on my knees in the bathroom and just prayed. And it worked. I just directed and focused the prayer. I also had someone, when I was in the restroom at that time, someone kept walking back and forth and doing the "cough cough" thing. I don't kno why unless they maybe felt the heat.

I just saw a big FedEx truck. Maybe my Ex got the short little message. Very short. But he could confirm for himself. In 15 minutes I don't think I did very much really.

I sent a poerful spurt to those to are to blame to begin with. Then a couple of really short little blasts, not to harm, but to remind or to cause notice. I asked for it for the people in the cafe I was in, for some of them. But I don't know if that works, if it's not very specific and directed to one person.

I sent a very short short signal to an older woman but just to say hello and asked not to harm because she's older. So I specifically prayed for just something extremely short and brief. Nothing for my own family. A very short hello to a prominent older woman and a couple of very short hellos to 2 brothers. Hello! I sent a quick one to military or other groups that might be involved too. But probably, nothing happened, well, I know osmething did, but I don't know how noticeable it was or anything.

The other day I tried praying at various times and it was like sometimes people had up blocks or psychic shields. I experimented with two of my exes, A and C, and yet just really short stuff to see how it would affect me or the feeling I had. On one occasion it did nothing and changed nothing. On other occasions, I would send it to C and I cooled down. It was like he could absorb it and then when I tried A, once, it got a lot hotter. But then it sort of was level.

It worked differently at different times. When I can't see a face all the time, I wonder, so I just say return to sender. Not knowing. But just return to sender.

The thing is, people here know that's its's technology because they flash the electric stuff and firetrucks by first. But, I do know, from what I've tried, that there is a psychic component. And that is where I have realized, this is very real, and someone who is good enough can even send out the message that "this is going to happen" and then tell people and then focus and do what they said they were going to do. No differently from getting a bunch of birds to fly a certain direction or affecting the weather or getting pairs of 4 different species of birds to be in a row.

I said something about weather changing and at that moment the sun popped out. But it's true.

I saw this sign in my doctor's office about "You can change the weather but you can adjust your sails." I think it's almost the reverse. I think it's easier to affect weather and animals than it is to change people's hearts. Weather and such things are actually not as big of a deal as free will. People have incredible power with free will. And I have actually never even attempted to tamper with that, although I might pray for hearts to change or things to go my way, I ultimately know people are in charge of their own lives.

Although I do wonder if someone put a spell on me to be celibate until they have me to themself because it's been very easy. I once locked someone into celibacy for a few months, by prayer, but aside from that, I've never put a "spell" on anyone.

I'm thinking about Santa though. Santa, yer elves forgot tah deliver my prisint. Yoo never came Santee.

I think yoo got too big fer yer bloomers tah fit down the chimnee. Too good fer chimnees.

Kiss me Tiger: hahah! I have never heard this song before and it really cracks me up. Unfortunately, the first person who comes to mind is Tiger Woods. Then I get Rudolph the Red Nosed Neindeer:
It has been hell here pretty much. I can't go anywhere. First of all, I'm trying to figure out who to get into trouble to fix this problem. Then, I went to the doctors' office the other day and there is a spitting image of Tanya Harding or her twin and people thought that was really funny. I guess the idea was that I am like Tanya Harding, and she was wearing items of clothing I used to have which Im sure was coincidental. Because just like Tanya, I am the rogue with the hockeystick, taking out the Nanci Kerrigans. Yeah, me and Biff. While I was coming out though, I noticed this tiny black bird way off in the sky where no one would see and then I then a black raven right in front of me. Lots of things lately. A lot of military stuff. So anyway, then I go to Olive Garden to have a normal salad and breadsticks and everything was set up there too. I was about to sit next to these guys on the left but they were busy so I sat at the bar with a couple of women in red. It was the blue guys on the left or the pink and red women on the right so I sat next to the women and then all of a sudden, it's this bartender from Australia. Mom from Australia and Dad from U.S. and he's military and here I am sitting there and getting a black straw and then I notice there are certain cups on the left, and 2 shot glasses in the middle where another group stat, and then 4 glasses and something else sitting apart from it. I was on the 4 side and I said, "What's that?" pointing to the thing next to it. He said "It's a strainer." Oh, nice. Pint taken. So I left. And then I cried at another place. Tired of everything having to do with where I sit or how I move about, and you know what, if I were being paid, sure, but I'm not getting anything out of this, not even my son.

