Saturday, June 19, 2010

Comment On MK-Ultra & Gang Violence

Someone made a comment on MK-ULTRA and I'll have to find where it was posted. They wrote an expansion on what it covered, what kind of experimental ground.

They wrote "some" still believe it continues.

That goes without saying for those who are educated.

It never stopped. It only went underground. Even after hearings about it, even those people were discredited or attempts were made, and most records destroyed or relocated to a different place. I do not believe they were all "destroyed"--they just went "missing" and if money can be siphoned into offshore accounts, so can potentially damaging documents.

They weren't going to just quit when they had "follow up" to do. There is at least 1 or 2 accounts and recorded testimonies of just such a thing. These people were discovering they were still targeted, even after the trials and laws passed to "prevent" this from happening. But those are just the slim few who made the discovery AND got it onto record.

They have always had funding, from various sources and use different covers to carry out what happens. It happens in mental health hospitals and orphanages and homes where people are not believed or more easily discredite; it happens in jails for the same reasons; it happens in the military and is chalked up to mental instability from natural war traumas; it happens with the cover of gangs and protection of authorities to allow this to continue but try to displace blame onto gangs and some who work in mafia.

They train people to do these things, and they also get people who may not be experienced at everything, but who will carry out one or two things and they others follow up on the documentation.

There is also an interest in following whole families through a generational course, and if there is any natural ability with psi or remote viewing, this will be exploited with zero compensation to these parties. Other countries are able to exploit those abilities as easily, and use gangs as coverings as well.

Unless someone steps in to protect, there is no protection.

The most likely to have this happen are those who end up in certain research universities. The smart are not exempt.

My guess would be that the only ones the govt. doesn't dare touch are people who are well-connected politically or who are very rich, who, if they discovered what happened, would sue the shit out of people and who would have better means of hiring investigators and pay people off to tell them what is really going on.

The govt. doesn't go after the rich or the politically connected, unless it is to try to blackmail or manipulate them.
There is also just straight up gang violence that goes underground and is covered up by those around who get paid off and are corrupt. I do not believe forcing my son to swallow perm solution was part of a govt. experiment. Not unless it's allowing sick things to happen to cover up for other stuff, as a cover.

Anytime one bad thing is allowed to happen, and there is some other excuse for it, the perpetrators will use a COVER.

When some guy goes "falling out of" 10th floor apartment windows, it is blamed on his records of depression. Sure, and then his family found out later he was part of an experiment and when he was going to talk about it, someone hit him over the head FIRST and then shoved him out of the window.

"Suicides" even with "suicide notes" are not always suicides. It doesn't take any imagination to understand that someone holding a gun to someone's head, and promising them that they won't kill others or who knows what, will write out that note as instructed, to preserve anything they think they might be able to preserve. Some people will do certain things under pressure.

Anytime someone is diagnosed as "mentally ill" this is the perfect cop-out for doing whatever they want to that person and then blaming it on "mental illness". Which is what happened to Di, and she's one rich person who was targeted simply because she was a threat because of her audience power. Just as some other rich or political persons have been, so I've just contradicted myself...Well sort of. I don't believe these persons are ever victims of govt. exp. in mind control really but later, I do believe they are still subject to certain pressures.

When I was claiming to be pregnant, that was a great cover for using technology which would affect my heart and circulatory system because if my legs were swelling or something else happened, it could be blamed on pg. bc even if I wasn't pregnant, I was claiming to be.

By trying to keep me out of work and housing, this is another way to discredit me. Putting me in such a bad position, makes it easier for people who view me as a threat, to have me so down and destabilized or at least in "appearance" that others question what is going on with me and don't believe me as readily as they would someone who is employed, has a house like normal and their child.

By doing all these things to me, the entire point is to smear me and discredit me so others can get away with past crimes and continue to get away with things.


  1. Someone called into Coast to Coast AM the other night and said they were from New Jersey and lived near the old HQ for MK Ultra. If I recall correctly they implied that it was still going on, just more underground now.

    I've never completely understood what MK Ultra is. I'll have to do some more reading.

  2. Hmm. Thank you for writing. I'll look it up sometime. I didn't know there was a headquarters in New Jersey.

    Probably all over the place.

    I didn't even realize the U.S. CIA was domestic and not just foreign until 6 months ago. They supposedly even have an office in Seattle. At least that's what I was told.

  3. Here's a link to a recent "news" story about MKUltra. I'm not sure where you are with the whole UFO angle, but I found the story interesting.
