Monday, May 24, 2010

Visit With My Son & His Health (Abuse & Neglect by State)

He looked good today and was afffectionate and seemed happy, like he'd had attention paid to him.

He was also pretty chatty even though there were still speech articulation problems.

He has cavities which haven't been filled, even though he's been to a pediatric dentist, I guess because they don't want to confirm he has serious problems because of his disrupted tooth enamel--the "enamel dysplasia" that was later erased from the dentist's office.

Any objective dentist from out of this area could take one look at my son's teeth and make the diagnosis of dysplasia. We were playing "doctor" and he let me look in his mouth and he had on one side of his cheeks, disrupted blood vessels which are visible, which is only on the left side of his face, if I'm looking at him straight-on. He has a visibly discolored and large cavity on the bottom right side near his molars. When I gently ran my finger across his gums, top and bottom, without making comment, he said "OUCH!" and he's done this before, and he did it again when I ran it across the top teeth.

They are not taking X-rays or even filling in my son's cavities, when they're supposed to, because they don't want fucking documentation of what my son suffers through.

This is one sick town.

The state workers here are all backing this, because they don't want me to be right about anything either, so they let my son's teeth go to hell and allow him to suffer from sensitivity because THEY are part of the cover-up.

IF they care about a child's best interests, why are they not asking that my son's teeth be independently evaluated? And WHERE are the X-rays for my son's dental check-ups?

After the age of 2, they do fillings, but they've done NOTHING for my son, and his mouth is FULL of caries.

Once I file a lawsuit, I will be asking a court to have an independent doctor evaluate my son.

Also, even though my son has shown extreme sensitivity to noise and with his eyes, hurting all the time, and his head and headaches, and even though his speech is still problematic, they've NOT done an MRI, which Canada recommended and was going to do within one month.

Canada was going to do more, in 2 weeks time, than anyone here in the U.S. has. Because Washington state and other assholes are BLOCKING my son's access and right to health.

Today we were playing pretend doctor, but he knows the difference between pretend and "real" and I asked him how he was feeling and he said he had headaches a lot. I said, "It hurts on your head?" and he said, "Yes." I said, "For pretend or for real?" and he said, "For real." The other stuff he said pretend, including, he said his eyes used to hurt but not so much now, for real, they didn't hurt so much. But he said he's having headaches all the time and he's said this before, and yet what has this department done about it?

NOthing. And neither have the doctors or the medical community here, because they CARE more about saving big grown-up ADULT asses than they care about a child's suffering.

I asked my lawyer, when I was appointed one, to make an order to the court on behalf of my son, because of my son's physical complaints and he didn't do one thing in 7 months. NOTHING.
My visit with my son was great. I could tell he'd had a lot of fun in the last couple of days. I was very happy about how he looked too. He looked good.
What I'm unhappy about, is the negligence, and in fact, the deliberate corruption of the state workers here who are connected to medical people in town, and who want to make my son suffer.

So, even if I technically lost my son, I could still sue for civil rights violations and I could still have my son brought in as a witness and have him evaluated by professionals outside of this area, to prove corruption and negligence, if not deliberate infliction of emotional distress, upon not just me, but a child. Not that I could sue on behalf of my son, but I could still have my son evaluated, under court order somewhere, to prove he was injured and it was covered up by a large group of people who did nothing about it but try to stall on the statute of limitations, lie about the mother, and keep him from being seen or treated by normal people.

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