Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mother Falcon Attacks In NY & image

This article is like code. It makes no sense. Why would the mother falcon be "less aggressive in about 2 weeks?

It ends this way, with no explanation.

Seriously, it reads like some kind of WWII or Cold War telegram.

What's strange, is that it's Associated Press but there is absolutely no indication of who the author is.

I took note of this article because where I was staying, at my last apartment, the guy had a Falcon painting hanging up in the bathroom. It was the only art he insisted I have in my apartment. And then, I guess I wondered what the deal was because my Ex, kept telling me once we were married (if that was really the plan and it was not to find a way to put me in jail for something or who knows what)...we were going to NY. So who is in NY?

The whole "mother falcon" and NY thing, and then I have my termination trial coming up in about 2 weeks...and my son has "left the nest" (by force).

I will tell you what. There will be NO PEACE if I do not have a lawyer and do not get my son.

I had a bunch of totally illegal and obstructionist responses from lawyers over here, through CLEAR, who are supposed to HELP with legal stuff. I started to wonder who is on their board and where they get their funding, this "Justice Project". It has to be that there are old enemies on board, preventing me from getting any assistance that would be given to anyone else.

I am totally illegally being deprived of a lawyer for the termination trial and that is even separate from the other stuff.

My opinion? The Judge doesn't care because he's retiring and knows that even if there is a lawsuit, he won't be part of it because he has full immunity no matter what he does.

I need to pray and think harder about this Judge and Anne McIntosh and some of these people and see what God gives me.

Today I had only one impression or image and it was of a line up of police officers I thought, at first, and it wasn't like they were against me but there were only about 5-6 and I don't know where from. Maybe 5-8, I don't know. Then, I tried to get a clearer picture and then thought or wondered if they were firefighters but why standing in a line like that? or military, but I didn't see uniforms like that. But I saw some kind of uniformed line up of people on my side, I think, bc I didn't get that they were against me. But they were all quiet. it was either that symbolism, or it was that there was some group gathering where all the guys stood in a line and I just saw this for some reason. It was this afternoon, at about 12:30 p.m. or thereabouts.

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