Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Images & Technology Used To Induce Migraines

It has come to my attention that there have been some using technology to induce or trigger migraine. I had someone tell me about it and I decided to keep records myself, of the incidents.

Last night I went to ER and got this female doctor who is really argumentative and I told her, "I am not going to allow you to try to provoke me. I came here to be treated."

She was trying to get a rise out of me and then was trying to tell me she didn't know who I was and had never seen me before, when she did, and I knew she recognized me. She even tried to backtrack on what she was saying later.

When she tried to deny knowing who I was I called her on it, saying, you know who I am and you're lying to me and when you tried to lie, you looked down and then you looked to the left. She said, "I didn't look down" and she had. People do that when they don't want you to see their eyes because they are trying to conceal something and unless they are very practiced, they subconsciously do this. Usually, I might see someone's eyes darting around or to the left and not very often, looking down, but looking down or away, is a sign of avoidance.

One could look down if they are shy, or are avoiding confrontation, and I do this, but if someone is being direct and confrontational themselves and looking at you and then suddenly does this when you are questioning whether they're being truthful or not, there is a strong LIKLIHOOD that they're lying.
There was something going on in that room too. I didn't have the heating or benign twitching all day until I was in that specific medical room and it really makes me wonder. I left, and no more twitching.

When I was there, after she left, this woman, I closed my eyes and had an image of something mechanical or some kind of machinery. I don't know what it was. I first saw sort of a trianglular shape at the top maybe but it was more like the top half of a diamond than a triangle. It seemed thin and metallic like an embossment or sort of like a car symbol, but maybe flush against something.

Then, I don't know if this is connected or not, but after this, I closed my eyes again and saw some kind of a ball, that rolled back and forth quickly, like a metronome. The ball was somehow fixed or held in place and just rolled back and forth and then it sped up but in a perfect rhythm. I had the impression that the ball was black and maybe had writing on it or around it but I don't know, and it was hard.

It was some kind of medical, car, or other mechanical equipment.

For one minute I thought it was part of some kind of a dashboard to something so I wondered if it is part of controls or something on a plane or a helicopter or something, maybe even some kind of car, but I figured it might be anything.

It had the rhythm back and forth of a metronome sort of but then it went faster and faster after staying at one pace for a bit and then really fast, sort of, I wish I could remember how to describe musical time because that would help explain the exact timing of this object that I saw.

It wasn't a hallucination but it wasn't really an impression either. It was more of an image bc it was unprovoked and I had seen nothing like it or read anything about it so it came to mind as a mysterious thing, not something that came to mind bc I was thinking about things and my imagination was triggered.

That was the main image I remember getting. Otherwise, I had a few others, and more faces of people, but I don't remember enough.

I don't remember any dreams last night. I slept fairly well.

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