Monday, June 21, 2010

Overheating On Computer & Hit & Run (against me)

I have overheating on my laptop right now. I also have babylon putting up an ad for "my my, hey hey". and "5 facts to lose belly fat"?

I get the weirdest and meanest ads from all these different sites. I mean, things that I'm not even writing about half the time, but might be going on specifically with me and then I get stuff about it or for example, stuff about "colon cleansing" if I just mention the word "princess diana" and that happened before I ever once wrote anything about colon cleansing or mentioned the ads I was getting.

I have a few things to ad about something I read last night too. A couple of weird things that happened in the area. So weird I cracked up laughing, because really bizarre, but not really funny, just so terrible it's funny.

And then I was also the victim of a hit & run last night and Wenatchee police weren't even going to come out and do a thing. I had to call FBI and I was surprised the guy cared, but he told me what to do, and then...Well, I'll tell the story in a minute.
I took a break and everytime I come back to the laptop, I have the technology stuff going on and my computer is totally overworking and it's not "psychic". It's technology and even my music slowed down and would clip out and then I had problems with the pacman.

So really, instead of wanting less trouble, it seems like some people, amazingly, want more. Go figure.

One of the things that happened, around the time I was getting the word "marge" was that, according to the paper, a fight broke out between a brother and sister over whether to use butter or margarine. It was local and Judge Hotchkiss, MY Judge, got that case on the 10th of June.

So whether "marge" was about Marge Simpson, or someone in particular, or marge for margerine, I have no idea, but I know the sister was making macaroni and cheese and her brother asked if she was using butter or margarine and they into a big fight over which one to use and she stabbed him in the neck. I didn't have anything to do with that, but I may have intuited it what was going on. I would have to go back and look. I guess Judge Hotchkiss put out a warrant for her arrest for failure to appear.

This truck went by with big spools of red and then black rope. That's not what I got in my image about bi or tri colored rope. And it wasn't in spools standing up like large spools of thread, it was wrapping around like climbing rope or how a hose is wrapped up, on the side of a house. It was smaller in scale. It was being used by someone.
Then, right next to this article about some big blow-out over butter...well, and I have to say, all of a sudden I THEN understood why people were looking at me so strange when I kept aksing for BUTTER for my bagel. It was after this happened and other people must have known about it but I didn't and I kept asking for butter for my toasted bagel and the cashiers were freaking out and looking at me and then looking at eachother strange and saying, "You mean cream cheese?" and I said, "No, I want butter." I guess they decided not to argue over it. Then I'd go over and ask for a little more butter and they would just look at me, and hand the butter over in total silence, staring...staring....

Yeahyyyah. That's ME. The Butter Bungler. I put a "spell" on butter vs. margarine. I guess I've lost all my credibility with some of the Officers in town, because I like the fat in butter and don't want to save on calories with ParKAY. Now the Israelis are mocking me on babylon over "belly fat" again with their "5 facts to lose belly fat" ad that just came up again, and YES, I DO have belly fat (Just teasing about that, and I'm joking in general though the butter-marge story is true). I don't know. Mabye she was the one who wanted margarine and got a nickname of "Marge" and that's what I got. Who knows. But I didn't put a butter bewitching on someone.
Then, right next to that article, there was something about how a mouse set a whole building on fire.

It chewed through electrical wires to a jukebox and caught on fire and while blazing, ran to it's next inside of a piano where it exploded and caused combustible material to ablaze.

The firemen found the rat at the site of its nest. It happened in Yakima, Wa. It caught the entire Veterans of Foreign War Legion Post 390 building to burn down.

They said it was very unusual for a mouse to start fires or be the cause of any kind of fire at all.

I did not "do it". Either someone else prayed for it or cast a spell that worked or something or it was a natural act of God.

I read both of these articles, side by side, on the night of the hit and run. It was published the day before I guess but I didn't read it until someone tried to run me over and RAN into me phsyically and took off, and then I went to the house next door and called police. The man who let me use his phone had the paper on his table and I picked it up and that's where I first read all of this news. I don't keep up on all the Wenatchee stuff.