I tried to get a song with something to do with "bellarmine" and instead I got something from Linkin' Park. Three choices and I picked "What I've Done". I think I need to do some more blasting. I have someone in mind actually. Going to try it out. Someone here and local. Want to see what happens. I tried to play it, that song, and got a msg of "1.1. service unavailable" and then it played and I tried to play the next one and it did this again.

I had soeone driving by in a red shirt doing this dramatic catholic crossing. This doesn't have anything to do with normal people or religious stuff. If you look into it more, it has more to do with quantum physics and possibilities, and then secondly, spiritual or supernaural. There are people, catholics, jewish, muslim, non practicing, etc, who are able to focus on human pontential that is there which we do not always use and it doesn't always require some kind of "I don't know"...I wish, well, I hope in writing about it that people can learn more.
Hmmm, I don't think I can do it just sitting in a normal place pretending like I'm nt trying. I do it better if I am totally focused with my head down or eyes closed or on knees I think. I THINK. That's when I notice I am getting through. I guess if I was anyway, it would be hard to tell, but I can sense more if I'm more focused. I think I need a minute and then I'll be back.
I took about 3-5 minutes. It is not enough time at all. But I felt I could tap in a little bit better. I then walked out and ran across a few people who I sensed really good energy from. One, I stood next to, and just felt it, a pleasant vibe. Said nothing, just nice. Of course, I can't judge on that.

The person or target I had, I don't know, but as soon as I came back out, they got up from their chair and left. I said I wished no ill will, just wanted to see. I don't know though. Could have been getting up to leave anyway and I didn't hear from them or get any visible cue--but they got up and left, even though it was just one target point.

I also sent one very short thing to a brother. Super brief.

Now my Linkin' Park is playing again. It's "Leave Out All The Rest". Very sad, like someone is dying and leaving the world. I think I need a different playlist. Oh weird. I just saw something with this playlist, for "annabelle"! which is the name I gave to the bad princess when playing with my son. I guess this is a good playlist. i like this song...never heard it before. 3)h!3 Starstruck.

I DID do one thing with someone driving by and I saw this guy react. But I don't know if he got anything from me at all. All I know, is he passed and was stopped a little bit ahead of me and I sent it straight out to him. At that moment, his hands moved down the steering wheel and his mouth sort of dropped open and he looked in his rearview mirror and another guy was looking at him and nodding. But that could mean absolutely anything. But he had a reaction.

Someone drove by who looked just like my aunt.

Anyway, I prayed protection over my son too. I know some of what he's been through is technology but I prayed and visualized something around him and surrounding and enclosing him and it looked like a bee hive. When I was visualizing, I didn't ask fro that image, but I saw something like the shape of a winnie the pooh type of beehive but ethereal. But it was a dome and went around him. And actually, at the last visit, he semed so happy. He was the happiest I've seen him in awhile. Maybe because of the turtle I brought or something else but he'd had a lot of fun playing with his friend Danny, on the trampoline and slide and it sounded like he'd gone to a park or playground and had fun.

I tried to post something else but it wouldn't allow. It said "cross scripting" not allowed and what I wrote was deleted.

What I was trying to write was that in other ways my son was NOT okay. He showed signs of brainwashing and had a cut on his finger like a razor or exacto blade cut and he was also having problems with his eyes and had a strange new mark of discoloration on one side of his mouth. The part that I liked was how happy he was, maybe just because I brought him a turtle as I'd promised.

Some very bad people drove by about 10:55 a.m. Thank you to the few I saw who I know agree. I don't the situation, but I sensed very evil and bad energy and knew.

I prayed for the protection for him a couple of days ago, yesterday or the day before.

What's weird, is that I just read, last night, in this book about psychics, that this girl, from the time she was maybe 2 years old or older, would see this cloudy haze around the heads of people and it turned out that she was psychic, very psychic, later in life, with some extraordinary abilities. I was stunned to read the description because this was exactly what I saw over the head of an Ex boyfriend. It was in an image but it was the exact same thing, except in what I saw, there were these really tiny small little stars, very very small, so I wondered if it was the background of a wall somewhere or something. I don't know. But then last night I read the very same thing was seen by this girl who then became an adult.

I just got this notice that there was an IP address conflict with something on another server. I have not seen this kind of notice before.

