Monday, June 21, 2010

My Random Excursion & Warwick & Witch Stuff

Before I write about hit & run, I went for a walk from this one place that is next to a homeless shelter, and for recovering alcholicism and addiction. It's been a good place in general. So I was there and then wanted a drink so I left to walk for one and then after this I went to the dollar store and and after that, I went to, for some reason, this lighting shop, and looked around and noticed this basin that I loved, that made me think about my idea for a wedding bowl and it is about the right size and everything of what I sort of pictured and I wrote the model and everything down. Then I found some little lamps that reminded me of my style, and wrote the model numbers down and then I found a lantern that reminded me of the type I saw in my dream but different color, and I liked this one chandelier that was sort of interesting.

I talked with the woman for awhile and what was random was she said the basin I liked was virtually germ-free and my son had been talking about germs a lot today. And I picked out the one, out of all of them, that is most resistant to germs, unknowing that this is how copper is. It was, she said, "hammered copper".

So THEN I picked up some matches that were on the sidewalk, thinking I'll use them for candles, and then I went to a Chinese place bc I was hungry and bought an eggroll and liked this one Japanese painting of mountains and a windmill and a bridge with a man stooped over pulling a proud horse, and then I walked a little further and had to use the restroom and randomly went to this "wood" place.

Where, there were cookies and one cup set out for coffee and the man said it was fine for me to take and then he said he'd been better and I said, "Something about dogs?" and I got this impression that he was missing a dog he'd once had and he said instead he was babysitting 2 dogs. Then he added he'd had a dog a year ago but it died or something and then he couldn't have dogs because of apartment rules. So I look over the fence and there is one Corgie and one Scottish Terrier.

So I looked at those dogs and said, "Oh! Is this the corgi-mix from the mechanic's shop?" Because he said he was babysitting them and it sort of looked like this corgi mix I saw at a mechanics shop and he said, "No, this is a purebred." and I said, "Oh!" and the corgi walked away and he said she was insulted (he joked) while the terrier was just standing there staring at me. So! then I said, "what is her name?" and he said it was "peggy" so I said, "Peggy!" and then said the other one's name too even though it was already there so it didn't feel left out. Peggy came running and they stood there and I said, "Could I give them a piece of my cookies?"

I had oatmeal raisin cookies and wanted to drop a few small pieces over to them. He said probably not bc they had finicky stomaches and gave me doggie jerky treats to hand them instead. Peggy took over, and took it from hand and Josie wanted me to drop it and then moved away from Peggy.

I said to him after he said I'd insulted the Corgi, I said, "I didn't know that's what Corgi's look like." He said she was shipped over and everything and I said, "Well they say peole look like their dogs and I was thinking about the Queen's corgis and just thought they had a shorter body." and we were lighthearted about it and I said I didn't realize they were that long. I said "She's very alert and attentive". The terrier seemed sweet and alert. It was like the extrovert and the introvert.

So then i noticed this piano and asked about it and I was told it was some kind of coarsewood Oak and I liked the grain and then noticed there were 2 matchbooks in the top shelf of a cupboard.

One weird thing that happened...I was in the lighting shop and the first thing I picked up was this basin and looked at the name. It was "Maestro Bajo" and from a Native something or other brand.

Then, I wrote model numbers down of my lamps that looked like the kind of lamps I used to have when I had money. Then, I looked through this telescope and that was what was weird.

MY EYES! What is UP????

I pointed the telescope in the direction it was pointed already and looked through with my right eye first. I saw some Japanese light. Then I looked through with my left eye and saw a sign that said "WARWICK". So I moved the telescope over to my right eye again and then my right eye saw WARWICK even though I hadn't moved at all or pointed it differently. Then I looked up closer and noticed when I was looking through with
Short note...someone told this little boy to come over and look some things up, I think. Witch stories! So I let him look up too but not more than that bc I could tell there was someone who put him up to it bc he mentioned spells. Cute little boy, and he mirrored what I was doing with his hands and arms, and was friendly but I had to repossess my computer after he wanted to look up some story about heckedy peg, some witch that goes after children, and scary stories in the dark about an uncle. He was very cute though...I wanted to cut his nails bc they're very long. At first I thought he was looking up higgidy pig which is what he said. I asked if he'd been to Cashmere or went to school there and he said no, but he is wearing a Brian's Pizza shirt so that's why I asked. No wonder people were worried. I saw some people looking at the jeep parked outside and could tell someone was worried about something. Since it mentions an uncle and I've seen so many harassers go by