But that same night of the hit and run, I got a lot of threatening messages from people, at the bookstore, and the ventilation system had broken down over the weekend. Saturday and Sunday it was totally out and broken bc of "mechanical failure" and on Sunday I had people giving me veiled threats. Partly, tinged with weird stuff about the royal family. Like I was interferring for writing any of the things I got from books or the Bible, randomly. If anyone thinks it is my "doing" they need to take it up with others and maybe God too. I don't control anything and I am not God. I am also not the devil nor have I have cast spells or done anything of the sort, on people or things. If something bad happens to someone who knows they are an enemy to me for some reason, it is because of what God did, not me.

I also think that someone had police monitor that bookstore to see who was approaching me or talking to me, not to help ME, but to discover other things possibly to help OTHER people who might even be against me. I had a lot of questions from someone about where people talk to me and where I sit and everything. It would not be difficult to put a hidden camera just about anywhere.

So I had some of the clerks, even, doing this, on the same night that this guy tells me I'm a "slut" and trying to throw the Queen Elizabeth rose tag at me, and I was walking back and noticed this black sedan following in the background. Then it came up, made a turn, and then turned down to come towards ME.

They parked there, at the stop or intersection and only after I began walking across the road, from the sidewalk I was on, to the other side, did they THEN take off from where they were parked, lurching aroudn the corner after having seen me there for some time and just sitting until I was finally crossing. The man wore a baseball hat and yelled at me, "WOOOOW" and the woman yelled, "GET OUT OF THE WAY." She didn't mean get out of the way, out of the sidewalk. They saw me there and had followed me there.

Then, they proceeded to fucking RUN INTO ME and hit my body with their car. Then they just took off. The plates were 197 WST and when I called it in to the Wenatchee police, to Rivercom, the guy said "WST as in William, Sam, Thomas?" and I said yes and he got the numbers and letters and then the Officer said he wasn't coming out. It happened on the corner of Palouse and S. Cleveland.

So the guy totally RAN INTO me and I called police and they said they weren't coming out. They said they weren't coming out, or taking any reports from someone by the name of "Cameo Garrett". On a fucking hit and run. Then, I later thought, AFTER talking to the FBI, that sounded just like what the FBI woman told me once and then I had this Wenatchee guy repeating the same thing. I was told it was Officer Boltz. That's what this man whose house I went to said, that Officer Boltz told me to go over to the station if I wanted to, but he and no one else was going out for a call from me. I couldn't believe it so I called the FBI to report the fact no one was taking the call.

So then some guy from the FBI said "Did you call 911?" and I said "No" and I hadn't because the one guy asked me not to and also I didn't have lasting injuries. The side of my body was hit and I put my hand on the hood to push it off, but that was it. So the FBI said, "That is an emergency and an attempt on your life and you have to report that to 911."

Well, some good that did me over in Seattle and Bainbridge when I had an attempted poisoning several times. I mean, I'm sort of desensitized to the point that if an Officer is swaggering towards me, I don't know if that might be a bigger threat than getting hit by a car.

But at least this time, what the FBI said to do was right and he said, if you call 911 (so everyone else knows) it doesn't just get sent to Wenatchee or local police but also to Seattle police so there is more accountability. SO if in doubt about local enforcement, I guess call 911 for documentation that is broader. So I DID call and I don't know who I got but the person tried to say to call local or if I wasn't hurt no big deal. Then, I said, "It doesn't matter that they didn't run my feet over, because their car FORCed me off of the road. It was still a threat and a potential attempt." So finally they had someone call who ended up being, of course, after I finished reading about The Butter Battery and Suicide-Terrorist-Rat, I get...of course.

The Wiccan. I got Tim Wiccan. I said, "Wiccan? like WicKHAN, or WICCAAYN or Wiccan?" and he said "Wiccan." I said, "Okay," and then he took the report and gave me a number.

However, I have a lot of people still


of my getting my son back and a lot of other shit and YOUR message from ME
is to get the




I have all these people obstructing justice, and lying, and not doing a fucking thing to correct it. AND, working overtime to keep me down and totally TRASH me and make it look like I am a bad person or manipulative or crazy or have some weird agenda when I don't.

If you have a problem with God wanting to do ANYTHING "GOOD" in my life, YOU are going to have issues and already DO have issues and YOU need to BACK THE FUCK OFF and allow GOD to decide what is good and right.

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