Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Use of Federal Uniform and Vehicle for Personal Gaming

I have no problem with people having their own form of culture. But you know what? Keep it out of government. Both religion and other "group" affiliations need to stay OUT of government, because when you mix it up, as you do, that's when it's not safe for anyone and corrupt.

I got the tortoise for my son but since it can be returned, my plan was to let him have it for a few days but to trade it for a water turtle. It was totally his choice though and I said to him he could choose and he likes the idea of a water turtle. On one hand, the water turtles are not handled as much, but fun to watch and can still be handled, but they are 5 year turtles. A tortoise is 50+ years and I don't know if it should be that kind of commitment. So I let him choose and he got to take it with him and I said we'd trade it so he was happy with that idea.

What I didn't like, was that it seemed like something was hinging on what kind of turtle I got, if I got one at all. And it seemed to me that someone was suffering one way or the other.

I don't know what it means but I walked out of the state offices and there were 3 federal post office vehicles there. A FedEx truck, a post office car, and a walking post office man who waited until MY visitation monitor was parked right in front of him, to then walk by her very slowly with a big blue cross attached to his post office bag, wanting her to see. I have NO idea what that was about, but I really question why that many federal workers needed to be positioned there, and then with one parading a blue cross. What's that for? something bad to happen to a "blue" group? or something bad to happen to a "red" group? I don't like it either way.

I wrote down the federal vehicle numbers and then followed the guy who was walking the bag with a bright blue cross attached to it.

Also, in the visit, someone had left dried up egg yolk or something that looked like egg yolk, in this little tray and I wondered what THAT was supposed to mean. It was red straw on one side and a huge mess of something else on the other side.

I don't know. I just don't know what to make of it. I wrote down the information and got the nametag of the postal guy who was walking by with the blue cross. When he walked by, my visitation monitor looked at him and nodded solemnly. My poor son was holding onto his turtle box, stuck in the middle of this HELL HOLE.

The federal vehicles were on the corner of Chelan (or mission) and? will have to find out, and there just about a half hour ago. The FedEx license number was B76758D, the post office truck was 9205831, and the post office walker with the blue cross attached to his business bag, facing the monitor when he nodded to her, was Kenneth Vasquez, according to his name tag.

This is all stuff that is centered around me, my son, and the state.

My son was really really happy to see the turtle and very good with it. He was excited about getting a water turtle instead but wanted to take this one home until there was a trade and I said this was fine.

He came in, primed by someone, to call the turtle "Billy" and brought a train with "Billy" on the side as well. I said, "Oh! cute! That makes Mama think about this nice lady she met named Billy. This tortoise is probably a girl."

After I posted this, I went downstairs and there were two Wenatchee cops there including the one who has gone out of his way to harass and insult me: Husson.

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