Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Double Jeopardy For Amy Bishop

This entire affair is apparent.

Amy Bishop has something on the government, as a government scientist, researcher, and person who probably had access to classified information, and she rebelled and instead of allowing her to get away with an appeal about how she was used in MK-Ultra experiments for several years, they bring up this accidental shooting that was already ruled accidental.

This is like Double Jeopardy. She was cleared, and it was done in a timely manner, and now she is suddenly going to be "uncleared" decades later, just because someone wants to beef up their case?

Just weird. THIS one has a lot under the surface. I intuited that the first time I read what happened. I knew there was a lot more going on than just surface stuff, which is why the number one profiler tried to come in and discredit her on everything. I mean, the very top of the top guys from Arlington, VA got on her case and started slamming her within a day. Why?

No one does this unless they are concerned about national interests.

1 comment:

  1. Amy Bishop was never charged in the first murder (her brother). The fact she is being charged and will face trial now does not constitute double jeopardy. One has to be indicted and given a verdict before double jeopardy kicks in.
