Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hearing My Name Called As Little Girl

I have read a little of Edgar Cayce and then I'm reading now "PSI Spies" and about Ingo Swann and I can't remember which one heard their name being called and then their mother said, "I didn't say anything", but it gives me courage to say the same thing used to happen to me all the time when I was a little girl. Very little, so maybe that was the first sign of something psychic.

I would hear, "Cameo!" and then leave my bedroom and say "What?" I never heard anything except my name being called but it happened a lot. I would yell from my room, "WHHHHAAAT?!" or leave my bedroom and go over to my mother and say, "Why are you calling me?" and my mom would say, "I didn't call you. I wasn't saying anything."

I could hear it, and it's the only time I've ever heard something "audible" that really sounded out loud, not "in the mind's eye" or "in the mind's ear".

I never heard anything except for my name.

So I used to read about Samuel and how he thought his mom or dad were calling him, or Elijah? and kept leaving his room and was told it wasn't him but God.

I don't know if it was God, because I never got anything more than my name. But I guess it was either God or I was reading my mom and dad's minds if they thought my name in their heads or something.

I think one time, after my mom or dad said it wasn't them, I tried the Samuel thing and said, "Okay, what else?" or "Here I am!" and waited but nothing else ever came. I never got one more thing than just hearing my name.

Sometimes it was when I was listening to music, or other times just reading a book. I wasn't doing anything special.

And I wasn't schitzo either and certaintly no one ever thought that ever. It was the only thing I ever heard. Maybe more people can relate than I realize and just don't tell people.

It's probably not very common, but for those others it's happened to, I believe it because it happened with me too. And after reading about this Edgar Cayce, I think, having a similiar thing happen, I realized, this might just be something that happens to a few people now and then and maybe it's God or maybe it's somehow being able to pick up on thoughts of someone else.

My brother, when he was little, said he saw an angel. I always thought THAT was weird. I never saw anything. I didn't see anything at all, but one time, he said he saw one and even as a little girl I was dubious. My mother wasn't, because I guess the same thing happened to her when she was very young and there is nothing mentally wrong with any of us.

I remember being skeptical though, saying, "Oh, well what did it look like then?" and thought, even as a little girl, who knows how an angel is supposed to look. But he insisted and he was pretty young and my mom totally believed him instantly because it happened once to her.

I think it's easier to believe things that happen to you personally or to someone you know really really well. But anyway, I figured if this Cayce guy got something like that and other psychics or semi-psychics do, maybe it comes with the territory. The next time I heard something was really different about me was through the boyfriend who thought I had ESP and told me, when I was 16, and it freaked him OUT.

I not only predicted things that happened to him, with very good accuracy, I had these dreams of locations where I had not been, but HE had been. Like, he went camping with this girl and kept saying he didn't do anything with her. Well, ho ho ho, I had a dream to the contrary. I saw this whole location and what was going on and told him, sort of innocently and he freaked out. It happened a lot. Another time, he had told me to meet him at his house and then his mother said he spaced out and went out with friends. I had no clue which friend but I had this idea come to mind and I drove over there and he was shooting hoops. I marched over. All his buddies were very impressed and he said, laughing, he really did forget that he'd said to meet him. I guess I was 16 or 17. I didn't even know how to get to that house but somehow I drove the right way.

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