Friday, June 11, 2010

impression of Obama woman and other impressions

I looked up affairs and whether or not there was one I didn't know. Then I found stuff about some woman in the Carribean or who went there but when I had an impression come to mind about someone, it wasn't her. I don't think so at least, though there may be rumors. It was a brunette and similiar figure I think, but I was getting more of a Caucasian looking woman, with mid length to long hair and the photo of this one woman had her with short hair I think and curly. But I don't know. Just a vague impression of a brunette.

I am having a lot of problems in this town regarding getting my son back right now. I've also discovered some sick individuals have had access to my son and my son is suffering because of it. More brainwashing and my aunt and uncle are being intimidated by state persons and those who work with state persons.

I guess I'll write about another thing that I "got" today, or 2 things. I went to the police station and there was a woman there and from a distance I got the name "Donna", that she was close to a Donna. I asked her about it and she said there were 2 Donnas and one was a relative and one was a friend. Her name was Tami, the woman at the police place. I had the impression of something about an aunt for her and didn't know if that was the relative Donna and she said the relative Donna was like an aunt and she called her "aunt". I didn't tell her but I had some impression that this "aunt" had maybe watched her kids or something or something to do with children and taking care of ones who were not her own. The other Donna I don't know but it crossed my mind Donna Titleman but I am sure it's not her, it would be a strange coincidence. Then this police woman came in and she didn't appear receptive to my making a report. It was "Martin", a female. I changed my mind and then she looked relieved and I left. I turned back and went in and she was making fun of me with the clerks there, and sitting in one of the clerks seat. I said to her, "I wanted to let you know this is why I reconsidered making a report to you." She said what and I said "I just wanted you to know I know." So then I turned around and left.

Then there was this woman i see all the time but she was taking my fucking photograph with her phone and trying to make it appear as though she wasn't. At the same time, then going to the American Legion and sitting on the steps after this SUV of 4 people, 2 in camoflague hats, drive by laughing. I don't have a problem with her, but I didn't appreciate having my photo taken and then someone acting like I didn't know. She was holding her phone up with one hand as if to shield for lighting a cigarette, which she did, but she also took a photo and I came around and asked her how she liked her camera. She said, "I like it!" and I said, "So is the camera in the front or the back?" and she showed me and it was in the back where I thought, when it was pointed at me. I said, "That's what I thought, thanks" and left. Then I used a computer and phone at this one place which the woman knew I was going to use, and she made a big deal about my deleting the recycle folder, which had 77 items and I said, "You already knew I was going to do that." It was obvious and like some kind of a bet. I said, "So does your husband work in this firm?" and she said no and then I realized or "knew" she wasn't married and said, "You're not married are you?" and she said no, and asked if I was. She already knew the answer to that question. People don't need to play dumb around me.

I also discovered my "therapist" is sharing information between not only my housemate but persons in state offices.

I tried going to the women's resource center and one woman keeps taking my reports and does nothing about them. I'll say, "I want to make this report" and she sits there and does nothing. The first time she told me to put a timeline together and the second time I kept saying I wanted to get this report going and she did nothing and said she wanted to check on statutes first.

The person I am staying with gave me a large bottle of "Advanced Therapy" lotion on the same day that I had gone to visit the therapist, which was yesterday. She, in turn, had her own things going.

The director of this organization, which is supposed to help women, had tried to keep me out of getting help at ALL initially until I asked for public release records and got something in writing. There are a number of things that police, some of the state workers, and then people I've had to stay with or who are providing counseling, are coordinating with. My housemate freaked out when I told him I knew he was talking to Michelle Erickson about me. He didn't expect me to know that.

In the meantime, I have people trying to keep me out of any kind of normal housing. I have no one intervening to get me into my own apartment and back on the federal program, and in the meantime my son is being tortured basically, and the abuse is not coming from the Avilas but state coordinated workers and others who have nothing better to do than create distress. Along with a bunch of fuckers who are military and use their military or govt. connections for religious and personal reasons.

I have people here bending over backwards to keep me OUT of normal housing and I tried once again today and was refused even though there was no legal or right reason to refuse me. Everytime I brought up evidence, they didn't want to see it and said determination had already been made and resisted my even giving any evidence at all.

Ever since I've been in Wenatchee, I've been forced, literally, to stay and live with other people, who spread my personal information all over town and steal from me.

My aunt brought my son in to the visit today and I could tell, when they were driving by, from the look on my cousin Ivory's face, that things were not good. There are very bad things going on in this town and especially involving my son and no one is stepping in to prevent this from happening. It just continues and it's state workers and others who are involved so it's not like there is anyone to go to.

The people here are not normal. They're sick motherfuckers. And don't expect the Seattle FBI to do anything about it because more than half of them are corrupt too, or I just happened to get the ones standing in the way who want to refuse any documentation that I've ever been harmed in any way. I think it's time to get my NCIC file. What are those motherfuckers there covering up? for some reason, I get the feeling it was them who told Canada that I was so mentally ill. Others too, I'm sure, but I wouldn't have had some of the Canadians wondering why a whole SWAT team was out for me if it's not true. It would also explain why people are feeling like they can get away with abusing and harming me and my son.

Those people, those parents accused of abusing their own kids? The Wenatchee Sex Ring thing? So many went to jail and never got their kids back even when they were out of jail. That is the way this town runs things still, but they have people paying them and it's incentive because larger persons are involved and they're from out of the area too. There is absolutely NO way I will get my son back if I don't have someone from out of this area pitching in to help my get my evidence into the record.

Or someone with a lot of money who just decides to pitch in for some reason all on their own, without expectations other than knowing it will benefit people to help me and not hinder my son coming to me. Someone who is willing to buck what others say, who are total fucking idiots and have done far more damage than good.


