Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Parnell Is Running WVC Says Doctor

I forgot to mention, this female doctor I saw last night, who has been argumentative every time I've seen her and tried to refuse to treat me, she told me that I was no longer going to receive Vicodin at "this institution" on the orders of Dr. Parnell. I said, "So Dr. Parnell is the one in charge of this 'institution'?"

I said, "Dr. Parnell was one of the individuals who made a false claim to CPS about my son and he knew it was false." He was also one of the very first, or the first doctor, to repeatedly try to submit slanderous information into my medical chart. He was the one claiming I was drug seeking and that I rambled about being "raped by the FBI". He didn't just put that information into the record once, but twice, after other doctors sort of were dismissing it after awhile and it was getting buried, he brought it up a second time and put it on the top of the chart so no one would miss anything.

One of his nurses made one complaint, and it was thrown out, but she reference HIM and he was part of it and made comments too.

He claimed I went to ER without my son with me, and wondered where my son was. That was the whole complaint. And so I was harassed when my son HAD been with me and I never left him to be babysat by anyone and even if I had, why would that be of concern to him? So I had actually gone to Wenatchee police to see about making a report of a knowing false claim, because I felt it was harassment. CPS threw it out. When the police refused to investigate and said they were going to allow false complaints against me to continue, I realized I would get nowhere here and left for Canada. My son and I were being refused objective medical treatment, refused normal law enforcement protection and due process to protect our rights, and then someone had a gang of some kind get involved to cause problems which affected my and my sons health. That was after we first had witnesses see all of the vandalism and break ins and harassment on my property.

It sort of first began, vandalism, in Oregon, but then a few people in Wenatchee were key contributors with connections to people in Oregon and I think wanted to keep running me into the ground so that I didn't have a chance with the rest of the community, who might have given us a fair shake, and were doing so, until all the defamation increased and the refusal to treat my migraines and pain caused me so much distress I was either in tears or irritable.
The other

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