Friday, June 18, 2010

Pills Are NOT Vicodin

I do NOT know what this stuff is, but it is NOT Vicodin. I took just 1 of the 2 and saved them and the Dr. had said, "We'll give you what we've been giving you the last 3-4 times" and I do NOT think this is Vicodin at all.

It was stupid of me to take even ONE but I figured if that's what was given in the past, I would see if I was right about it not being Vicodin.

It's not. It sort of makes my tongue numb too. Vicodin or hydrocodone doesn't do this.

I have not had any Valium.

I just do not think this stuff is Vicodin and I'm saving the rest of it to be identified by someone else at later date.

If I didn't notice it wasn't Vidodin before, it was because I actually got Vicodin a few times or because with the combo of the shot of ergotamine I couldn't tell as much.

But this isn't hydrocodone and I would feel the effects if it were because I don't take it on regular basis.
Also, I WAS being given some kind of birth control or medication while with my fiance and all of these things affected me.

I should not have my rights taken from parenting when I've been put on and off drugs without my CONSENT and KNOWLEDGE.

I cared about my Ex, but I know he or those he was with had me on something like at least birth control and Michelle Erickson even eagerly called me from the NW the ONE time she called, to ask if I was "taking something". I am sure I was being given something in my food because my periods totally quit and then they came back after he left.

Then, depending on who I was living with, same thing. And I am not in "menopause." I've been experimented with, just as my son has.

I was also given something when I worked at my job at The Post Pub and then when I became pregnant, I was taken off or they quit giving me stuff, and all of a sudden, then people wanted to make things up and say I was nuts.

I had to have been on birth control because I kept being asked when I was going to go on it and I said I didn't want to because I didn't want horomones to affect my system. So I insisted on the other form of bc at all times.

Probably, some of the things I may have been given, possibly helped me after what my son and I went through because over there, I saw far too many high end military and doctors for people NOT to know.

I continued to call my Ex, because I was afraid. The only time people left me and my son alone was if HE was with us. Or with ME. Otherwise, I was left wide open and my son too, to any kind of attack or assault. I think my Ex cared about my son at least and possibly me momentarily here and there, but he wasn't always honest.

And the people I'm dealing with now are not honest and they are horrible.

I look back on what was going on and how I almost went to jail and was being set up, and how I was on meds, and not getting care or being punished or rewarded if I did this or that, and it makes me wonder about the entire situation.

I think my Ex really did love me at some point. Maybe a tiny bit. I probably cared more, ended up caring more. I was always faithful. Never cheated, and always honest except for one thing, signing the papers because I felt I needed more time. It wasn't a "no", it was that I was nervous to rush into things. But I wasn't playing a game. I was serious. Yet I look back now, and how this woman popped into his life when she did, and I even TOLD him I thought she was a honeytrap. I felt someone put her into HIS path to keep anything good from happening. I knew it without a doubt. And I saw some of the people who had a part in putting her there, that same night, on the dance floor, on the East Coast, and then my Ex came to Wenatchee and people tried to do the same thing here if he wasn't already done.

I think he was probably genuinely and sincerely conflicted at one point. That is what I believe.

But there were a lot of very bad, VERY bad people, trying to destroy anything and everything and make people who would be "better", worse. I am not kidding. There were some VERY bad people. I am extremely lucky, extREMELY lucky, to even be alive. Part of that luck is not luck but because of people looking out for me. Some of it, was sheer pure God. Like when the boulder appeared out of nowhere on the road and my bus hit it and everyone on it almost died.

I have had serious attempts made on my life. And I think now, it is maybe that even my enemies, while maybe even hating me so much, they have seen how many times God rescued me they are nervous of doing anything, which is wise and good, because I do think God cares a lot and have kept us alive for a reason.

I am doing my best to figure all of it out. But I am not the only one who has been deceived.

There are layers in my life, of enemies. Who hates me and why. Some of it is so local and just normal petty stuff but magnified. Normal, like anyone would go through. Another layer of enemies is probably for a totally different reason. And then there is this very strange layer, that is a really big deal, and I haven't been able to put my finger on it. Because it's not just one group or situation.

Most Wenatchee people, in GENERAL, a lot of them, if I have problems, it's normal small town pissed off people stuff. It would be a kind of normal layer. But there is more to it and that is what makes it difficult for others to understand.

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