The guy who I sensed good energy, was sitting next to this coffee pot and wearing bright shirt and balding head. shorter but for a minute at least, sensed good energy. Carrying orange backpack.

But anyway, I was happy to see my son so happy last visit. He said a couple of things that sounded lke things someone would tell him to say, who wants him to stay with my aunt and uncle.

I have heard this song a couple times and I like it: Kanye West (who's going to run this town tonight).

When I say "beehive" by the way, I do not not mean bes like some of this stuff I've seen, with people wearing black and yellow. One of the black and yellow wearers gave me a poisoned cigarette.

Just last night, I went to this store and this guy didn't know if he should believe me, but I showed him my tongue and he saw what is there. I said, "You can see this?" and he said, "Yes, it's redder there...what happened? did it burn or something?" and I said no.

Funny how a total stranger can see that I have evidence on my person, of an actual assault, but the Seattle FBI tried to BLOCK me from making a report.

Then I had, yesterday, a guy who i had a restraining order against, following me around again. He's done this about 2-3 times lately and I think I have to file to renew a restraining order against him.

I also have had this former housemate that I lived with, stalking me on 2-3 different occasions.

I really don't like whatever it is that's going on right now.

I am wondering, with psychic stuff, if you have to have a fixed target in mind. Like, if military and gov. people just visualize a certain person, or have a photo or if they just have a name. I know with voodoo they use actual dolls and pins
but I am wondering if psychics can actually take an entire group or select a population and try to affect it (probably not) or just one person at a time.
I would like to meet people who can affect a certain group. and not just one person at a time.

I know for sure that people can do this with one person at a time. I've read about it and there is a lot of goverenmnt literature on it.

103 HWN red SUV. I might try to work on that guy. Maybe I could try to pick out a couple of random license plate numbers and see if I can visualize from a distance, with only that much random information. And then maybe choose a different target. I think it works best with closer proximity though. I want one more target...just to see, but it probably won't work like this...I am not going to try for a shitty car. 673277 California plates, black truck, black shirt, younger guy. I think I got the plates wrong but it will be close enough. I want a woman and then I'll stop and try it.

Before I look again for someone, I have something else to write:

saw you, sitting on the bench looking straight ahead
the bad news, the new news, and heartbreak. you got bad news that day
but you smiled and sat through, and from your profile i saw the pain and there
was no mask. the other was embarressed and didn't know what to do, braving it
et knowing with the staunch older man at the side, that this was
something. maple leaves falling around you but i don't know what is happening
what is happening? i saw this and knew you were as a child, and knew you are terminally ill, or your heart is broken, or you are smiling and and laughing while the otherrs know, your most intimate of intimates. something happened there. you learned something about someone you love. the other looking, gingerly, but solid, as careful and quiet as the madness of king george is avoided and abated but knowing as i knew from one look, there are pills to take. i saw this and knew it was one of the world's greatest secrets, what you retain. no one knows, not even me and maybe only the other. some know some things but they do not know the truth or the whole of it. you were smiling in a public moment when you were about to fall apart and you didn't and you haven't but i saw it and i knew. i like how you are very up and very arrogant, in their face. strong show all the way around but in that moent even the other didn't know what to do. you love her and you were given information that broke your heart by the memory of it. you looked like this running into his arms, pushing past the strangers, to the one you loved the most. you looked like this, at 2 or 3 or 4 and then you looked the same then, more transparent in that moment than you ever were in a moment of absolute darkness when the most beautiful light was quit. you have had enough of tragedy and deserve to be happy. take this sinking boat... the song, you deserve to win. Falling Slowly
Create AccountSign In Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova (Once)

I see all of these people driving by who know nothing.

I hate so many of them. I hate all of the superficial egotism. Some people want others to suffer for their sake regardless. They want to their Jesus and don't want you to be happy with what you choose even for a short time. They think they own you.
I know what is goig to happen and I know what it means when people are trading places.

It doesn't mean I know you or that you're for me, it only means i know what I see and what is evident to he naked eye and also, what I intuit. How many legs? How many wooden legs to replace the ones they cut off. Spider. What has 6 legs? Spiders? Crabs? What other things? shhhh. Then you just do the math. 2 plus 4, 6 minus 2, six minus 4, many legs for a fly on the wall? ;) and so many beetles, ladybugs, and birds. Anyway...I guess we all have a mean streak don't we? One which is self protective and doesn't want to admit to "that woman".

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