Friday, May 14, 2010

...Tarot (peeked) & music

I peeked at tarot because this woman pointed it out and I figured, if it's just pictures and symbols, random, it's maybe not so different from my opening up the Bible at random and taking verses to heart.

So I looked at some books and browsed a small bit but I, for some reason, don't feel "released" in a sense of the word, to learn it. I think it's as powerful as you make it, or infuse it to be, but I still feel I must adhere to the gift as it is given to me, in the form it is given and not digress.

I felt though, okay, it's alright to explore a tiny bit, asking for protection and guidance and out of curiousity.

So I did! and I felt a little sad until I sat down next to this Philipino man who only knows 2 other philipinos in the other area. So I can relate to that!

I don't know how to do tarot and I know I wouldn't do it right, but I grabbed a book and did with it what I do with the Bible, but made sure to try to randomly select from each "group" because I saw there are different groups I think. But I don't know how to do it really. It seemed mixed, AND the other thing, is that of course, none of it was upside down so it's not accurate at all. But I did it, I guess, for small cues and for fun, to today. Present moment, not my whole future by any means.

I got some sort of interesting things. Felt so sad though though until I sat next to this man who I am not even talking to, but just feel better.

This is what I got! so other readers might import some magnificence or terrible terrible conclusion, but it's not accurate!

I got the following, and in this order of randomly opening up and pointing by total randomness:

By order of random draw, not in accuracy or with actual cards but through flipping through a book:

1. Page of wands
2. Cups of 3
3. Swords of 5
4. Pentacles of 2
5. The Star
6. High Priestess

and that was it and then I went to this book about mystical animals and meanings and I absolutely randomly opened up to, of all things: the lion and the unicorn, pg. 368
"Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures".

I took all of them to mean me and all of the cards I ended up choosing seemed to be alrigh, except those swords. The swords depressed me.

I read all the meanings though and it felt right. I don't exactly know about the 5 swords but would like to think the best. Or that it's temporary. The other things seemed humble and like things I can live with and pertain to my discoveries in here and now. I was happy to see they dealt with integrity, truth, and the psychic and seemed to be very positive female things or signs for females. The page of wands sounded like a servant to me, but I read it is of secrecy and then the star and high priestess seemed hopeful and powerful. The rest seemed very related to my now but I think probably it could apply, well, any of the signs might apply at different times.

Oh, and at exactly almost 9 p.m., I sensed a piercing, somethign for someone else who is or will read this. But I don't know why.

The book I took it from was by a woman named Rachel...let me get her last name. Pollack. Rachel Pollacks 78 degrees of something or other.
I felt like I should listen to "Amazing Grace" and it came to mind and I got this one with Judy Collins which was labled rare and then at the end it says the choir she sang with was the RAF. Royal Air Force from the 70s in Germany.

Then "galla" like sounding like 'gay-lah" came to mind. I sense alternating strong powerful and a little sad energy.

I typed in gala and galla and couldn't find anything except but got this "Song to the Moon" by Renee Fleming which I decided to hear, and something about gala involved. Ruskala gala temper ? Sung on my birthday!
i took all the cards, randomly, to pertain to me except for perhaps Page of Wands, which I read can indicate a man, and then the Swords I felt, with the picture of a man, could indicate a man as well. I felt I was getting or identifying with both the star and the priestess one. I think you're supposed to have only one "major arcana" from what I read, but I got two. And the star is pouring from 2 pitchers. and the priestess is inbetween 2 pillars with 2 above her head, so I don't think it has to be absolutely exact. The man in the 5 swords has 2 men behind him who seem sad and he is holding 2 swords still. So many 2s. But that doesn't mean anything. Oh, and 2 of pentacles too. But really, I think there is duality in just about everything.
then i got something about vini viti or vini vidi and look at what I got. I don't know if this is it:Vini Vidi Vici--

Then, I guess, I don't know if it's the same lyrics? but Vini Vidi Vici, by Virgin Steele:

then bastard child came to mind: by Master P--

I kind of like this song. it's not my forte, about selling dope, but it's very positive, about keeping your head up, no matter what. It's sort of, definitely a duality song. Bad and good.

I got claud and chose pavel and it's a romanian gypsy. This is when you wonder why some women think they need to straighten out their curls. Claudia Pavel. This one makes me want to dance.

Then I got something about truce. "Truce" as in a song or something else and found there's an organization called truce in england and i think in u.s. too.

Mercy Seat. By rap group Truce.

Shit. The word I got after starting this song was "your play". follow that. I don't know what significance, but for someone, it has significance. Nicky Cruz. Truce.

I finally felt the very strong positive energy, with the clip of Truce in London.
wiki on Nicky Cruz: in english--
in spanish--

I really like this Truce group. I felt uplifted by the song Mercy Seat. It all felt right, going in a direction, but then it hit. Solid and I don't know why.
i just got an ad for "colon cleansing" by this babylon group. as if it has anything to do with what i've looked up.

i also have the computer overheating stuff happening but it's okay. i'll do some praying tonight. i know i hit on something somewhere. i guess it's threatening somehow, even though i don't know myself, why.
this woman handed me a cool book about fortune telling book of names and inside was juliet. cool. i think i might be, but still don't know how exactly. but happy to get this. want to look up some things about the cards, even though it's not to mean anything seriously and was just a one-time thing.

one woman who ws blond and eastern european really looked at me when she came in. a few others.

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