Wednesday, May 5, 2010

U.S. Army Grade Of Women: Pieces of Shit

I am realizing how the U.S. military really sees women. Women, to the Army and The Pentagon, are pieces of shit to use, abuse for their own means, coordinate with crap with the CIA and then dump.

The U.S. military has problems with Veterans feeling like pieces of shit. Good luck if you're a woman. Good luck if you're a woman who dated a "double" besides.

I do not believe I have been fully compensated for my services gentlemen.

And I also believe, that if you know what's good for you...Well, you think you've got it covered already don't you?

You drive on, and do your own thing, and don't give a damn about women you use and encourage your men to use. Why did the U.S. get in trouble for raping a woman and dumping her out of a truck all alone, in Malaysia or wherever it was? because they allow and encourage this all the time.

Hump and dump.

For what my son and I have been through, and been tortured over, you should be FUCKING working OVERTIME to get us out of this mess. But no, instead you track me and follow me around and do horrible things to us, and think you're just done.

You know very well what groups were involved. You KNOW. And you allow and influenced lawyers and housing people and courts, and even doctors, to treat me like a piece of SHIT.

And then you encourage harassment of me and a bunch of mind games and play your own stunts.

I can't think of one good thing to say about any of your men, except that they were sometimes a good lay, and were supposed to help me with my son, and all of you put your politics over me and my son, and fucking USED me and screwed ME and MY SON over. Others might think it has something to do with another group, but I am well aware of your other political connections and the kinds of deals you were working for your own sakes.

I am losing my son. Because of you fucking assholes. You even told and approved your Army assholes to MEDICATE me and you all knew about it.

Fuck you.

I am not even done.

You screw me, and your assassin and undercover drop experts, well, you have shown me and my son how much you care about OUR lives. So let's see how important YOUR LIVES are.

You knew it wasn't just the U.S. You KNEW about the other country interests and you USED me and then dumped me and did NOTHING to mitigate damages.

But you want me to go to your West Point man whom you put in place after I separated from my Ex, to put whatever fucking spin on things that you want to put on things.

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