Saturday, May 1, 2010


I don't know about the vibe.

I sensed good energy with the Horizon song but before and after, sort of down. Moreso now than earlier.

She's playing all the same songs, so nothing new.

I feel like something might be going on which is not very good for me or some who I love. Which makes me feel like I should leave where I'm at. But I will stay a little big longer and then maybe leave.

If I find out anything is wrong with, or happening with my son, I will be talking about a lot of things. I'm at the end of the reserve on keeping back about things with my son and me.

This guy came in with a white thing on top a yellow flower and had two of them. Necklaces, and I noticed, at the same time all these people wearing white came in.Not

I am also concerned because this is a Saturday and weird things happen on the weekend around here. Seriously, this area is so shady, when I see people wearing white I wonder if someone has died and been buried and the whole town knows. Which is not true, of course, but that's what it's like.

Not immediately by me but in this room I think there are a couple of men, or maybe just one, who is shady. A little more to spend shady. I think more than one. 2-3 but one in particular but haven't put my finger on it. Very strange.

What is cool, is when people let me know later, that I am right about something.

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