Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obama & Michelle Readings or "word"

First off, no, I do not literally think all the calamities are bc of "me" nor am I able to make promises about healing and that sort of thing, obviously. I was being somewhat dramatic and pissed off because things were stolen. However, I do feel it is partly true, and I do believe that when such an injustice is done to someone who God knows has been faithful, that there are other kinds of consequences which occur because of it. My son was not to take. My son was given to me by God and I prayed over him every day and thanked God for my son and because I know what His intentions were and are, there is no group which would convince me otherwise. Additionally, given the amount of money and energy that's gone into invasion of privacy of my son and keeping me out of work or housing, I do believe that the effects create a ripple effect. Taking my son was not a good idea and it may take even more time for others to figure out that it might be possible, that this is why so many bad things are happening to others. Bad things happen to good people, but it is also true that when odd things begin to occur and one remembers when it began, if harassing me and taking my son was a starting point, or proximal, then this is something to notice. Someone could have every outward sign of blessings and be a miserable person or have horrible things going on in the background, or illness within a family. Wenatchee, for example, has been losing money like a sieve and yet certain people have gotten rich off of this. If the middle class and lower class enjoy watching how their house values drop 70% and are repossessed as rich assholes who tell them what to do regarding me, snap them up and keep them on a line while promising a small job security, then that's what will continue to happen. I told someone I was so sure that God isn't happy with what's going on, that I would bet my own life on it, that I know were my son with me, there would be an overflow of blessings and restoration to others. I am this confident.
Last night it took me about an hour to go back and try to find all the scriptures and things I had randomly gotten for the Baraks. I didn't want to do it over because I had prayed over it the first time and for blessing and a true message or insight and even if I don't understand all of it, I'm not doing a "do-over" right now. I fortunately recalled all of it, because I sat there and thought about it so long. The only thing I don't remember is exact order of the verses and maybe with one or two I'm not sure if it was for Obama or for Michelle. But I did do all of it completely random, as usual, but after praying first each time. Then I sat down with what I got and began to write out ideas of what I thought the combination message was and the overall impression I was getting, with these things all considered. I also did have a couple of notes but they were only of the cards, not the scriptures and the insights that followed.

They are as follows:

For Michelle:
1. Wedding
2. Steady Progress
3. Let Your Past Go

For Obama:
1. Opportunity to Forgive
2. What do you Desire?
(this card I ended up drawing for my son the next day and gave to him to keep)
3. Creative Project

Instead of just getting her cards first and then going to scripture, I got their cards at random, with someone witnessing it was random, and then I went to the Bible.

I then got the following scriptures for Michelle, after first thinking there was something about her marriage:
--Neh. 7:43 which I pondered over bc it didn't make sense to me but I landed on the part about the Levites or thereabouts and then when I looked at the chapter heading, I saw it called "List of the Exiles Who Returned".
--Luke 9:28 about The Transfiguration and then,
--Prov. 14:16 about a wise man (or person) not being quick to anger.

I am pretty sure this order and I know Neh. and Prov. for her 100% and I think the Luke passage was hers and I'm 95% positive it was hers.

Then I got for Obama:
--Prov. 6:23. It began with the part about these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light...and then I looked to see what this was regarding, and it is the chapter about "Beware of Adultery". The entire chapter is. I prayed carefully before getting scriptures, because I said to God, "This is the President of the United States God, so please let this be right." And I didn't know if it was about some situation or just the temptation which is natural to the job. But it was the first thing and I thought it was interesting in combination with getting "wedding" as Michelle's first card.
--"Sons of God". I looked for this last night and I think I got both one about this which then mirrored the NT one but haven't found it yet. But I am pretty sure I got one which was OT which had almost the very same passage and then I got this, repeated, in the NT and I found it in the NT with Galations 3:26 about how there is no difference between Jew or Gentile (or anyone) and all are sons of God and heirs. I will continue to search, when I have time, for the OT one that came up, but it was about being redeemed. I am positive there was also an OT one which I thought was interesting because it was a reinforcement of an idea. And it was when I was reading this, and thinking about Obama as a 'son of God' that the guy, 10 minutes later tried to say he had something to get off his chest and he knew I wasn't "bi" and that I had better not mess around with anyone because I was the "wife of the son of God." So, if he is psychic at all, he got his wire crossed. He announced this out of the blue and I'd said nothing to him about reading about son of God and thinking about how it applied. So he just shows, up, and blurts out that he has something to say and has to tell me and it is 1. You are not "bi" and 2. "You are the wife of the son of God." I said nothing.
--Ruth 4:2. I read this passage but fell on the part where Boaz inquires about buying or redeeming a piece of land, and Ruth. He says he will redeem it.
--2 Kings 16. King Ahaz. I got a part about this king who was bad but didn't know what that had to do with anything other than possibly a cautionary thing or reflective of something else.
--Matthew 21. I think, something about the triumphal entry.

Then I counted these things and I believe this was it, except I really think there is one about son of God missing which I got from the OT as well but would have to search later.
Then I went to the God's Promises for Your Every Need Book, which just has verses for various topics and randomly picked two, and I only remember one of them now and I don't know who it was in regard to but it was Deut. 6:6-9 about teaching the good to ones children.

Finally, I went to the Daily Bread devotional and I got ones for them that were side by side but I had closed my eyes and turned the book around several times and got, for Michelle, Aug. 9, "The Life That Matters", which is about humility in greatness, and lists 1 Pet. 5:1-7 and then it also has Heb 13:7. For Obama the one I got was "Copy Me" and it is about living a life that imitates Christ. It lists 1 Corin. 10:23-11:1.

So I got all these things and then I sat with this all written down and thought about it and what came to mind was redemption and restoration, coming back from exile in a symbolic way and being heirs, and then stuff about their marriage. So then I thought, I think there is something about adultery or fear of or temptation thereof (which would be natural of course in that position but it seemed to be maybe a pressing issue personally).

Now, I cannot find the paper that had this information on it. I will have to look again tomorrow. I know one of them was "entrepreneur". There were two more and made sense. Then I did one for the other one but couldn't remember her least I think that's what the other section was and one was "innocence" and the other one was "play".
I also wondered about the Ruth passage.

I couldn't believe it but I pretty much got all of the verses I randomly pulled, I got all of them back even though they were taken. I remembered all of it but I had to go back and search forever to find them. I remembered the content but not the actual references.

Then I got something about Malia and I want to first look something up before writing anything down.

Okay, it is much later now, about 11:30 p.m. and I had to find out if Malia was the name of their daughter and it is. I must have heard it and then subconscious kicked in. I don't remember if I looked up scriptures for her but I got the following cards:

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