Friday, June 11, 2010

My Visit With My Son

I think some people are trying to do great things for my son and protect him and then others are coming in to ruin everything. My son seems happy but he looks thin and has circles under his eyes and says he's not sleeping. He has been more affectionate with me so that's good, and he was very happy to have more time with me this week. I think it made a positive difference. I really do. He was happy about it and he takes it as a sign that HE is doing something good. Our visits should be increased exponentially. He also is happier when not in daycare all the time but getting one on one attention. Much happier. He needs to play with kids, yes, but being thrown in a daycare is not good. I believe he would thrive if he was back with his mother.

Today mainly we drew with crayons. He drew faces for me and he used his right hand but I felt maybe he was forced to use that hand. Because he was turning the pages of the notebook with his left hand. It seemed strained with the right.

Then he and I drew a boy next to a dog.

The dog looked like Clifford.

Someone brainwashed my son to say "Brown" was "Black" when it's not. He knows the difference too, so this was strange and also he drew the face a certain way, like he'd been made to practice over and over a certain way.

Then I asked him if he wanted me to draw a "candy house" and he said yes, happily. So I asked for his advice as to what kind of candy to use for the house. He said lolipops first so these were posts on either side of a door made of red licorice and the door was purple and blue gumdrops. Two lolipop windows and he wanted the house to be made of chocolate. sticks of gum for window boxes for roses. Two trees, one on either side and a peanut butter brickle roof and then I said what kind of path? and he said "gum" and I said this would be great for enemies because they'd get stuck. He nodded happily and then said, "And peanut butter bc they will get caught! very sticky!" and so I made a blue gum path with a yellow orange brown peanut butter path and then I said, "What kind of path for our friends?" and he said, "A slide!" and I said, "Slide down my rainbow, into my cellar door...and we'll be jolly friends forever moree..." and he nodded enthusiastically and said YES! So I made a rainbow path to the right and then he wanted a chocolate lawn.

Then we had the caterpillar eating it up. And sleeping in a basket too and then coming out, back and forth, to eat it up.

Then I asked him what next and I couldn't think of anything and then said, "A castle?" and he said yes after he'd said no to other things. So I made a chocolate castle with a flag with an O for Oliver and then a chocolate milk moat and 2 large windows where 6 little kids were peeking out. A tree. He had the caterpillar eating this too.

Then I noticed this string on the caterpillar I'd never noticed before, with velcro attachment. I attached it to the basket and then my son said to have the caterpillar "stand" and try to get to the chocolate so I would try and he'd hold the caterpillar back with the basket and said "you're trapped!" And the caterpillar kept trying and was stuck to the basket which was being held back. So then I had the caterpillar start to cry in a sincere way and my son had this beautiful response. He said, "Ohhh caterpillar, look..." and he unfastened the velcro and said to the caterpillar, "Look! You're FREE!" so the caterpillar went forth and began eating, oh, and Oliver said the caterpillar couldn't eat the castle and I said, "Okay then, a chair." So Oliver said yes, he could eat a chair. So I had the caterpillar eating the arm of a chair and saying, "Save it for me, I put my teethmarks in the arm of this chair. It's mine."

Then he had the caterpillar locked up again and fastened. Then

(...Oh I have to change this station, it's a Wenatchee christian station about the "lord who gives and takes away" and I think I've heard a little too much from hypocrites about that, and talk about how this is God's will when what is happening is immoral, illegal, and corrupt. GOD is not "giving and taking away" my son from me. Assholes are doing that. I don't praise assholes. I sue them and expose their shit all over the internet and will upload all the evidence online even if it's later than I want. Everyone in the world will still see what has happened. They will all hear Michelle Erickson's testimoney and how I was hung up on by a judge and refused counsel over and over and then given shoddy counsel and harassed.)

...So anyway, the caterpillar was tied up and then set free and this, over and over again, which was fun.

Then I asked him what to draw next and said "A factory?" after saying one of my castle turrets looked like a chimney smoke for a factory. So he said yes, a factory, and a chocolate factory. So I made this giant yellow factory that made chocolate things and had a smokestack. Then I drew items of chocolate on the bottom of the page. He told me what to draw. So he wanted a fence to cover up the items so the caterpillar couldn't find it and he kept trying to peek over the fence but couldn't find the chocolate and then I said someone had tried to run away with some chocolate bc they left fingerprints behind on the roof. I made it yellow so fingerprints would show up better. So then I was saying there might be chocolate underground in chocolate caves and a vein of chocolate running through the land. So I said lets dig and see if we hit chocolate. Which we did. We dug and found chocolate on the other side of the fence.

So mainly played with this and absorbed for a long time pretending things and then he got to take home a blue train which he loved. He took the pictures and mainly wanted the chocolate factory one but then I gave him all three and then he handed me one which I drew his calendar on.

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