  1. I think your one lightbulb short of a chandelier.
    One sandwich short of a picnic.
    Totally bonkers
    You're great at swearing also then you talk about God and scriptures.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I think we should have a cup of coffee together and start talking in really cool riddles.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    On a serious note, I am sympathetic to your confusion over complexity.

    I am not sure which religion you might subscribe to, but if it is Christianity or Judaism (both sourcing from the same vein basically), or even Muslim I guess (can't speak to Eastern religions bc I don't know enough)--I would remind you that if you are truly sincere, you are not unaware of balance.

    Peace at most costs, by most means, is peace acheived if not sometimes through force? If you have a group of people persecuting others, and over and over, the plea is for peace...if they refuse to choose peace, the only alternative to quit the suffering of loved ones is war, in the hope of thereby and then accomplishing peace, or, a "better peace" than was had before.

    (too long so see next post for continuation)

  4. If you are speaking about swearing and then God and scriptures, I would caution you to be wary of those who seem perfect, not that they are not out there, but having imperfections and being real shows an ability to show fault and not have the need to cover things up. Lucifer came as an angel of light, beautiful, perfect, good, divine almost, and yet, became Exxon-greedy with the adoration and praise and chose to exalt himself above God. On the other hand, you have Jesus, who drank with sinners in a bar, mingled with prostitutes and criminals, and yet still went to the temple to pray and prayed often to God. They said, "hey, that man, if he drinks in a bar and calls himself a holy man, he's a hypocrite. Oh yeah, and a drunkard." If he'd been a woman with children they'd have taken his kids.

    Then, this Jesus went over to some tables, in CHURCH, and did some tai chi. HIiii-YAH! and they said, "Your hi-yah interrupted MY hallelujah because I was just making some money off of doves you asshole." and they called the cops and Jesus took off down a back alley, found a small boat and decided to take some time off to pray.

    I think you want some kind of perfect image and if you want that, you can pray to a golden idol. It will NEVER talk back.

    In the meantime, remember the prophet who God bestowed great grace upon, who was pissed at being mocked all the time and finally had a bad day and said, "God! Send over some bears to eat up all those kids who are mocking your servant!" Some might say, today, "What an asshole. Wow. All over a bald head. SOME christian. That's a DEMON, not a man of God." Meanwhile, God is sicking a bunch of bears out to avenge someone that only God knows is faithful to him in spirit, at all times.

    Don't be quick to judge asshole. And yeah, guess what? Jesus SWORE. The only thing he didn't do, was take the Lord's name in vain as you have, in using your brrand of religion to justify whatever horrible thing you want to do as a favor to someone else who wants something that is not theirs.

    I think you might be one eye short. Or maybe, you keep your eyes on the soles of your feet and trample them in your pride over conformity.

  5. Hmm, one more aside on that note...
    There ARE also people who seem too good to be true, and they are also persecuted out of jealousy and an attempt to knock them down and muddy their reputation when really, they have nothing to hide, and they are truly a rarity and try very hard to do the right thing.

    I think I have the unique ability to see two sides of a good coin. And then you've got your phoney money, and lots of it and people like you are those I see in the game of life or on some kind of monopoly board, and you like to run the same familiar course and keep resorting to your "get out of jail free" card.


  6. I'm not the original commentor, but Jesus didn't swear. Don't even try to justify your behavior. You and Jesus are not on the same level.

  7. Hello Anonymous.

    Is this about "behavior" and justification thereof, or about mental illness?

    The first person, I think, wanted to blend the two as you also may.

    I didn't put myself on the same level as Jesus. Darling, you have it so wrong! Jesus, you see, put himself on the same level as US. He humbled himself, to become a man and to be human in every way.

    People like you want to say Jesus didn't drink wine. Or you want to say it was "watered down then" or something. One does not drink wine without becoming tipsy. Jesus didn't have a sip and a wafer. He drank a full glass of wine, with a bunch of people you wouldn't be seen dead around, and yacked it up, and they tried to blow it up and say he was a drunkard because maybe he was in the bar one too many times for someone's liking. You say Jesus didn't "swear". Really now.

    And you know this, because you were THERE. He yelled at religious men, calling them vipers and hypocrites and sons of...he called them HORRIBLE names! Jesus was calling people NAMES and you have no idea if calling someone a "snake" in hebrew, then, was like calling someone a female dog, a "bitch" in our time. You have no clue as to custom, but I would say, given the evidence and writings and descriptions of Jesus' "behavior", he was not just saying, "Stop it you jerk." "Heeey maaaan, I don't like that."

    Get real.

    He was a fuckin' sailor.

  8. I might add, the "big sins" are not what you might want to say determine someone's character.

    The big ones are being uncharitable, and, well, they're listed and you can look them up.

    You could probably give that dusty Bible another once-over.

  9. thought I would add this post abspeaking of swearing - Jesus Swore


    Subject: speaking of swearing - Jesus Swore
    From: "Tim White"
    Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 16:29:48 -0500

    Taken from HM magazine - The Insider Column by Staples Taylor:

    "Jesus swore.

    It's true. I was in seminary studying Greek and my prof was talking about how Jesus used the strongest language to call the Pharisees piles of manure. And so I asked my prof, "If Jesus used the strongest word for manure here, could we use the strongest word in our language to translate this?" He said, "Yes." You know I asked him - "And what is that word?"

    He gave me the correct answer. Speaking of, I work in the music industry. I've had my foot in and out of it for over 20 years now. The music industry is full of that word that Jesus said.

    out proof of Jesus' swearing:
