Wednesday, June 2, 2010

image of man in tan or copper? large SUV

I should document, about a week ago? or so, I was walking down the sidewalk and this man, brown hair, white, was driving a long SUV, I think on Wenatchee Avenue, and I think it was torwards the heart of town and he deliberately stared at me and did some kind of sucking a lollipop motion and drove slowely, I think with his family in the SUV, but with his whole head turned, and I don't know how to describe it other than this:

I later asked God about that man and I have no idea who he is, or was, or if he's from this town or not, but I saw an auto accident.

I saw him in an auto accident, in that same SUV. I saw it swerving and tilting.

I feel a responsibility to share this information in case possibly, a bad situation can be prevented. Maybe pray more, or ask God to prevent this from happening, and at the very least, make sure everyone is buckled up.

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