Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Busy Signal At My Son's Place & ID Theft

I continue to get a constant busy signal from The Avilas.

I would like to have someone check on my son.

Not only has my son been subjected to a lot, there were a lot of new people in town today and quite a flagrant attitude of harassment and confidence in doing it. The atmosphere was such that it made it clear many feel there is now a "clear zone" for harassing and abusing me and my son. Seeing how this gross confidence is inspired, only makes it clear that someone or some group is getting important protections and has made it clear to others that they have nothing to worry about if they harass or abuse me, my son, or my family.

I have also had the overheating with the laptop and other things happen today. Also had a lot of stalkers and mockers about today, on the road.

Apparently, someone even called into unemployment services, pretending to be me, yesterday. I called today and this woman told me yes, they noted I had called in yesterday. I said, no I did not call yesterday. She said, "It's in our notes." I said "That's impossible. I was at home all day and didn't even go out." She, "Phyllis", with Washington State unemployment, said, "It's in our notes that you called yesterday." I said, "I didn't. I didn't leave the house" and when she said, "You don't have a phone line at your house then?" I said "No".

Additionally, not only did I have someone from WA state unemployment claim I called in yesterday when I didn't, I also had someone, "Don", at the state offices, take me to an office with a clock that was about 5 hours behind time. It said almost 10 a.m. when it was almost 3 p.m. He thought it was amusing the clock was set back 5 hours.

Then, I also had someone try to convince me that Monday was Sunday and that it was a day earlier than it was, and even pretend to go to church on that day as well, or not be interested in it, actually, as I reminded "Aren't you going to CHURCH?" That may or may not have been an accident. Perhaps he forgot, but he left and was out for the duration of what would be the length of church. I told him he wasn't too late getting up to make the Anglican service. Then he got "back".

Someone set my date on my computer to one day ahead of time. I don't know how bc it was done on like Yahoo and it should be keeping accurate time and then also on some web browser called "my freeze" or whatever. I don't know, it's like it's on UK time, a day ahead. My clock has always been off, and inaccurate.

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