Saturday, June 12, 2010

Prescription Glasses Screw Up

My prescription glass were supposedly not right by the first place, where the optomitrist did the evaluation, at Shopko with Glenn Isaacson, and then I went to Evergreen for frames and to have them sent out to a lab. They came back wrong.

Evergreen said they are "right" according to their specifications and then I took them back to the Shopko a second time and I was told they are "not right" and it is a difference of opinion.

Not only that, I guess my name goes to the lab where the work is done and some supervisor, probably a professional, medical professional or some kind of jail guard, is the one to receive it.

I don't know where the problem happened but it was just back and forth and I've never had a problem with glasses before. I've had them for years, in Oregon, since I was 21, and always had great prescriptions.

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