171 VLW Washington plates.

I am starting to think that some peopple might seriously, and literally, think I am a practicing Wiccan or something. I'm not. I have learned too, bc I've met some wiccans recently, that there is a difference to them between "witchcraft" and "wiccan". They're different things and I learned this. I think the mutual fascination is just about the supernatural. I thought this boy was very sweet. I just wasn't sure why he was instructed to do this.

I noticed we mirrored eachother with our movements though. If I had one hand under my chin and the other across the table, he was doing this in the reverse, but unconsciously, which is a good sign of symmetry or feeling comfortable with another person. It's a positive sign of body language.

His father also seemed very nice. I only put stuff down in case, I don't know, soemtone thinks something about me that's not true and I don't want anything to happen to my family either.
Oh, so, the basin I loved, was just beautiful. I wrote the model number down and then when I saw this whole wall of lanterns, none of them was like what I saw in my dream except a different one, which was in a separate area of the room, and it was white instead of gold, but the same design yet this one had 3 candles inside and I saw one. Also, the top handle was a little larger I think. This truck went by with "Coleman" on it and, and it was not a coleman lantern. It wasn't the color of one. It was a really beautiful lamp, SORT of like a coleman but more antique looking. It also had a tag hidden underneath it and I pulled it out to see the brand and it was completely hidden and it was turquoise and purple AND someone had marked it with some kind of symbol.
The hammered copper basin, with a lip, not exactly a "vessel" because this woman said a vessel is more of a bowl without a lip but I liked both the copper vessel in the photo but I had been drawn to the basin, and it was called "Maestro Bajo" by Native Trails and was a type of "old world vanity". I guess I didn't get the model number, but the brand has the name included.

The sign I saw about Warwick was 3602 Warwick, it said. I realized when I looked through with my right eye, my vision centered to the left, and vice versa. It went the opposite direction.

The twin lamps I liked, whh reminded me of my style, were by Currey & Company out of Atlanta, Georgia. I like the simple shade type and used to have huge old 1950s lamps with this classic form of base and then plain shade. I like simplicity with a sort of clay, pottery, or any material that is in a modern shape. I like disorted or curving bottoms with plain square or circular shades. 2280471 and then another number 6089. $167.20 a piece. Cheap. But I found even better pieces at thrift stores, with the original modern style of the 40s-60s and some funky bases.

Then, I noticed rock crystal for the first time. It said this goes back to the 16th century and I thought that this was sort of interesting as it's a form of unfinished or unrefined quartz.

The lantern that was most like one I saw in my dream was by Quorum International, which had the turquoise and purple tag and was hidden and then had some kind of black symbol marked on it. It was model # 767787 and then 733-3-66. I can't read my writing and think those 2 7s are 7s in the middle, not 9s but I don't know.

Mostly, I loved that basin and made me think, this is what I imagine. And then I could see these roses and the flowers and candles and everything, just looking at that bowl. Wait. Take that back. I liked it, and it is the same size I pictured, but as to everything else, I dont' know. It also, strangly, made me think of an infant baptismal. however, I've never seen one before.

1 comment:

  1. I asked if he'd been to Cashmere or went to school there and he said no, but he is wearing a Brian's Pizza shirt so that's why I asked. No wonder people were worried. I saw some people looking at the jeep parked outside and could tell someone was worried about something. Since it mentions an uncle and I've seen so many harassers go by

    You don't have to live in Cashmere or go to school in Cashmere to have a white Brian's Pizza shirt. He probably had a birthday party there. What mentions an uncle?
