Saturday, June 12, 2010

images and impressions this morning

I was resting this morning and listening to worship music and got the following images:

One was after I was thinking about Munich, Germany and how my parents went there. I saw a ceramic or pottery thing of what looked like a Dutch or German boy? in either old fashioned Dutch outfit or sailor thing but it was ceramic like a gnome, one of those garden gnomes and it was sitting against a wall facing right and in a seated position with both hands up to drink from a heavy cup or mug with maybe no handles. The head was bowed to drink and the boy was of 3-6 years old in appearance I think. That was at sometime before 10:40 a.m. PST.

Then my thoughts all over the place and at one point, thinking of a couple people I don't really know but when to mind, I saw this huge lawn from my view, it stretched out the length of a football field or so and then all of these deciduous green leaved trees which were older, at the end of it. Just a view of all grass and then a dense row of trees and some behind too. All deciduous. At about 11:03 a.m. PST.

A brief flash of two men boxing with gloves on, but couldn't see who. Just waist up and that was at 11:08 a.m. PST.

Then, I asked God for something very special that would mean something to someone whether they were very poor or better off, just something that would be specific for them.

I don't know if this great, but what I got next was this:

A motion of turning from a chair or area and to the right was or is a couch and it was to the left and facing out to ...I'll have to draw it. I think a warm color or pattern but what I noticed was one pillow off to the side and then a bunch of necklaces lined up. They were laid out across the couch in a row and the one I was closest to or could see best, i think was closest to me on the couch and it was some kind of necklace with a pendant that was teardrop shaped but larger. And then they were all seeming nice necklaces of a woman and I don't know if a woman laid them out in a row or a child did. I got this at 11:12 a.m. PST.

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